Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tabata Squats

Max Clean and Jerk - work up to a max, this can be either a power clean or squat clean. Once you have reached your max you will perform 3 more clean and jerks at 75% of that number.
Tabata Squat
20sec on, 10 sec off for 8 rounds. Lowest total in any given round is your score. No butt balls aloud.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Plank of Death

"The Plank of Death"

In teams of two or three (to be determined at class time) you must complete x amount of Burpees, KB Swings, Pullups and Wallballs. The number is to be determined at time of class again dependent on the team size. Only one person can work at a time and here is the rub. In order for an athlete to complete the reps at least one partner must be holding in the plank position. This was a real hard hit on the planks last time we did this one.  See you at 9 or 10am.

Leaderboard to follow

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jumping Pullups and Box Jumps

Back Squat 5x3 w/t 60 sec rest
Ring Dips 4xmax reps w/t 90 sec rest

rounds in 20min:
20 Jumping Pullups
20 Box Jumps 20"
2 Hill Runs

No leaderboard today as everyone's weight was different for the Turkish situps. Nice work though everyone.  

Push Jerk and Split Jerk Elbow positioning

A few of us in the 4:30 yesterday were discussing the elbow position of the split jerk and push jerk. Garth liked to see the elbows in a push press position and I thought they should be closer to the front squat position. Turns out Coach Chris is an adiot and was wrong. The G.O.A.T was at the Olympic lifting cert this weekend and re-enforced Garth's stance that the elbows should be in a push press height so you can get more of that vertical drive.

We will go over the split jerk again next week so I can make sure to correct the coaching flaw I gave some of you. Sorry about that.

SDHP and Turkish Situps

Congrats to BB Guns for taking the overall title on todays workout. The gym record for that workout is 10:02 by Steven Bunches but remember he did his squats outside. I think B could get close to that. Next time it comes up hopefully the weather is better and we can do the whole thing outside. This is also a perfect example of a workout you can do when you are away. Pick any distance as your run and add in 50 airsquats and you are good to go. 

Beginner - Kipping Pullup *
Veteran - Muscle Snatch + Full Snatch (time permitting)
SDHP @ 95/65
Turkish Situps * *
* Unless you already are comfortable with the kipping pullup, than you can work on your Snatch
** For the Turkish situp, which is the bottom portion of the Turkish Getup you will choose a challenging weight.

"400m run and Squat" Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 11:07
2. Ains 12:13
3. Rocket 12:50
4. Hattie 13:14
5. Mel 13:19
1. GC 13:09
2. Bayday 14:08
3. Digger 16:29

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Jaybay

First off happy birthday to Jaybay. He turned 31 yesterday. Its his day off today but make sure you let him know how old he looks next time you see him.
Today we are going to tax the legs a little bit. Its also supposed to be dry today so....

Split Jerk 5,4,3,2,1
four rounds for time:
400m run
50 air squats

Unbroken KB Swing Leaderboard
1. Hattie 4:41
2. Annie 5:11
3. Mel 5:43 ( in future would like KB to swing up to full extension at top)
1. Solo 3:35
2. GC 4:05
3. Pie 4:11
4. Jaybay 4:23
5. Knight 5:47

Monday, January 25, 2010

OPT Workout

Today we are going to do another OPT original workout. As you know I am a big fan of his programming and I love the look of todays exercises and how they are paired together. Watch out for a heavy leg day on Wedensday. Yeah!!!!

A1. Bench Press @ 30X0; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 20 sec
A2. Dead Lift @ 55% 1Rm - 6 sets of 3; rest 120 sec
B1. Clap Push Ups amrap x 5; rest 60 sec
B2. High Hang Power Clean; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 60 sec
21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps for time - Unbroken KBS - black/red*
*you have to have at least a one second pause between sets. If you fail to get them unbroken then you must redo that set. 

Monday Leaderboard
1. Hattie 16:31 RX
1. Ains 16:31 RX 
3. Annie 20:45 RX
1. Jaybay 21:55 RX

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Monday

Great work to everyone who tackled the Big Dawg Challenge on Saturday. It was a fun day for sure and I hope we can get even more people competing next time.
We are doing the .com workout today. Another great one that is coming out of HQ lately. The thruster weight should be heavy. If you are easily rolling through the 7 thrusters than you need to take the weight up. If you are not RX than we will chose our weight based on our 3 rep max. 
Thrusters - 3 rep max
Five rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
7 Thrusters 135/95

Friday, January 22, 2010

Saturday WOD

This is for the 9 and 10am classes

20 bodyweight front squats
1 mile run
15 bodyweight front squats
800m run
10 bodyweight front squats
400m run
100 abmat situps

Big Dawg Challenge - Normal Saturday Schedule

First off there is still the 9 and 10am classes going on for those not participating in the Big Dawg. Okay here it is. You have 5 hours to complete these three workouts. Gym will be open from 7:30am to 1pm for you to complete the three workouts. I have two video cameras we can use but please bring others if you are wanting to tape it.  Its up to you on how much rest you want to give yourself.

