Monday, November 8, 2010

Sumo Deadlifts -- No Oly Class This Wednesday

FYI that Chris will not be coaching his Oly class this Wednesday night. He said he was so impressed with our squat cleans on the weekend that there is nothing left for him to teach you guys.... just joking, he said we sucked and we have a mile to go....also joking, he is away back to hick town for the long weekend.

Sumo Deadlift 5,5,4,4,3,2,1
Press 4x3
Strict pulling strength -- You can work on weighted pullups/L pullups/Strict Pullups/band assisted strict pullups/pull negatives
4 rounds:
1 min turkish situps
1 min front plank
1 min rest

Monday Leaderboard (there were two data points so I will post everyone's scores):
Lauren 4:48/5 1/2 rounds
Mellisa 5:45/5 3/4 rounds
BB Guns 5:52
Jenny 7:02 / 6 + 12 backwards skips
Misch 6:29/ 6 1/2 rounds
Darren 6:22 / 9 rounds
Patrick 3:25 / 7.5 rounds
Jaybay 3:30 / 6 3/4 rounds
Pip 4:06 / 6 rounds
Mark 5:50 / 7 3/4 rounds
Twisto 3:14 / 9.5 rounds
Evil Kyp 3:58 / 6.5 rounds
Banana 4:23 / 7 1/4 rounds
Arash 3:24/ 7 1/4 rounds

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What a great weekend at CrossFit Taranis

Let me begin by thanking our host. Reid, Dan and Chris Schaalo ran a first class competition this weekend. They really couldn't have done anything better, both on Saturday and Sunday. The event really had the feel of a CrossFit Games qualifier as pretty much every top level individual athlete in this province took place.

As a coach I couldn't have been happier with the effort put forward by all our athletes. Our individual athletes were Ains, Robyn, Romayne,Annie, Hattie, Solo, Scott, Garth and Geoff. While all of them did the gym and themselves proud, I would like to single out Geoff and how great he did in his first CrossFit Competition. Geoff hit a 40 pound PB on the squat clean and finished in the top ten and won his heat on the skipping, squat run amrap. He then also came back and layed it on the line on Sunday in the team comp. There are many great stories of this weekend and I would love those who were with us to leave a comment on this with some.

Thank you Jenny, Micsh, Chelan, Amanda, Annie, Cassidy and Nick B who came to cheer on Team Lions this weekend. You girls were to Nick.

We started out the team competition this morning with two of our teams having to go up against each other. Solo,geoff, robyn and roe roe took down myself, knighrider, bb guns and Hattie. Two workouts later my team then had to go against Ains, nick, annie and scott and we lost to them also. Two of our teams went 2-2 and one went 3-2. Not sure where we actually finished but we had a hell of a good time. It should also be noted that we were pretty much always going up against gyms that sent only one team, yet our little gym took 3 competitive teams over to the comp.

I would suggest to every athlete that competed this weekend that we get together and go over how you felt you did and were we think there might be room for improvement. I am happy to do that with all of you any time you would like. Its important to use events like this as an information source to help us improve.

Anybody with photos from this weekend please send to me or bring them into the gym. That would be much appreciated. Thx. 

Now since non of the individual athletes will be training tomorrow, its a great opportunity to do some of the fun workouts they did on Saturday.

Monday WOD:

3 rounds for time:
15 wallballs
10 burpees
* You must catch and control the wallball to the ground. Burpee standard; you have to clap your hands above your head with full hip extension and looking straight ahead.

Rounds in 20min:
20 backwards skips
20 squats
20 double unders
200m run

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back Squat - Push Press

Friday Workout

A. Back Squat - 4x3
B. 3 Back Squats on the minute every minute for 10 minutes - Pick a weight and try and complete it
C. Push Press 4x2
D. 2 Push Press on the minute every minute for 10 minutes - Pick a weight and try and complete it

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

No Classes This Saturday -- Oly Lifting Class Tonight

For those of you competing this weekend in Victoria, this will be your last workout before the competition. Don't have your foot all the way down on the gas for this workout if you are going to Vic this weekend. Keep the body moving and the deadlifts lights.

Reminder to everyone that there won't be any classes this Saturday because myself and all the coaches will be in Victoria for the Winter Challenge. Sorry about that. Not offering classes is not something I take lightly, nor do I want it to happen often but this weekend can't be avoided. 

Reminder that Chris Schaalo's Oly class is on for 6pm tonight. 

