Monday, November 30, 2009


This is a long video, but interesting look at the popular diets on the market right now. Now a lot of the conclusions here aren't really that applicable to us as the study was done with middle aged obese women but there is still value and it's worth a look at.
We are going to go over the pullups, pushups, situps and squat and make sure everyone is doing each of those movements as efficiently as possible.

for time:
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
You must complete 1 exercise before you move onto the next.

"The Beast" Leaderboard
1. B 16 rounds
2. Annie 15 + 2 power snatches
3. Robyn 15
3. Roe 15
5. Hatty 13
1. Bunches 16 ( I gave Garth the victory here because he did the WOD at RX weight with single arm sdhp and single arm snatches)
2. Pie 16 + 3 SDHP
3. Akio 16 + 1 SDHP
4. GC 16
5. Chris 13+2 Snatches

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Beast

Back Squat 3x3
“The Beast”
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
6 Burpees
6 Power Snatch
Guys use 65 lbs and gals use 45 lbs for the SDLHP and power snatch.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Double WOD for Saturday

WOD 1: 
Double Unders
Rounds in 8 minutes
3 Squat Snatches @ 95/65
10 pullups

Friday Leaderboard 
1. Annie 20:48
2. Hattie 28:40 (She even ran w/t a 14lb medicine ball)
1. Solo 20:30
2. Ant 24:15
3. Jaybay 26:10
4. Oz 26:21
5. Kyp 27:27

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Metcon Friday

 Lets earn that weekend folks. This will be a good one. Look forward to seeing you.

Barbell Lunge 5x5 per leg

4 rounds for time:
40 squats
20 KB Swings red/yellow
20 Push Press @ 95/65, no rack
1 medball building lap

Strength Day

A1. Bench Press 6x5, 90 sec rest
A2. Power Clean 6x3, 90 sec rest
B1. Thruster 5x5, 60 sec rest (choose a weight that allows you to move quickly through the movement)
B2. High Box Jump x10, 60 sec rest
C. DBall Situps, 10 per miniute on the minute for 5 minutes
What do these letters mean? It means you spin back and forth between A1 and A2 with the given amount of rest between. Once you complete that you move onto to the B super set. I'm probably not making sense here and its midnight so if you don't get it I'll explain tomorrow. See you then. 

Deadlift Pullup Ladder Leaderboard
1. Annie 11 + 3 Deadlifts
2. Roe 11
3. Robyn 10 + 7 pullups
4. Dimples 8+9 Deadlifts
1. Bunches 13
2. Solo 12 + 8 pullups
3. GC 11+ 8 pullups
4. Monkey 11 + 6 Deadlifts
5. Tymac 11 + 5 Deadlifts

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Deadlift Pullup Ladder

We are going to continue to play with force rest workouts. Today its a ladder. I want everyone to really pay attention to their form during this workout. Flat backs, chest proud. If your form breaks down, I am going to cut you off the workout. Don't be upset if that happens, getting you injured is just unacceptable as far as I am concerned.
Would like to welcome Dan, Katie and Risto into our classes. If you are a "senior" members please take a second to introduce yourself to the new kids and make them feel at home. Cheers.
Work up to a heavy single
Deadlift + Pullups Ladder
Do one deadlift, one pullup on the first minute. Two deadlifts and two pullups on the second minute. Keep going until you fail. Deadlift weight is 50% of your max.

"8K Team Row"Winners
Ladies Team: Hattie and Robyn 35:35
Mens Team: Pouja and Dan 32:08 (nice work newbies)
Mixed Team: Annie and Monkey 32:57
Single: Ant 27:49
Little Ladies: Dimples and Bombshell 38:45

Monday, November 23, 2009

Team 8 K Row....Yes that is not a typo

1 strict press, 2 push press, 3 push jerk x 5 
How much weight can you complete.
"Team 8K Row"
In teams of two you are going to row a combine 8000m row. You may break this up between as you wish. Lowest time wins.