3 sets of 15 OHS

2K row and AMRAP Double Unders in 10 minutes

50 CTB chin ups
50 push up burpees

- workouts have to be done in this order
- you have a 5 hour time limit from start of OHS workout to finish of chin up/burpee workout
- OHS - when taken from rack, bar has to stay overhead until reps are complete; rest as needed b/t sets and in set, video taken from side; ass to grass (I will be very picky on depth for this one), there must be ONLY 3 sets for max effort for 15 reps, please be honest on this; for weight lifted
- Row/DU - row has to go first to completion of 2K; for time and reps
- chin up/burpee - chest to bar, chest to deck, clap overhead with body at upright full extension at top (no bending over at top with clap), chin ups first all 50, then burpees; for time

- wod 1; points/placings awarded for highest load lifted in # for 15 reps in one set (i.e. 185# x 15 beats 115# x 15)
- wod 2; points/placings awarded for highest double under reps and low time for row (i.e. 2 workouts to score, 1 for lowest row time, 1 for highest double under reps)
- wod 3; points/placings awarded for lowest time (i.e. 3:30 beats 4:30)

- if you can in one set perform 15 OHS with your bodyweight, score a sub 7 min row, and perform wod 3 under 4:15; you will move onto Sunday; all of these criteria have to be met in order for you to move on.
- if you can in one set perform 15 OHS with 65% of your bodyweight; score a SUB 8:00 row, and perform wod 3 under 8 minutes, you will move onto Sunday; all of these criteria have to be met in order for you to move on.

This page is for Q and A ONLY!; I'll post another page for scoring later.
I'll be around all day to answer the best I can.
Remember "full effort is full victory"

If you can, PLEASE make ONE post like this only on scoring page:
Name (full name and blog alias)
BWT in #
WOD 1 highest load in #
WOD 2 row time and DU reps
WOD 3 time

I will post another page for comments and thoughts as well
There will be this page for Q and A
Another page for scoring as above
Another page for comments/reflections

Coaches Choice -- Big Dawg Challenge

Sorry for the lateness of this post. I got home from dinner at 11:45 last night and for the sake of the morning crew needed to go right to bed. Nobody likes a cranky Coach Chris.
WOW!! is all I can say about the Back Squats going down yesterday. I don't know if there was any athlete in the Den that did not put down a personal best for the day. We had a new female gym record, with Hattie putting down a 225 back squat. She felt so good on the lift that while going for 235 she thought she would switch it up half way through the lift and try it with no hands. From now on we will call the no handed back squat the "Hattie". Love ya :)

"Coaches Choice"
Because a lot of you are going to be hitting the OPT Big Dawg Challenge tomorrow and because its Friday I am going to give different workouts to different athletes. If you have a particular skill you would like some coaching on let me know and I'll do my best to put it in there. As usual I will likely base it on your weaknesses and where we can improve, unless you are doing the challenge and then you will be half WOD style, nice and easy.
More info on the OPT Challenge to come. As soon as I know more I will post our schedule. Stay tuned.

Back Squat 1RM Leaderboard
1. Hattie 225 Gym Record
2. Roe aka Guy Shorts 205 PB
2. Annie 205 PB
4. Mel 175 PB
5. Tanya 165 PB
1. Solo 335 PB
2. Bunches 315
3. Goat 305 PB
4. Digger 255 PB
5. Laps 205 PB

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1 Rep Max Back Squat

Hope everyone enjoyed the workout today. I think it was a fun one that wasn't too taxing on the body and it seemed to workout exactly as planned. It was more active rest than anything else. I really enjoy those ring raises and watch out for more of those within workouts in the future. We didn't get a chance to get to the veteran tech of yesterday so we are going to put that in to today's programming.
A. Back Squat - Work up to a 1RM
B1. Weighted pullups/strict pullups 4xmax reps
B2. Push Jerk 4x4, rest 120 sec

Leaderboard will be for the 1RM of the back squat and this is certainly the focus of today. Please take as much time as needed to work up towards the heaviest godamn weight you can put on your back and pass through a deep squat. There was no leaderboard for yesterdays workout as the weight of the TGU and the height of the box jump varied so much.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ring Inverts and the "Big Dawg Challenge" this Saturday