Wednesday WOD: 

4 rounds for time:
10 Strict Knees to Elbows
20 Burpees
30 Jumping Squats
15 Light Weighted Deadlifts

Then Rest 5 min

1500m row for time

Your score is your total time it takes to do both workouts

Wednesday Leaderboard
1. Ains 17
2. Andy 16
3. Kim 14
3. Bods 14
5. Annie 13
5. Nory 14
1. Solo 17
1. Nick 17
3. Garden 16
3. Sager 16
3. Darren 16

Monday, November 1, 2010

4:16 Squat Clean Elizabeth -- WOW

Garth Prouse dropped by the Den at 7pm to slackly throw down the best Elizabeth score we can find out in the community. 4:16 w/t squat cleans. Very impressive. He is definitely fitter than he was at the games which is scary for the rest of the competitors this weekend in Victoria. Also like to put out a shout out to Nick and Arash who both put down a sub 8min Elizabeth today. Love it.

As many of you know there is a competition in Victoria this weekend where the gym has three teams and 5 men and 5 women competing. Because of this there will not be any classes held this Saturday.

Tuesday Workout

A. Thruster - 6x3
B. KB Snatch - Work on technique
C. amrap in 1 min of 10m shuttle runs x10. Your score is the lowest number of shuttle runs completed in the 10 rounds.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend. Time for a classic benchmark workout to start our week off right.

Squat Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips

3x15 Full Back Ext.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Birthday To Chelan

It is my wifes birthday today. Happy Birthday Bombshell!!

Friday WOD: 
A1. Deadlift 5x5
A2. Ring Pushups Tempo 5xmax set -- 2sec down, 1 sec at the bottom, explode up and right back down
Rest 3min between efforts *

B. Single Arm KB Swing Challenge. This is a one handed KB swing, however the KB only needs to get higher than the waist for the rep to count ( the entire bell has to clear your waist level). Your goal is to see if you can swing this bell in your hands for 5min. Highest weight completed wins. You can switch your hands as often as you like. Once the KB hits the floor, you are done. Please don't drop the KB on the ground.Please note this is a lower back killer. If you are someone who struggles with lower back tightness than please pick a light KB.
* You can increase the deadlift weight as you go along. If ring pushups are too hard than you can do regular pushups. If you don't have 20 pushups in a row than don't worry about the tempo, just do the pushups.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Birthday To Ainslie -- Wear Neon

Ainslie has requested that everyone in the 4:30 class please wear your best neon inspired outfit. Its her birthday and I can't argue with that. So if you got some neon than rock it out.

Reminder that Chris's Olympic lifting class is at 6pm, cost is $10 for members, $20 for non.

Wednesday Workout 
4 rounds for time w/t 3min break between rounds
500m row
400m run

Your score is your time minus your rest periods

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Ains 11 + 5
2. Roe 11
3. Robyn 10 + 1
4. Jenny  7 + 15
1. Scott 13 + 14
2. Solo 12 + 9
3. Arash 10
4. Patrick 9 +5
5. Geoff 9

Monday, October 25, 2010


Tuesday Workout
Overhead Squat 5x3
Round in 15min
5 Overhead Squats 75/55
5 Barbell Lunges 75/55 -- per leg
5 Thrusters 75/55 

Weight is light for this workout but the reps are also low which means you should be able to get through a few rounds unbroken before things go south. Enjoy.

Leaderboard to follow

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Monday Boyz and Girls

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and are looking forward to a big week of training. We are going to do a .com workout from a day or two ago. This is a short sprint workout to end our day.

Tall Squat Clean -- spend about ten minutes on working with this skill.
Squat Clean -- Work up to heavy single
7 rounds:
10 wallballs
10 pullups

Friday, October 22, 2010

Team WOD tomorrow

To be announced at class. Need to see how many peeps we got. Should be a fun one, come on down.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rest Day / Make Up Day

Three good workouts this week to chose from for tomorrow. If you have done all three than come stretch or enjoy the last day of sun for a while.

Chris Schaalo will teaching the evening sessions tomorrow night. Be kind to the little fella...hahaha.

