Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Coach -- Saturday 9am class only

We are welcoming a new coach to CrossFit Lions and his name is Chris Schaalo aka Jerry Rice aka The G.O.A.T. Chris is a trainer at CrossFit Taranis in Victoria and is currently going to UBC. Lots of you have met Chris already as he has been training with us for about a month now. Jerry Rice will be teaching the 4:30,5:30,6:30 classes tomorrow night. Lots of you aren't really used to having a different coach teach you and I'm looking forward to you having a opportunity to have a different set of eyes see you move. Listen to what Chris has to say, even if it completely fly's in the face of what I've been telling you, as he might see things from different angles than I do. Also I want Chris to be hard on some of you, so don't get frustrated if he does. You are paying us to make sure you are doing things right. I'm hopeful Chris can add a lot to our class just as Garth aka Steven Bunches has through this last yeaer. I am a big believer in trying to surround yourself with people better than you are and then do your best to try and elevate to their level.
Also there will only be a 9am class on Saturday which Steven Bunches will be coaching. 

Beginner - Go through each of the movements in fight gone bad - If there is time do some Front Squats
Veteran - Front Squat 5x3
"Fight Gone Bad"
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The stations are:
  1. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps) - 12 pounds for ladies
  2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps) 55 pounds for ladies
  3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
  4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps) - 55 pounds for ladies - no racks
  5. Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

We will try and do our best to have everyone do this in order but if the classes are larger than 8 people than I don't want to do more than 2 heats, so in the bigger classes we will have to start people at different stations. 


  1. FGB! Oh crap!!! I should have gone today and rested tomorrow!!!

  2. Just so it has all day tomorrow to marinate with you guys... I expect every girl who is in competition mode to use a 14 lbs ball for this WOD tomorrow. No exceptions. Yes I am a douche. :)
    P.S. I effing hate Fight Gone Bad.
    Thanks Pie (also a douche)...
    On a side note I watched a crazy documentary in class last night that everyone should take a look at if they have some spare time. Click on my name...

  3. So glad you are going to be around more Rice !!!

    Love when your around

  4. Says the girl who doesn't have to do FGB with the 14lbs ball!!

  5. welcome Jerry Rice!!
    looking forward to the 14 lbs ball, since i was the girl that just couldn't hit the target at taranis! lol

    ew to fight gone back. i'm sore.


  6. f*ching Jerry Rice...He is tough on you ladies. Definetely give the 14lb a shot however if you only 1 in 5 hit the target when you warmup than please use the RX ball which is 12lbs. Also we only have two 14lbs balls so you might need to share.

  7. Why so hard on us ?? huh Rice ?

    And what the hell does G.O.A.T stand for ??

    The "Greatest One Armed Torturer ?? F*ch !!!!
    killin me !


  8. Surprisingly enjoyed fight gone bad!