Big shout of to Annie for doing her first WOD with double unders today. See all that jump rope work is starting to pay off. 
This Saturday we will be competing in OPT's Big Dawg Challenge. It is a multi wod workout day that will very likely start with a 7:30am workout, followed by a fixed rest period and then another workout. Details to follow on the workout and the exact time but plan on having your full day open on Saturday if you want to join us. All are welcome. We could also use extra video cameras. If you have one please bring it.
Beginner - Ring Inverts + Turkish Getups
Veteran -
A1: weighted strict pullup / strict pullup 4xmax
A2: Push Jerk 4x4, 120sec rest

1 min at each station w/t at each station for 5 rounds w/t a 1min break between rounds
Ring Inverts
Turkish Getups TBD
High Box Jumps TBD
We will choose the the weight for the TGU and the height of box for each athlete. There is no rest between stations and a 1 min between rounds. TGU should be at a heavy weight and the box height should be pretty challenging per jump.
"Trainers WOD" Leaderboard
1. Annie 20:54 w/t strict dips
2. Hattie 29:36 w/t strict dips
3. BB Guns 19:24 w/t purple band ring dips
1. Jaybay 28:67 w/t single skips

Monday, January 18, 2010

Trainers WOD

Nice work today guys on Jeremy. Great start to the week. This workout will be a challenge. The weight you chose should be heavy but doable. The workout is essentially Elizabeth without the switching back and forth between exercises, base your weight on that workout. If the squat clean is a fairly new exercise to you then you will be given a different workout. That will be a coaches choice. 
Bring your Squat Clean up to weight to WOD
"Trainers WOD"
45 double unders
45 squat cleans 135/95
45 ring dips
45 double unders

"Jeremy" Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 4:43
2. Roe 5:00
3. Hattie 5:28
4. Annie 6:30
5. Mel 8:38
1. Steven Bunches 4:13
2. Jaybay 5:52
3. Solo 7:52
4. Rick 8:10

Sunday, January 17, 2010


We are doing Jeremy today. A sub 10min workout that I would say usually is part of either a big strength day or a double wod day. However for this Monday we are doing it on its own with only overhead squats before hand. Tomorrows workout is a serious one and I want a little more energy for it than usual. This also allows us to spend a little more time making sure our technique is flawless on these OHS. 
Overhead Squat - Heavy Single
OHS 95/65
3x10 GHD situps
3x15 Back Extensions

Friday, January 15, 2010

Stair Climb --- Yeah!!

Great work on Christine today.  FYI Steven Bunches holds the gym record with a 8:30ish Christine. He also put down 36 completed minutes today on the burpee, pullup ladder.

"Save on Foods Steps"
5 x stair climb. Hard up, easy down. We are doing this rain or shine. Please dress accordingly. Everyone meet at the gym and we will head there after that.
Midline Stability

Christine Leaderboard
1. Ains 10:33 (gym record!!)
2. BB Guns 12:06
3. Annie 12:24
4. Hattie 12:59
5. Mellers 15:18
1. Solo 9:32
2. Ant 10:30
3. Tymac 11:42
4. Knight 12:02

Thursday, January 14, 2010


This has been a hard week this week, so if you are contemplating taking a day off, please do....unless you have only trained twice. Then I want your ass in the gym. For those of you who are on day 3 or 4 in a row then you are going to hit only the WOD today, no strength work. Please take that additional time to stretch and do mobility work.
This will depend on what you have done this week. Please talk to me during warmup. Again if you are on day 3 or more in a row I only want you doing the "Christine".
3 rounds for time
500m row
12 bodyweight Deadlifts
21 boxjumps 20"

Burpee and Pullups Ladder Leaderboard
1. Dimples 25 ( that a girl...big win)
2. Just Roe 23
2. Mellers 23
4. Bombshell 19
5. Hattie 27 w/t purple band ( great work Hattie, especially on the burpee portion)
1. GOAT 33
2. Solo 32
3. Monkey 30
4. Deanes 26
5. Laps 24

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Burpee and Pullup Ladders

Beginner - Kipping Pullup
Veteran - Split Jerk 5x1
"Burpee Ladder"
"Pullup Ladder"
notes: you will begin the pullup ladder immediately following your burpee ladder. We will use the first few minutes as active recovery. Because of this both exercises will need to be properly warmed up before we begin. A ladder workout is when you start at one rep on the first minute, two reps on the second and so forth till you fail. Burpee standard is two hands straight overhead, with the body vertical and hips extended.