Michael Leaderboard
1. Ains 21:38 full GHD
2. Annie 21:39
3. BB Guns 22:27
4. Hattie 23:03
5. Bombshell 23:59
5. Robyn 24 ( I screwed up her time) Full GHD 
1. Marko aka "the Mayor" 19:45 (first leadeboard and a victory to boot. Nice work buddy)
2. Twisto 21:42
3. Dave 22:35
4. Banana 22:43
5. Solo 24:05 Full GHD 
5. Nick 24 ish Full GHD

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Michael -- Olympic Lifting Class tonight at 6pm

Reminder that Chris Schaalo is teaching his Oly lifting class tonight at 6pm. Cost is $10 to Lions members, $20 to non members. 
Handstands -- Play around with them
3 rounds for time
50 situps (Full GHD if you want to add to the challenge)
50 back extensions
800m run
Big Stretch

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Annie 3:16
2. Ains -- forgot to put time
1. Solo 3:13
2. Nick 3:42
3. Dave 4:14
4. Arash 4:14

Monday, October 18, 2010

Classic Lions WOD but with new weight

Most of you have tried this workout. Either in your elements sessions or in the gym. However I am upping the weight.

A. Above the knee squat clean + full squat clean 80% of your 1RM x5
B. Ring Dip Ladder
5 rounds for time:
5 SDHP 135/95
10 squats
15 lunges

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Forrest Hero WOD -- Modified

We are going to do a modified hero wod from the mainsite a couple of days ago. This is a long grinder wod. I changed the L pullups because I have wanted to try this in a wod for a while and this gives us a great opportunity. I also changed the toes to bar because the hands are going to be pretty lit from the pullups and I'm not interested in torching your hands for the week. This will be a similar hit and time domain as the original.

The pic is of Solo's City of North Vancouver Fire crew. We had the whole team throwing down at the Den on Friday. Great job boyz. Hopefully we will see more of them soon.

"Forrest Modified" 
3 rounds for time:
20 Alternating Pullups (alternate between a strict pullup and a kipping pullup ie. one stict, one kipping, one stict, one kipping)
30 Turkish Getup Situps 35/20 
40 Burpees
800m run

45m time cap on this workout.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Like the look of the current OPT blog wod. I wanted to do multiple workouts tomorrow and this fits nicely into what we have done this week.

Saturday WOD:
2 Heavy Power Cleans
50 m Shuttle Run
rest 3 min x 5
Rest 10 min
Power Clean x 1
Front Squat x 1
Hang Power Clean x 1
(every 90 sec on the timer for 5 sets - 90% effort)
Rest 10 min
10 burpees AFAP
Static Ring hold to fatigue
rest 2 min x 3

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Classic Lions Workout

Good grinder wod today. This isn't something we have done before but its the type of challenge I like to give you kids once a week. 

Split Jerk - Work on Speed and getting your butt under the bar -- no more than 80% of your 1RM.
5 rounds for time:
10 Overhead Squats 115/85
15 Pullups
20 Wallballs

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rest Day / Make Up Day

Even though we are a short week this week we are going to do a makeup day today. If you missed Tuesday or Wednesday you will do either of those workouts. If you hit both then I will design a wod for ya.

Hope everyone enjoyed the running today.

1. Ains 46
2. BB Guns 40
2. Misch 40
2. Roe Roe 40
5. Hattie 36
1. Scott 51
2. Darren 48
2. Solo 48
4. Pie 40

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Voting For Peak Performance Artist -- Happy Birthday Amanda

Hi guys,

We have two very talented musicians training in the Den and they are both finalist for the Peak Performance Project. Reese is part of a band called Parlour Steps and Bayday is Kyprios.  Online voting has started. Please check out their music and put in your vote. Also please pass this onto your friends and family as the money that is up for grabs is substantial and could really change one or both of these guys lives. 100k to the winner, 75k to second and 50k to third.
. click on the right hand side to vote.

Happy Birthday goes out to Amanda. This workout is just for her. hahaha. 

Sorry about this but I want to try it and the weather looks good tomorrow.....

Wednesday WOD: 
As many reps as possible in 20min:
Hillrun  (the ramp you drive up)
* wod starts at the top of the hill, every time up is a rep.

