Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Results -- Reminder of June 6th Event and RSVP

If you haven't RSVP for the June 6th Event, next Saturday, at the DEN please do so. Even if you have told me in person, send me an email so I have a hard copy. Saturdays workout will be posted on Tuesday. For all those attending they should plan out their week to take Friday off so they are nice and rested for Saturdays WOD. Enjoy the sun. If you want to rent a boat give me a call 604-839-0296. All CrossFit Lions members get 10% boat rentals.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Saturday -- Fun Day

First off, great work on the "Chief" today. It started with the 7am crew working their ass off. Garth, myself, Monkey and Akio hit it at 11am today with Garth dropping down 29 rounds to lead the day for the males ( and I believe he has set the lower mainland mark for that workout). The ladies did equally well with Dimples taking the ladies title with 23 rounds at 55#. The Video will be posted sometime next week so watch out for it.
Saturday WOD:
5 rounds for time:
10 KB Swings
10 KB Clean and Jerks
10 Fat Bar Pull ups
10 Jumping Bar Musle ups
10 ring leg ups
1 backwards run
Here is a video of OZ and Connie Chung rowing their 500m yesterday. OZ set a gym record with a 1:26 pull.

OZ rowing a gym record 1:26 on the 500m row...Connie Chung is there also. from CrossFit Lions on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Chief

This workout I believe is a CrossFit Vancouver original and they hit it yesterday at their box. This one is one of my favorites. Banana is going to be video taping the afternoon/evening classes so get in here and be a part of it. Great way to earn that weekend.
Tech: Power Clean

Wod: "The Chief"
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
Power Cleans 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute
Repeat for a total of 5 cycles

This is a video of one of my favorite CrossFit All Stars, Bionic doing Barbara with Chest to Bar pull ups. These pull ups are quickly becoming the CrossFit standard and after the CrossFit games in July I will guess that most affiliates will make them RX.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Max Bench Press -- 500m row -- Video Workout

Workout for Video will be in the afternoon classes on Friday. Unfortunetely Banana had some technical difficulties with the last footage he took for last months video but I've been assured that will not happen again and Fridays footage will be up by the following week. Get in here and it should be fun.
Thursday WOD
Tech: Max Bench Press
500m row
3 min rest
500m row
Can you stay within 5 sec of your first row time?

Two records, both awesome but I think I would rather be like the rower. Though that blond beard is pretty money.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Knees over my head

Monkey and Connie Chung going after "Twins" today. Awesome work by everyone. I was really impressed with the workout load that people were putting out their today and lately. Hard work is starting to really pay off with a lot of you. Also would like to congradulate Rob Shannon for dropping 15 pounds so far since he's started at the "Den".

Wednesday WOD:

Tech: Work up to max double of Overhead Squat

WOD: "Knees Over My Head"
8 rounds:
8 Overhead Squats (no rack)
8 Knees to Elbows

Enjoy this video bellow. Its rather long and was posted on CFV's website a few days ago and I thought it was a cool angle at healthy eating. One interesting point is about the necessity of fat in terms of brain cells and brain function. This guys only a journalist and doesn't pretend to be anything else but he is fucking on his shit it seems. Post your thoughts to comments.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Tuesday's WOD is a new CrossFit HQ workout that came out 5 days ago. Looks like fun so we are going to give it a holla.

Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:

750 meter Row
20 Handstand Push-ups

115 pound Thruster 20 reps
20 L-Pull-ups

You have to finish two rounds of the first couplet before you move onto the second one. If you don't have an L pull-up you can do strict pull ups, if you don't have a strict pull up you can kip. If you don't have a HSPU than you will do a heavy push press.


3 rounds for time:
800m run
50 situps
50 Back Ext

Tech: Back Squat 5x5
Reminder that June 6th is our Affiliate Cup tryout day/party. All are welcome regardless if they want to come to Aromas or not. Please email me at if you want to come on June 6th as we are going to have multiple heats. You need to RSVP by May 30th. Thx.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wow todays WOD was a long one. Hope everyone enjoyed it. Have a great weekend. If anyone wants to rent a boat this weekend give me a call at 604-839-0296 as I will be working Lonsdale Boat Rentals Saturday and Sunday.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Circuit training....CrossFit Lions Style

Kioks Running his last 800m run from CrossFit Lions on Vimeo.