There was no leaderboard for yesterdays workout as so many people were at different weights and heights on the HSPU. It is really important from now on that everyone knows there 1RM in all our major lifts. Please keep track of your work in your books so when I post a WOD with a % you are able to easily figure that out. Please let me know if you don't have the new sheets for your books. Also this would be a good time to get some feedback on the books and how I can improve them going forward.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

HSPU and Power Cleans -- Happy Birthday Talula

Today is Talula's 6th birthday. If you don't know already Talula is chelan and my dog. Make sure you let her give you a birthday kiss today if you see her. She wanted you guys to enjoy this workout. She thought there should be HSPU in it so she can come give you a kiss during your set and she knew that we needed to do some power cleans today so she'll deal with the extra noise for the sake of everyone's fitness. What a puppy. 

Auto Mall Run - warm-up pace to bottom of bridge, 5k pace to railroad tracks.
Power Clean

1 Power Clean 85% of 1RM (yes this has been changed)
2 Power Clean
3 Power Cleans
4 Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
Tuesday Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 14:55
2. Mellers 17:32
3. Roe 18:17
4. Annie 19:13
5. Bombshell 20:58
1. Steven Bunches 12:05
2. Solo 12:46
3. GOAT 13:04
4. Twisto 15:11
5. Knight 17:32

Monday, January 11, 2010

HQ WOD Today

Hello boys and girls. Had a great time today with this wod and we had a really good energy in the Den. Thank you everyone for that. Congrats to Hattie for setting a female gym record of 142.8 on the 500m row. I think we had a few Personal Best today on the row, even after all that work. Post to comments if that is the case.
Today we are going to do the .com WOD, which fits perfectly after today's workout.
Snatch Heavy Single
Three rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 50 meters
Standing broad-jump, 100 meters
1 building lap

"500m Row" Leaderboard
1. Hattie 1:42.8 (Gym Record!!)
2. Ains 1:44 (Personal Best)
3. Mellers 1:48.5
4. Annie 1:55.6
5. Animal 1:57.5
1. Monkey 1:28.1
2. Solo 1:29.8
3. Murder 1:31.4
4. Pouya 1:35
5. Digger 1:36.1

500m Row

A. Back Squat x2 on the minute for 10min - no more than 75% of 1RM.
B1. Bench Press 4x2 *
B2. KB Swing 4x15 - unbroken**
B3. Wallball 4x15 - unbroken - rest 90 sec
* You will start by doing B1 followed by B2 with no rest and then B3 with no rest, once you have completed B3 take 90sec rest and in this case you will repeat 4 times. 
** I want you to fight tooth and nail to make sure you hit these without having to break. If you fail you might be asked to leave :)
500m row - Gym record for men is 1:26,  ladies 1:44

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Coach -- Saturday 9am class only

We are welcoming a new coach to CrossFit Lions and his name is Chris Schaalo aka Jerry Rice aka The G.O.A.T. Chris is a trainer at CrossFit Taranis in Victoria and is currently going to UBC. Lots of you have met Chris already as he has been training with us for about a month now. Jerry Rice will be teaching the 4:30,5:30,6:30 classes tomorrow night. Lots of you aren't really used to having a different coach teach you and I'm looking forward to you having a opportunity to have a different set of eyes see you move. Listen to what Chris has to say, even if it completely fly's in the face of what I've been telling you, as he might see things from different angles than I do. Also I want Chris to be hard on some of you, so don't get frustrated if he does. You are paying us to make sure you are doing things right. I'm hopeful Chris can add a lot to our class just as Garth aka Steven Bunches has through this last yeaer. I am a big believer in trying to surround yourself with people better than you are and then do your best to try and elevate to their level.
Also there will only be a 9am class on Saturday which Steven Bunches will be coaching. 

Beginner - Go through each of the movements in fight gone bad - If there is time do some Front Squats
Veteran - Front Squat 5x3
"Fight Gone Bad"
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The stations are:
  1. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps) - 12 pounds for ladies
  2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps) 55 pounds for ladies
  3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
  4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps) - 55 pounds for ladies - no racks
  5. Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

We will try and do our best to have everyone do this in order but if the classes are larger than 8 people than I don't want to do more than 2 heats, so in the bigger classes we will have to start people at different stations. 