3x20 full GHD
3x20 Back Ext
3x10 Strict knees to Elbows

There is no strength portion for today but you are expected to go through a big stretch period after post work

Tuesday Leaderboard:
1. Annie 6:31
2. Misch 8:09
3. Robs 8:38
4. Hattie 16:16
1. Scott 4:28
2. Solo 4:56
2. Arash 4:56
4. Nick 5:41
5. Dave 6:17

This is the first time since I opened this gym, where I have done a workout and not made the top 5 leaderboard. This is sad and yet fulfilling day......mostly sad.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Turkey Hangover

Back Squat 5x5 @ 70% 1RM 
Front Squat 5x3 @ 70% 1RM 
10 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts 135/95
10 Pushups

Friday, October 8, 2010

I Hope Our New Friends Enjoyed Today -- Gym Closed on Monday

What a great success today was having friends come in and workout. Great to put so many people through their first CrossFit workout. As we know they are going to be a little sore after that bad boy. I will try and do that once every two months or so in the future. 
Pretty tough to program the day after our "Death By Everything" workout as I expect our push, situp and squat muscles to be pretty much wrecked. However our pulling and posterior chain should still be in tact so that is what we are going to work on today. 

Gym will be closed on Sunday and Monday for the holiday. It is likely that Robyn and a few others will be working out Monday morning. I might also coach a class dependent on weather. Check back on this blog. Robyn can you leave a comment as to what time you will be coming in.

Saturday Wokout:
2 min at each station for max reps
Calorie Row
SDHP 95/65
Back Ext
Rest 5min and repeat 3 times, highest number wins

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bring a Friend Day

Our first bring a friend(s) day is upon us. Everyone is welcome to all classes tomorrow. We have one of my favorite workouts for these poor suckers to go after.

"Death By Everything"
This is a ladder. You will go up by the given rep range that is specified for each exercise. You will finish each exercise before you move onto the next. You continue to go up the ladder till you fail or quit. The reps will increase each minute. There is no break between exercises.

Wallballs (increase by 2 per minute)
Pushups (increase by 2 per minute)
Situps ( increase by 3 per minute)
Squats (increase by 4 per minute)

Your score is your total minutes completed.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bring A Friend This Friday

All day this Friday it will be bring a friend or more to any class for free. I will have workouts for all levels and obviously we will keep the motions simple but make the workout badass. All are welcome, so if you have any friends that have saying they were going to come in and haven't brought their lazy ass into the gym, then this Friday is the day.  Any questions, post to comments.
Rope Climbs (bring pants or long socks)
5 Heavy Back Squats ( all sets should be hard and heavy)
10 Max Jumps Pushup Burpee ( knees cannot touch the ground; you jump as high as you can on each burpee)
Rest 3min, repeat 5 times

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 11:14 RX
2. Robyn 13:11 @ 25#
3. Roe Roe 13:37 @ 25#
4. Annie 15:13 @ 25#
5. Misch 16:49 RX
1. Scott 11:37 @ 40#
2. Geoff 13:09 (over 3min better than the last time he did it)
3. Twisto 13:11
4. Dave 13: 27

Monday, October 4, 2010

DB Split Snatch

Ring Dips 4xmax set w/t 90 sec break between
Strict Pullups 2xmax set w/t 90 sec break between
4 rounds for time:
10 DB Split Snatch 35/20 per arm
20 boxjumps 24/20
1 building lap
** compare score to May 25th 

USAW Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 315
2. Robs 303
3. Roe Roe 290.5
4. Annie 286
5. Hattie 193.7
1. The Pie 433
2. Scott 428
3. Arash 373
4. Dave 327
5. Knight 323

Sunday, October 3, 2010

CrossFit/USAW CrossFit Open Workout

This past weekend in Colorado Springs CrossFit and the USAW Weightlifting association held its first weightlifting/crossfit competition. Some of CrossFit's top athletes competed in the event and my god has the form of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk in CrossFit sky rocketed in the last 2 years. What has become absolutely clear to me is if you want to be a top level CrossFiter you have to squat snatching and squat cleaning as often as possible. Settling for the power clean or snatch will only take you so far. Its better to go lighter weight and do the full motion than it is to force it up there.

Here was there workout:

CrossFit / USAW Crossfit Open WOD:
You have 30 min to complete: 
1 rep max Squat Snatch
1 rep max Squat Clean and Jerk
Rounds in 10min
6 Squat Cleans 125/85
12 Pullups
24 Double Unders
* Your score is your total weight completed in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk ( in Kilos) + total reps completed in the triplet. A Kilo is 2.2 pounds.
** You must lock out the snatch and the Clean and Jerk. No pressing out aloud in either motion.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Enjoy the Saturday WOD kids

A1. Push Press 4x4 ( you may go up and down with your weight through your sets)
A2. KB Swing 4x20 1.5/1, rest 2min
B1. 2x 500m row, 30 sec rest 
B2. 2x Max Pullups, 3 min rest
C. 1x max pushup

Weather looks great -- lets get outside

Sorry for the late post. Computer was at work. I think you guys will like this one.