This is a video of Kioks running his last 800m on Thursday. You will have to excuse the shady camera work of our in house video/camera man Banana. Also as you will see I'm pretty sure I can take sandals no less.
Saturday WOD:
5 Burpee Pull ups
10 Ring Dips
15 Broad Jumps
20 Pull ups
25 Single Arm D Ball Slams
30 Push ups
35 KB Swings
40 Wallballs
45 situps
50 double unders/150 skips
45 situps
40 wallballs
35 KB Swings
30 push ups
25 single arm D Ball Slams
20 Pull ups
15 Broad Jumps
10 Dips
5 Burpee Pull ups

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Deadlift Day

Just a reminder to everyone that we are having our affiliate team tryout on June 6th at the "Den". Likely a 10am start time. Please let me know if you are wanting to go to Aromas and compete in the affiliate cup. Regardless everyone is welcome to come on the 6th. CrossFit Vancouver is now also going to be joining us and using our workout that day as 1/3 of their equation for who represent them. They were the original CrossFit gym in Canada and will be boasting some badass athletes that day I'm sure. Should be lots of fun and I want you all their. It will be followed by a BBQ and party.
Big congrats to Kioks and the Duke for dropping down their first ever muscle ups today. Great work.

Fridays Workout:
Max Single Deadlift
Max Double Shoulder Press

For those who have worked their ass off this week this should be a nice strength recovery day so get in here before you head out into the sunshine.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CrossFit Football WOD

Connie Chung; Dimples doing 5rounds 5 sdhp, 10 squats, 15 lunges from CrossFit Lions on Vimeo.

Hope you enjoy this video of Connie Chung and Dimples taking down yesterdays SDHP WOD. Great work by both of you. Tomorrow I will post Kioks last 800m run video. His first 800m today was at 2:14 and as all of you know that is with a turn around and our fricking hill at the end. Unbelievable performance by him today. Also props to GC who got second place with all four of his 800m under the 3min mark. I would also like to congradulate Knight Rider who was at the golf course today sucking down beers in the sun. Solid work.

Tech: Muscle Ups
WOD: "CrossFit Football"
10-1 Power Cleans and Pull ups
You do 10 power cleans, then 10 pull ups then 9 power cleans and 9 pull ups....etc.

RX: 75% bodyweight

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Run, Run, Run, Run

Great work today on the quick hit workout. I think that bad boy snuck up on a lot of you. I must admit I am very happy with the results and everyone effort today. It was exactly what I was looking for. All out hell for less than 7 min of work. Loved it. Congrats to Kioks who beat Connie Chung by 2 sec for the title. Also congrats to Dimples who took the ladies championship today. She is also getting close to her first pull up which is awesome.

Wednesday WOD:
4 rounds of 800m run
Rest as needed between rounds
Total time wins

Below is one of my favorite Olympic Weightlifting videos. Notice how fast their hips are through the transition. After watching this video how can anyone say that these two lift should not be in every human being workout program. Crazy that the general public has completely gone away from the Clean and Jerk and Snatch.

Front Squat + short quick hit

Howdy everyone,

Hope everyone had a nice long weekend. We are welcoming everyone back with a strength day and a quick hit sub 7 min workout on the end.
6 sets of 2 rep Front Squat
weighted pullups/muscle ups (your choice here on what you would like to work on)

5 rounds for time:
5 SDHP @95#
10 squats
15 walking lunges
This workout is a sprint. So when 3,2,1 gets called you give it all hell.
Reminder the new schedule takes effect today. Afternoon classes are now at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bombshells Obstacle Course

Reminder the Saturday Classes are now 9am and 10am.

"Bombshells Obstacle Course"

Saturdays WOD:

5 rounds for time: ( I will try and explain this as best as I can)

2 cartwheels

run to the end of ramp

grab medicine ball and run back

2 cartwheels

grab medicine ball and run to end of ramp

drop medicine ball

Box jump obstacle course

Squat shuffle to each point(there will be five points relatively close together)

Pick up DBall

10 DBall slams at each point (same five as the squat shuffle)

run to end of ramp

10 burpees

run around building

grab KB or DB at bottom of ramp

KB or DB overhead walk up ramp and then back down

Drop KB or DB

Sprint up Hill

That is one round.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Choose Your Weight Wisely Little Ones

5 rounds:
8 hang power snatch unbroken
8 handstand push-ups unbroken or 8 strict press unbroken
15 double unders unbroken or 45 skips unbroken

Once you start from the hang on power snatch, you may not set the bar down.Once you kick up for handstand push-ups, you may not lower your feet back to the ground.If you trip on double unders, you must start back at rep one. If you fail on any of the reps you must start that set again at zero. Example: if you only get 6 hspu or strict press on round 4 you must rest and then try and redo that set. If you have to lower the weight mid workout you can but your score is going reflect the weight you ended with not started with, so choose wisely.

!!Schedule Change!! Holliday weekend schedule -- Garth Fran Video

Garth Ripping Fran from CrossFit Lions on Vimeo.