Monday Leaderboard
1. B 4 + 10 frontsquats
2. Robyn 4 +25 burpees
2. Roe 4 +25 burpees
4. Hattie 4+5 burpees
5. Annie 4
1. Bunches 5+5 squats
2. Monkey 5+5burpees
3. Kioks 5
4. Ant 4+6 burpees
5. Connie 3+25 burpees

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New CrossFit HQ WOD....sort of

Strict Pullups 3xmax 2min break between sets
Rounds in 15min
25 burpees
15 Front Squat 115/75 (you must clean the bar from the deck)
I love Jason Segal and I thought this song was hilarious. Enjoy it. 

Friday, November 20, 2009

This one should be fun


1 min at each station w/t a 1 min break between stations
KB Swings: Yellow/white
GHD Situp: two hands touch the ground
5m jump rope walk/skip 
Repeat for 3 cycles. Total reps win

"The Chief" Leaderboard
1. Annie 22 1/3
2. Robyn 21 2/3
3. B 17 2/3 @ 85#
3. Lammy 22 1/3 @ 75#
3. Hattie 24 w/t girl pushups
1. Solo 28 1/3 (Great work Matt)
2. Kioks 22
3. Jaybay 20 1/3
4. Knight 17 1/3
5. Ant 16

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"The Chief"

Power Clean 
"The Chief"
rounds in 3min:
3 power cleans 135/95
6 push ups
9 air squats
Rest 1 min and repeat for 5 cycles

"Knees Overhead" Leaderboard
1. Robyn 8:25
2. B 10:08
3. Hattie 11:10 w/t knees to chest
4. Dimples 7:36 45#, knees to chest
1. Ant 10:28
2. Jaybay 10:43
3. Connie 11:51
4. Rick 12:37
5. Oz 13:30

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Good Luck Ainslie -- Knees Over Your Head

Good luck to Ainslie, who leaves tomorrow to compete in an ironman in Mexico. She has been training very hard for this and is hopeful for a good race. This I believe will be her last ironman and once she returns she will be in full swing CrossFit, so watch out ladies as you will have a new fire breather to compete with
A funny note on the guys side today. The two top times were done by guys who are just coming off messed up hands. Both could barely hold the medicine balls. Nice work boyz.

Overhead Squat 4x2 
"Knees Over My Head"
8 rounds:
8 Overhead Squats (no rack) 95/65
8 Knees to Elbows 
Back Extension 3x12 
"Kelly" Leaderboard
1. B 27:02 
2. Hattie 31:05
3. Robyn 32:16 
1. GC 28:20
2. Solo 29:25
3. Evil Kyp 31:07
4. Chris 25:48 w/t 12# ball

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Ring Dips 3x15, 2min break between sets
5 rounds for time
400m run
30 boxjumps 24"/20"
30 wallballs

Death by 10m leaderboard
1.Robyn 16
1. Hatty 16
1. Lammy 16
4. Teens 14
4. Boomer 14
1. Kioks 20
2. Connie 18
2. Pie 18
4. Jaybay 17
4. Tymac 17
4. Solo 17
4. Hugo 17

Monday, November 16, 2009

Max Clean and Jerk and Death by 10m

Clean and Jerk 6x1
"Death by 10m"
10m shuttle run on the minute every minute. How high can you go? We will start at minute 5.

Tabata Something Else Leaderboard
1. B 460 (gym record....pushups weren't quite at RX but still an unbelievable total. Great work)
2. Robyn 378
3. Annie 331
4. Dimples 304 w/t knee pushups
4. Lammy 373 w/t purple band
1. OZ 367
2. Tony 364
2. Solo 364
4. Rick 346
5. Tymac 337

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tabata Something Else

For those of you who participated in the Big Dawg Challenge on Saturday, check out the this video of Rory, who I believe is a Marine, doing WOD#2. This guy post crazy times and now I can see why. 
Reminder to everyone who is wanting to go the CrossFit competition in Victoria needs to send their registration information and cheque to CrossFit Taranis. Check their website for details and hit on the competition link.
Also pencil in your diary that we are having our Christmas Party on Saturday Dec 19th. Young Executives will be playing and the cost is $10.00. All are welcome. 
Squat Snatch w/t dowel only
"Tabata Something Else"
20sec of work, 10 sec of rest for 8 rounds of each exercise. For example you will complete 8 rounds of tabata pullups before you move on to the pushups. Total reps win. There is no additional rest between exercises.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Class Times as per usual tomorrow