Deadlift 5x3
First you will complete:
20 burpees
30 Jumping Squats
Then 4 rounds of:
1 building lap
5 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105 *
Please note this RX weight is heavy. If you don't have a 185 squat clean for me or a 135 squat clean for ladies than please scale down.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A different type of test today

Finally our WOD books have arrived. I am selling them at cost which is $20 per book + tax = $22.40. This is a great tool to keep track of your progress and something I would like every athlete to use. I will be gradually phasing out the old books, though off course you are welcome to keep them up yourselves with the old sheets. I only ordered 20 in this first run so if you want one get in the gym or put your name on one by leaving a comment on this post.

Alright I have been thinking about this one for a while. Haven't seen this done quite like this before so lets give it a shot. Should be a serious grip tester.

There will be four lifting areas in the gym. You will perform a Squat and Clean and Jerk at each of the four stations. The bar cannot rest on the ground between stations. The stations will be set up around the gym. You must walk the bar to the other station any way you can (likely in the front rack position). Once you reach the station you may drop the bar on the ground but you only have 10 seconds to begin your next C&J. Highest weight total wins. You may make as many attempts at this as you like. At minimum everyone needs to try 4. Only one athlete will be working at a time.

We might do some post midline work, depending on how long this will take.

Tuesday Leaderboard to go on tomorrow. The photo I took of it is cut off on the ladies side. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Reminder about Olympic Lifting Session on Wednesday at 6pm

If you want to pay for the Olympic Lifting Sessions by using your direct deposit, I will have a sign in sheet on my desk to do so. Please make sure you sign in before every class. If you don't want to pay by that then please bring cheque or cash to each session. I also want to remind or assure people that the Lions standard programming is going to continue to involve a lot of Olympic lifting, just as it does now. The work with Chris will be on top of what we do in the gym and I won't be taking into consideration this work when I make up the program each day. However I believe you can never do too much Oly lifting and as I think you will see, these session will be skill based work as apposed to big and heavy every time.

Overhead Squat
Three rounds for total rounds completed
With a 5 minute clock complete:
400m run - followed by
As many rounds as possible of:
7 box jumps
25 double unders
Rest 3 min between rounds
Your score is how many rounds of the box jumps and double unders you complete in the workout.

JT Leaderboard
1. Ains 28:12 RX
2. Robyn 16:04 abmat
3. Annie 18:17 abmat
1. Scott 9:56
2. Arash 11:52
3. Knight 11:59
4. Dave 23:10

Sunday, September 26, 2010

JT -- Thank You Popeye

Big Thanks to Popeye and all the COP crew for having us over Saturday for the Big Dawg Challenge. Really proud of everyone who competed. Especially those who this was their first CrossFit competition. Below are the results from Saturday.

Men's Results

Place Total Score Name Gym
3RM Snatch Burpees 4 Min Row Pull Ups BW Back Squat Push Press 135
1 436 Jason Noel COP Full 155 112 83 53 23 10
2 429 Pete Kendrick COP Full 155 109 77 59 17 12
3 412 Scott Tasaka Lions Full 135 124 67 62 20 4
4 404 Simon Damborg COP Full 155 95 81 50 11 12
5 374 Tim Dickson COP Full 155 104 82 13 10 10
6 369 Josh Makay Lions Full 155 92 56 55 9 2
7 355 Patrick Vuong OPT Full 135 97 61 45 16 1
8 346 Geoff Archilbald Lions Full 120 100 68 40 18 0
9 342 Dave Muscat Lions Full 135 101 56 29 11 10
10 293 Darren Chan Lions Full 75 106 59 39 14 0

Women's Results

Place Total Score Name Gym
3RM Snatch Burpees 4 Min Row Pull Ups BW Back Squat Pruch Press 95
1 335 Ainslie Kehler Lions Full 85 106 60 47 24 13
2 318 Erin Jacobson COP Full 85 108 53 30 33 9
3 317 Karolina Pawlak COP Full 105 98 58 27 20 9
4 306 Robyn Sproston Lions Full 70 103 52 49 26 6
5 304 Annie Tasaka Lions Full 85 87 54 40 30 8
6 256 Alicia Hatt Lions Full 70 85 66 6 25 4
7 249 Lauren Vickers Lions Mod 65 74 62 17 27 4
8 244 Michelle Shomura Lions Mod 60 98 39 13 28 6

Monday Workout

Front Squat 10x2 (Yes this has changed. Realized we haven't done enough FS lately)
Ring Dips

Friday, September 24, 2010

Classes are ON for tomorrow -- Big Dawg Update

9 and 10 am classes are a go for tomorrow. So if you aren't competing over town come on in. Apparently the workouts are released for tomorrow, though I haven't seen them yet myself. If anyone has them please post to comments. Registration at COP is at 10am (this has changed) so get there and put it down. I won't be there till noon ish as I have work in the morning but I'm sure popeye will take good care of you guys and gals.