Please take note of a schedule change for the afternoon/evening classes and the Saturday classes. This takes effect this Saturday and starting next week.
I have already discussed this with most of you but here is how the new schedule is going to shake down.
Monday - Friday Classes will be 4:30, 5:30, 6:30
Saturday Classes will be 9am and 10am
This schedule change is in reaction to the large majority of you having a tough time making the 5 or 6pm classes on time and most who were hitting the 7pm would have been able and preferred to have a 6:30 class.
In terms of Saturday the 9am will allow you to get your workout down early and your weekend on the go.
Holliday Weekend Schedule:
Saturday 9am, 10am
Sunday Closed
Monday 9am

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thursday WOD -- OUCH!!

First off congrats to GC who set a gym record for FIGHT GONE BAD today of 333. That a boy. Props to OZ who as expected dominated the bench WOD. I would also like to congradulate him for further f*cking up his knees on his Maui vacation. Way to go. Reminder to scroll down and get the info for our CrossFit Games tryout on June 6th at the DEN.
Thursday WOD:
3 building laps
30 pullups
30 back extensions
30 jumping squats
2 building laps
20 pullups
20 back extension
20 jumping squats
1 building lap
10 pullups
10 back extension
10 jumping squats
For the jumping squats you are going to be squating bellow the pullup bar, go down for a full squat and then jump up and touch the pullup bar on each rep.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Power Clean + Bench Press

We are going to do a good power lifting day on Wednesday.
Bench Press 8,6,5,4,3,2,1,1
Power Clean 3,3,2,1,1,1,1
Here's where it gets interesting. You are going to total up all your weight on each set for your total score. That means there is no dogging any of these sets. Good warmups are going to be needed.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Squat Pull + Sit

21 DB Snatch one arm
21 DB Snatch other arm
21 Pull-ups15
DB Snatch15
DB Snatch
15 Pullups
9 DB Snatch
9 DB Snatch
9 Pull ups

Compare times to Feb 22nd 2009 workout. This is a good one. Enjoy.

I need to put a call out to all you Canucks fans who are letting your fitness slide during these playoffs. We had a better turn out today but want to see more of you in here going to war. Get your ass in the gym and train. At the very least on the off days. Same thing goes for the summer time as that is about to start. Its 1 hour out of your day to keep yourself in tip top shape.

CrossFit Games Qualifying and Party

CrossFit Games Widget

Okay boyz and girls I have registered a team for the affiliate cup at the CrossFit Games in Aromas California (1 hour outside San Fransisco). The 1st day of the affiliate competition will be held on Friday July 9th. The top five teams will then compete in a winner takes all event on Sunday morning right before the mens and womens final for the individual competition.
First off with the affiliate cup competition, this is much more about having a good time than it is about winning. All the workouts can be scaled down to suit any individuals levels which means any athlete can and should try out for the team.

Teams are made up of at least two men and two women and then you can have an additional two people of any sex that make up your 4-6 person team. There will be between 1-3 workouts on the Friday and only 4 athletes can workout in any given WOD. Each workout will be a team workout (ie. Do 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats with only 1 person from the team working at a time.....stuff like that).

How can you qualify for the CrossFit Lions Team? We are going to hold a try out day for the team on Saturday June 6th. We will have two separate workouts with at least a 1 hour break in between workouts. Workouts to be announced on Monday June 1st on this site. Following the workouts on Saturday assuming the weather is good we will have a BBQ at the "Den", if the weather is no good we will take the party to Cactus Club on Pemberton. It will be BYOB but all are welcome even if you don't want to go to the games.

A few notes here:
Chelan and I will be trying out for the team even though I will also be making up the workouts.
CrossFit Lions is incurring the cost placing a team for the Games however you will be responsible for your flight, hotel and costs.
Proposed Itinerary will be to fly out Thursday night July 9th. Compete on Friday July 10th. Stay and be a drunk spectator for the individual competition on Saturday and Sunday. Some people might want to spend an extra day or two in SF on the way back and that is up to them. We will be renting a car and staying in Santa Cruz for the weekend.

This is a great weekend that I guarantee will be an awesome time for all who come. If you don't qualify or don't want to be on the "team" you are still more than welcome to come down and join us for a great weekend and cheer on the CrossFit Lions teams and all the individuals from Canada competing in the individual competition Saturday and Sunday.

If you aren't here for the qualifying Saturday workout but would like to try out for the team let me know and you can do the workouts earlier that week.

Email me if you are interested or post thoughts to comments.

