Tuesday, November 2, 2010

No Classes This Saturday -- Oly Lifting Class Tonight

For those of you competing this weekend in Victoria, this will be your last workout before the competition. Don't have your foot all the way down on the gas for this workout if you are going to Vic this weekend. Keep the body moving and the deadlifts lights.

Reminder to everyone that there won't be any classes this Saturday because myself and all the coaches will be in Victoria for the Winter Challenge. Sorry about that. Not offering classes is not something I take lightly, nor do I want it to happen often but this weekend can't be avoided. 

Reminder that Chris Schaalo's Oly class is on for 6pm tonight. 

Wednesday WOD: 

4 rounds for time:
10 Strict Knees to Elbows
20 Burpees
30 Jumping Squats
15 Light Weighted Deadlifts

Then Rest 5 min

1500m row for time

Your score is your total time it takes to do both workouts

Wednesday Leaderboard
1. Ains 17
2. Andy 16
3. Kim 14
3. Bods 14
5. Annie 13
5. Nory 14
1. Solo 17
1. Nick 17
3. Garden 16
3. Sager 16
3. Darren 16

1 comment:

  1. Hey all,

    Dropped in to Crossfit Amsterdam last night. Took 6 mins off my Filfy Fifty, but the didn't do it the same as we did at the Den. The Dutch version of Jumping Pullups was tough.

    Good luck to all in Victoria this weekend, wish that I could be there.