Saturday WOD:
WOD 1:
1000m row
WOD 2: 
Rounds in 5 min:
5 Shoulder Press 75/55
5 pullups
WOD 3:
"Death By 10m"
Rest 7 min between workouts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Big Dawg Challenge -- Olympic Weightlifting Class

No more news yet on what time the big dawg challenge is going to start at CrossFit Optimum Performance in Vancouver. As soon as I hear I will let you know on this blog, so keep checking back in. I'm quite certain it will start in the morning and go at least into the early afternoon. Look up COP website for location.

We are going to be offering a Olympic weightlifting class on Wednesday Nights at 6pm at the Den. The cost will be $10 to members and $20 to non members. This session will be taught by Chris "The GOAT" Schaalo and will be strictly Oly work. I highly recommend these sessions if you are somebody looking to improve your Olympic lifting. Not only is Chris a great coach but just dedicating at least once a week to the discipline will greatly improve your game. Couple that in with the fact that we will also likely be doing each of the main lifts once a week and your gains should be great. If day and time doesn't work for you then please let me know as we a picking this as a starting point and can re adjust based on need.

Friday WOD: 
DB Hang Squat Cleans 35/20
* You do one of each, then two , then three all the way up to ten and then back down to 1
**You will also do a 800m row/run when you complete the set of ten.

Moblity WOD to come in the morning. For some reason I can't open the youtube video to embed right now. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Olympic Total

Max Snatch
Max Clean and Jerk

add up the both weights completed for your total

Tabata Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 345
2. Misch 323
3. Mellisa 300
* Remember to post scores ladies
1. Solo 327
2. Scott 324
3. Ant 320
4. Arash 385

Monday, September 20, 2010


Deadlift 5,4,3,3,3
6 sets of Tabata w/t 1 min break between exercises:
6' Broad Jumps
SDHP 45/35 -- bar just has to travel below the knee
Knees To Elbows
Jumping Back Squat 45/35 -- Bar must stay on back in rest period
Walking Lunge 45/35 -- Bar must stay on back in rest period

* Your score is total reps, not lowest per round
**Advanced athletes will have to put the barbell on your back for each of the rest are welcome.

5 Unbroken Pullup Leaderboard
1. Robyn 23
2. Ains 18
2. Annie 18
4. Roe Roe 12
5. BB 10
1. Scott 26
2. Arash 23
3. Ant 22
3. Solo 22
5. Knight 21

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hope Everyone Enjoyed The Party

Thank you to everyone for coming out to the party on Saturday night. I hope you had a good time, I know Chelan and I really enjoyed having you. We will do that again real soon. Thanks to Garth and Nick B for hosting our after party. 

Monday WOD
A. Push-press: 10 sets of 1; rest 90 sec
Total score is total weight lifted in all sets combined.
B. 5 sets of:
AMRAP 5 unbroken kipping pull-ups in 45 seconds
Rest 90 sec

Friday, September 17, 2010

Speed Jerks

A. Max Set of Clean Jerk 135/95 x3 w/t 3 min break between efforts
* The bar must be in constant motion, tap and go off the ground, any pause and your set is done
B. 3 rounds for time:
20 jumping lunges
20 Scott Presses w/t Dowel
1min of front plank

Olympic Lifting Classes

Hi y'all. Chris "The GOAT" Schaalo is wanting to start up a Olympic lifting class or classes for CrossFit Lions and its members. In these classes Chris would program and teach the Clean and Jerk and Snatch as well as the skill transfer exercises needed to be proficient at these movements. These sessions will be solely focused on the two lifts and can be done in conjuction with CrossFit Lions programming. We aren't sure when we will hold these session but we are looking to do them on a weekly and even bi weekly basis. If you are interested please leave a post on this blog or email me at . Cost is yet to be determined and will depend on who many people are interested and they would like to do it one or two days a week.