Monday - Its f*cking raining

Monday WOD:
rounds in 20min:
5 burpees
10 shoulder to overhead (press/push press/push jerk/split jerk)
15 back squat

Friday, May 8, 2009

Paleo Diet / Caveman Diet

The CrossFit dietary prescription is as follows:Protein should be lean and varied and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.Carbohydrates should be predominantly low-glycemic and account for about 40% of your total caloric load. Fat should be predominantly monounsaturated and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.

Calories should be set at between .7 and 1.0 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass depending on your activity level. The .7 figure is for moderate daily workout loads and the 1.0 figure is for the hardcore athlete.

What Should I Eat?In plain language, base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar. That's about as simple as we can get. Many have observed that keeping your grocery cart to the perimeter of the grocery store while avoiding the aisles is a great way to protect your health. Food is perishable. The stuff with long shelf life is all suspect. If you follow these simple guidelines you will benefit from nearly all that can be achieved through nutrition.

The Caveman or Paleolithic Model for NutritionModern diets are ill suited for our genetic composition. Evolution has not kept pace with advances in agriculture and food processing resulting in a plague of health problems for modern man. Coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity and psychological dysfunction have all been scientifically linked to a diet too high in refined or processed carbohydrate. Search "Google" for Paleolithic nutrition, or diet. The return is extensive, compelling, and fascinating. The Caveman model is perfectly consistent with the CrossFit prescription.

What Foods Should I Avoid?Excessive consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates is the primary culprit in nutritionally caused health problems. High glycemic carbohydrates are those that raise blood sugar too rapidly. They include rice, bread, candy, potato, sweets, sodas, and most processed carbohydrates. Processing can include bleaching, baking, grinding, and refining. Processing of carbohydrates greatly increases their glycemic index, a measure of their propensity to elevate blood sugar. What is the Problem with High-Glycemic Carbohydrates?The problem with high-glycemic carbohydrates is that they give an inordinate insulin response. Insulin is an essential hormone for life, yet acute, chronic elevation of insulin leads to hyperinsulinism, which has been positively linked to obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, blood pressure, mood dysfunction and a Pandora's box of disease and disability. Research "hyperinsulinism" on the Internet. There's a gold mine of information pertinent to your health available there. The CrossFit prescription is a low-glycemic diet and consequently severely blunts the insulin response.Caloric Restriction and LongevityCurrent research strongly supports the link between caloric restriction and an increased life expectancy. The incidence of cancers and heart disease sharply decline with a diet that is carefully limited in controlling caloric intake. “Caloric Restriction” is another fruitful area for Internet search. The CrossFit prescription is consistent with this research.The CrossFit prescription allows a reduced caloric intake and yet still provides ample nutrition for rigorous activity.

Post thoughts to comments.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Here is Banana ripping the first two rounds of Dead Chop today. Great work from all who tackled this grip ripper. Time to work that sprinting boys and girls.

Fridays WOD:
3 building laps
2 min rest
3 building laps
2 min rest
3 building laps
2 min rest
3 building laps
total time taken is your score.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Dead Chop"

Booomer, Dimples and Devine putting their weights away after Fight Gone Bad. Thank you ladies and great work tonight.
Thursday WOD:
This is a quick burner that will test those sprint pathways and your pulling muscles.
"Dead Chop"
5 rounds:
10 Deadlift @ 185
10 Kettlebell Chops (per side)
10 Pull ups

I also wanted to open the conversation to see how all the members are feeling about the gym/programming/my training methods and knowledge. Leave comments on this blog or if you don't feel comfortable with that you can tell me in person or email. Your feedback is appreciated. By the way to leave feedback on this blog you can chose anonymous at the bottom if you don't have a blogger id. Cheers

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Snatch Balance --- Back Squat

Banana and Karen ripping Fight Gone Bad today. Great work from all on this workout. Congrats to Connie Chung who improved his FGB score from 209 to 272. Money.

Wednesday workout:
-Work up to a heavy single of the "Snatch Balance"
-5x5 of the back squat

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

Okay boyz and girls Fight Gone Bad is back. Get in here and get after this one. I know the Canucks are playing but come for the 7am or the noon or the 4pm if you absolutely have to watch the game.
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We've used this in 3 and 5 round versions. The stations are:
Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Row and Clean

"Row and Clean"
3 rounds for time:
500m row
10 DB Squat Cleans
Congrats to Andy and Joy for qualifying for the 2009 CrossFit games. Joy finished 1st place for the women and Andy finished in second spot. Both train out of CrossFit Vancouver. Super stocked to see them perform in July.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Great work on the Ladder today

Saturdays workout is a makeup day as per usual. 10am and 11am classes. Congrats to Leila for completing her first class. Well done mon ami....inside joke.