I know there was some confusion out there about tomorrow. Some of us are doing a workout before the normal classes but there will be a 9 and 10am class tomorrow available to all.
Those of you doing the Big Dawg Challenge see you tomorrow at 7:45am for the first workout. We can then get a sneak peek at the fourth WOD as the 9 and 10am classes will be hitting it.
"Big Dawg WOD #4"
For time;
50 walking lunges
20 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 ring dips
25 wall balls
30 GHD Sit Ups
30 KBS - red / yellow
75 double unders or 150 single skips

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Front Squat + 400m run -- Sat OPT WOD

Howdy y'all. I've mentioned this to a few of you already but for those who don't know a few of us are going to tackle the OPT Big Dawg Challenge #2 this Saturday. OPT (optimum performance training) is a gym in Calgary run by James Fitzgerald that has been doing these online challenges now for the last few months. It consists of 4 workouts, 3 done back to back and the 4th done 4 hours later. If you are new to CrossFit you shouldn't attempt this this much work in one day. We will do the first portion of the workout at 7:45am and the second at 1pm this Saturday. Check this link for workout info.

Max Front Squat
5 rounds for time:
10 Front Squats @ 65% of your 1 rep Max
400m run

Thursday Leaderboard
1. Robyn 11:18 RX
2. Hatty 11:37 RX
3. Annie 11:45 RX
4. B 12:29 RX
5. EM 16:50 35#
1. Murder 9:56
2. Solo 12:29
3. Connie Chung 12:48
4. Pouya 13:33 ( Pouya's first class WOD. Congrats buddy on a job well done. Welcome to the family)
5. Knight 15:16

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Twiggy in the Sun and HSPU

Check out the Vancouver Sun Article on Andra aka "Twiggy".

Nice work on the double WOD today. For tomorrow we are going to spend some time working on the HSPU and the greater stength element of CrossFit. In this WOD you will find that you are going to come to muscular fatigue very quickly with the strict press. Make sure you pace yourself through this one. All situps are unanchored. 

If you are already strong in the HSPU then we will get you on the parralettes and see how deep you can go. 
100 Strict Press For Time 65/45
Each time you have to break the set up you have to do 10 situps to begin the next set
"Remembrance Day"
1. Robyn 15 min RX
2. Annie 12:29 w/t purple band
3. Twiggy 15:16 w/t purple band
4. B 15:56 w/t pruple band
5. Hatty 15:28 w/t green band
1. Scott 11:19 RX
2. Solo 12:50 RX
3. Jaybay 16:12 RX
4. Evil Kyp 18:09 RX
5. Banana 18:30 RX

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Remembrance Day Class Schedule

9am and 4:30pm classes for tomorrow. That seems to work for everyone's schedule tomorrow. If it doesn't email me at and I might consider offering a few more. If not see you at either class.
5 rounds for time:
10 ring dips
10 KB Swings
10 pullups
7 min break
"DT Light"
5 rounds for time:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Mens weight is 95 pounds, ladies weight is 65 pounds

2000m leaderboard coming tomorrow morning.

Monday, November 9, 2009

2K Row

Sorry posting a picture for the leaderboard as its past 11 right now and I need to go to bed. Hope everyone enjoyed "Boxers Fracture" today. As stated the one arm motions would not be something we would do as a ongoing basis in terms of programming but I thought it might be fun to try. Today we are going to get back into some lifting followed by a 2k row. 

Back Squat 5x3
Power Snatch 5x3
Ring Dips 3x15
2k row

Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Boxers Fracture"

Happy Monday y'all. We are going to start this week off with a workout inspired by one of our top athletes Geoff Clements aka GC. As you may or may not know GC broke his right hand about a month ago and almost immediately got his ass back in the gym to train. We have basically been subbing movements for him daily so he can do the workout.....well not today sir!!