CrossFit HQ Store Discount

For those that are interested, Crossfit HQ Store which you access at has a 40% off discount going right now on all their gear. Filfest2010 is the promotional code that will get you the discount. Have fun shopping.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

60m sprints

Deadlift 6x1 - everyone does the deadlifts
Beginner - kipping pullup technique
Veteran - 3x max pullups
8x60m sprints w/t 90 sec rest between sprints

"Triplet Leaderboad"
1. BB Guns 7+ 1HSPU (abmat)
2. Robyn 6 2/3 (abmat)
3. Roe 6 (abmat)
4. 5 1/3 (abmat)

1. Monkey 6
2. Jaybay 4
* Reminder to all the gentleman to put their scores on the front leaderboard. A lot of good scores were missing. Thanks.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

CrossFit Games 2009 Triplet

This should have been posted yesterday when she did it but I would like to congradulate Hattie for being our first lady with a 300lbs deadlift in the gym. That is a great achievement and was one of her short term goals I believe. She also today was dropping down full dips on the dip bar which I have not seen her do. She did all 45 of them with full extension. Congrats Hattie.
Reminder again to pay attention to the new parking regulations on the top deck.
WOD 1: 
Rounds in 8min
8 KB Swings @ black/red
12 GHD Situps
WOD 2:
Tabata Double Unders for 16 rounds
Total double unders completed

Elizabeth Leaderboard
1. Monkey 6:35 (PB by over a minute, nice work)
2. Solo 11:13

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Parking Rules

First off keep the short term and long term goals coming. You can leave them in any day's comment section. I want to have everyone in the gym put their goals down on paper. If you are struggling with finding out what you goals might be, let me know and I'll give you a hand. 
As some of you might have noticed there are now reserved parking spots at the gym. We currently have 4 parking spots allocated to us and are marked with our name on the reserved signs. There are also 4 more reserved parking spots that are blank right besides our 4 that you may park in. Now if those spots are taken please park:
  • right in front of our garage gym door (only ours) 
  • across the street from the gym
  • the gravel parking area right beside the west side of the building 
  • The rona parking lot two buildings to the east of the gym
  • Capilano mall parking lot (worst case scenario) 
No matter what the scenario do not park in any of the other spots or the far side of the parking lot which isn't marked but is Econo moving and storages area. Thank you ahead of time for your co-operation.

Squat Clean - work your way up above the weight to be used for "Elizabeth"
Squat Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips
50 Abmat situps
2 sets of 15 back extensions

1. Ains 6 + 3 box jumps
2. BB Guns 5 1/3
3. Roe 5
4. Tanya 3 + 3 pullups
1. Monkey 8 + 1 round + 1 pullup
2. Rice 7 + 2/3
3. Solo 6+3
4. Connie 6
4. Bayda 6

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome to 2010

I want to start by thanking all the members for making 2009 a great year and a fantastic start for CrossFit Lions. I have seen so many people take their fitness to the next level and have enjoyed working with each and everyone of you.
I would like everyone to post their short term and long term goals to the comments section of this post. This will allow us all to be accountable to what we want to accomplish this year. Short term being roughly 3 months and long term is 2010. No more than 3 per time frame. Be realistic with your goals and fight like hell to achieve them. Once you have posted them we can then discuss if we need to make any changes to your programming to achieve those goals.
There will be many changes going on for 2010 as the gym goes through its maturity process. As always those changes will be directly related to increasing your fitness levels and enjoyment at the gym. If it doesn't help you train better and harder than it won't go in. Here are a couple of those and as always the list will grow as we go along.
  • Immediately update the gym records once those are achieved ( this has been one of my biggest dissapointments in year one. It means a lot and I've been lazy not updating that). 
  • Increase the amount of information and detail gets posted on the blog daily. The hope being more of you will post comments and turn this site a little more interactive. 
  • Add at least 4 more pullup stations. 
  • build some storage for members bags and such 
  • Explore adding spin bikes as a cardio tool. No guarantee here as they are expensive and I haven't tried mixing them into a workout yet. 
  • Do more competition style, multi workout challenges on Saturdays. I want to try and do these once a month. We will try and include other affiliates as well. 
  • Host at least one affiliate challenge event at the Den. Right now the idea is to do a affiliate team challenge roughly 3 weeks before the regionals being held in Calgary in May. 
Post thoughts to comments, as well as suggestions you would like to see to make the gym better.
Monday Workout
Tech: *
Back Squat 5x3
Power Clean 5x2 - reset each rep, no tap and go
Power Snatch
Rounds in 10min:
3 hang power snatch @ 95/65
2 sets of:
3 pullups
6 pushups
9 box jumps 20"
* You will start to see this more often. I am going to break up the class during the tech portion of the workout so that I can add more work for the veteran crossfitters in the gym and spend more time on the technique with the new athletes. If you are a veteran and the beginner tech is something you want to spend some time on than please come do that. You might also see this in the WOD section as well.