Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy September -- Closed Monday -- Taranis Winter Challenge

A few notes here before I post the leaderboard.

CrossFit Lions Bye Bye Summer Bash
When: Sept 18th
Time: TBD - not sure if we are going to do a day or night party
Where: Party will start at the gym and potentially continue up at the Knight Riders joint or perhaps a local watering hole. More details to come.
Cost: $500.00 -- I thought I would continue with the alarming CrossFit trend of overcharging for every event. I figure getting to crush vodka sodas with me is worth at least 5 bills.

60 day Paleo Challenge 
When: Sept 9th ( Next Tuesday)
What: It is recommended you look into the whole 30 challenge for your guideline. Basically what I want is for people to make a decision on what fuel source they are going to go with and stick with that plan for 60 days. The athletes that have gone past our last 30 day challenge into the 60 plus days really saw big gains in their fitness and body composition. Knight Rider, Eddie, Jenny to name a few. More details on this to come. 

Labour Day
We are open as usual on Saturday but are closed Monday. If you are a someone with keys who plans to come in the gym to workout on Monday please post on the blog. There is no formal classes but if you want to workout check the blog and see if anyone is planning on coming in.

CrossFit Taranis Winter Challenge
CrossFit Taranis, our sister gym in Victoria (or at least I think of them that way), is hosting their second annual CrossFit competition on November 6 and 7th. A large group of us went last year and had an amazing time. There is the individual workouts on Saturday and the team workouts on Sunday. As long as you meet the minimum standards they have on the link above you are free to enter either individual or team. If you aren't sure if you can do everything there, ask me and I will help you decide or give you the workout so you can try. On the team side of things, there is no limit on how many teams each gym fields. Though as of right now only 20 can register, that may increase if the demand is there. As of right now Ainsley, Nick, Annie and Scott have registered a team and I have registered to undermined teams. The team events should be lots of fun and like I said we can get as many teams as we want so hopefully we don't need to do any tryouts. If you are interested in being on a team leave a comment on this post and we'll see if we need to get another team or not. You can do both the individual and the team comp and I strongly urge everyone who is even thinking about it to buck up and sign up for it.

Squat Clean Thruster and CTB Pullups Leaderboard
1. Ains 8:31
2. Annie 8:44
3. Roe Roe 9:17
1. Solo 6:12
2. Scott 6:18
3. Pie 7:31
4. Arash 7:46
5. Ant 7:56


  1. ok Coach, put me in...just registered for the individual....gah i'm already nervous!! Robyn!!??
    i'll be on a team if there's space:)

  2. So the bbq is during the 60 day paleo challenge?? That will be difficult...

    Unfortunately Matt and I are out for the 18th, it's my sisters wedding and I guess it takes priority over a crossfit party...

    I will let you know about the paleo challenge...obviously the 18th would be an exception, and I am also spending 2 weeks in Toronto at hotels for work, and it's halloween. Yikes. However I know how good I felt last time....

    Who is committing to it??

  3. ahah Ohh Roe HERE we go !! :)

    I want to be on a team, also Im in for the Paleo challenge. Im away the 18th, so cant make Knights.

    Also If anyone wants to workout with me Monday the Holiday.. I will be there at 9am :)


  4. 60 days this time? Ok I'm in, can't hurt seeing as I have a wedding in Hawaii to go to. Still trying to decide about the winter challenge but might sign up for the individual.

    Jenny, are you doing it?

    Robs, I'll most likely be there on Monday :)

  5. Just curious if the Challenge starts on tuesday or wednesday the 8th???