Single Arm Deadlift
"Boxers Fracture"
Amrap in 20min:
10 Single Arm DB/KB Push Press
10 Single Arm DB/KB Squat Cleans 
20 Walking Lunges
Now since GC is right handed and that is the hand he broke, everyone can only work with their non dominant hand.

This should be a lesson to everyone. Injuries in the gym and in life are unavoidable and in fact if you never get them you probably are being too cautious in your training. If you are injured, no matter what that injury is, you can still come into the gym and get your work done. I am always happy to find a proper sub for any workout if an injury doesn't allow for you to do the workout as prescribed.
Reminder to everyone about the CrossFit Winter Challenge in Victoria on Dec 5th. 3 workouts on Saturday followed by a kick ass party. There is a great crew that have already committed but we want to take as many people as possible. Let me know if you have any questions about it. CrossFit Taranis website has all the info.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Team WOD

Team WOD: 
In teams of two complete amrap in 20min:
5 thrusters 95/65
5 pullups
One partner must complete the couplet before the next can begin
"Fight Gone Bad" Leaderboard
1. B 343 (Gym Record!!)
2. Robyn 283 (Personal Best)
3. Mel 240 ( First Time, PB)
1. Graham 352
2. OZ 332
3. Jabay 297

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

"Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds w/t 1 min break between rounds
1 min at each station for total reps:
SDHP 75/55
Box Jump 20"
Push Press 75/55
Calorie Row
Total Score wins.
"20, 10" Leaderboard
1. Annie 5:10 RX
2. Robyn 4:18 @ 85#
3. Roe 5:23 @ 85#
4. B 3:51 @75#
5. Dimples 4:49 @ 75#
1. Monkey 3:28 RX
2. Connie Chunge 3:41 RX
3. Oz 4:26 RX
4. Dean 5:33 RX
5. Jaybay 3:11 @95#

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Power Clean and Burpee

Strict Pullups
5x 3 reps per set. You will explode up, rest one second at the top, 3 seconds to go down, rest 1 second at the bottom. Repeat 3 times.
Power Clean 135/95
Today will be the start of our new burpee standard. From now on with your burpees you are have to raise your hands completely straight above your head, no more clapping. Offcourse you still need to jump.

Humpday Funday at the Den

A1: Push Press 6x3 60 sec break
A2: GHD Situps 6x12 sec break
B1: 200m run 120 sec break
B2: Building lap 120 sec break

I will explain this format when you get in here. Its based on OPT's training program and definetely has a lot of value.

21,15,9 Bodyweight backsquat + Ring dip Leaderboard
1. Robyn 10:08 RX
2. Annie 5:23 bodyweight squat w/t purple band on ring dips
3. Twiggy 6:37 bodyweight squat w/t purple band on dips
4. Roe 5:48 @ 115#
5. Hatty 8:53 with 145# and purple band on dips
1. Kioks 7:55 RX
2. Evil Kyp 10:36 w/t bodyweight and bar dips

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bodyweight back squat

Check out Chelans trailer of a movie she filmed this summer in Calgary. Not sure when it will be released but will keep you posted. 
Back Squat 5,5,4,4,3,2,1
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Body weight back squat
Ring Dips

"Helen" Leaderboard
1. Robyn 9:26 RX (Gym Record!!)
2. Annie 11:25 RX (Personal Best)
3. Roe 12:18 RX (Personal Best)
4. Dimples 16:24 RX
5. Hatty 12:42 w/t band
1. Solo 10:19 RX
2. Jaybay 10:30 RX
3. Evil Kyp 10:36 RX
4. Dan 12:08 RX
5. Dean 12:23 RX

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Helen & Christmas Party

Hope everyone had a good time on Saturday night...I sure did.
The Crossfit Lions Christmas Party is going to be on Saturday Dec 19th at the gym. Oz, Knightrider, the Duke, Baker and Murders band are going to be playing. Cost will be $10.00 with all the proceeds going to the band. Members are welcome to bring as many friends and family as they like. We will have some appetizers and a signature drink for everyone but if you would like to bring a bottle or a few beers/cider for the party you are welcome to. Party will be starting at 8pm (ish).
Hang Squat Clean
3 rounds for time
400m run
21 KB Swings red/yellow
12 Pullups