Friday, November 13, 2009

Class Times as per usual tomorrow

I know there was some confusion out there about tomorrow. Some of us are doing a workout before the normal classes but there will be a 9 and 10am class tomorrow available to all.
Those of you doing the Big Dawg Challenge see you tomorrow at 7:45am for the first workout. We can then get a sneak peek at the fourth WOD as the 9 and 10am classes will be hitting it.
"Big Dawg WOD #4"
For time;
50 walking lunges
20 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 ring dips
25 wall balls
30 GHD Sit Ups
30 KBS - red / yellow
75 double unders or 150 single skips


  1. Super proud of everyone that hit that workout today! Good Job - Hattie

  2. Who wants to workout tomorrow ???haha Joking.
    That was awesome today !!! thanks guys :) have a great weekend and see you Monday.


  3. That was a lot of fun today. More stuff like that to come for sure.Next Bid Dawg challenge we will post to video so its legit....and I"ll make sure I post the right workout. What an idiot.