Chris is a great coach and has a great eye for the oly lifts and I guarantee you will improve on your technique if you take his classes.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

CrossFit Lions End Of Summer Bash -- Same WOD, different options

Okay....CrossFit Lions End of Summer Bash goes this Saturday night at the party room in my apartment builiding. It will be a potluck vibe, though thinks small in what you bring as Chelan will be making some great eats for us as well. I will also have some booze there but if everyone could also bring some things to wet their palette that would be great. Everyone is welcome, so bring whoever you like. It will go to around 11pm and then we will need to find the next spot. Look forward to having everyone there. My address is 155 West 1st Street. Pretty much on the corner of chesterfield and 1st. The party room is right there in the lobby, you can't miss it. Party starts at 6pm.

I like the look of the .com workout for today and heavy loads with muscle ups is working perfectly for today since we haven't done heavy weighted metcon any of the first three days this week. However there will be options for this workout depending on what you can do.

Great to be back from Bandon Oregan. I highly recommend it for any golfers out there. It is a epic place to play and stay. Golf is extremely hard but its a once in a lifetime experience......except I plan to go down every year of my life -- ahahahhaha. Bing thanks to Roe Roe and Robyn for looking after the classes while I was gone. We couldn't fly out till late Monday and that is why I was home a day later than planned. 

Friday WOD: 
Heavy Thrusters -- .com RX weight is 165/115 *
Muscle Ups
* Weight should possible for 3 reps fresh.... at a minimum.
Medium Thrusters
Ring Dips

20 High Box Jumps
1000m Row

Mobility WOD:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Monday + Tuesday WOD -- New Lions Video

I am away Monday and Tuesday. Going down to Bandon Oregan with Mark "The Mayor" Sager and Twisto for a little golf and good times. Roe Roe will be teach Monday classes and Tuesday morning classes and Robyn will be teaching Tuesday afternoon/evening classes. Thank you to both of them for stepping in. If I can ask every client to keep an eye out for new athletes and make sure they know what is going on, that would be awesome. I am not going to put in a mobility wod on these two days but if athletes or coaches want to give one than feel free.

This video we took in the lead up to CrossFit Games at Park Royal Lululemon. Its done by Banana of Digital Monkey. I think his best work to date.

Monday Workout
Deadlift - Work up to a 1RM ( 5 rep work for new athletes -- no maxes )
Bench Press - Work up to a 1RM ( 5 rep work for new athletes -- no maxes)
10 rounds for time:
10 box jumps 24/20
10 pushups - games standard (go down chest to ground than lift your hands off ground briefly and then pushup)

Tuesday Workout
Back Squat 10,8,5,5,3,3
Push Press 5x2
1000m row
50 wallballs 20/12
30 pullups ( If you don't have 10 pullups unbroken than scale this number back)
50 medball squat cleans 20/12
30 Toes To Bar

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hang Power Cleans

A1. Hang power clean: 3,3,3,3,3; rest 10 seconds
A2. KB swing Black/Red, 7 reps; rest 10 seconds
A3. 7 broad jumps as far as possible each jump; rest 120 seconds

You are going for as heavy a 3 rep as you can on the clean. Warm it up well before you start. 

Rest Day / Make Up Day -- Big Dawg Challenge -- Lions Party

Rest day will fall on the Friday this week as we didn't have programming for Monday. Come on in and make up any WOD you missed this week.

The next Big Dawg Challenge is Sept 24th and we have been invited to go to CrossFit Optimum Performance in Vancouver to throw down the workouts. The last challenges have lasted about 5hours in length. I expect this one to be the same. Should be lots of fun. Everyone is welcome but I need to provide Popeye with a number so please RSVP on the comment section of the blog. All workouts can be scaled so no worries there.

CrossFit Lions Summer party will be September 18th in the evening. I haven't decided if it will be at the gym or at a local establishment yet but mark that down. Paleo food will be in full effect regardless....Paleo drinks, not so much.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

4x800m Run

Nice work on the Snatching Bear today. That is a hell of a tough workout and everyone did really well on it. We are going to try that one again within the next month or so which will allow you all to try and see if you can hit it at a higher weight.  
Thursday WOD:
A. Press - 7x3
B. 800m run x4, 5min rest between runs
Mobility WOD:

Snatching Bear Leaderboard
1. Ains 60#
2. Roe 55#
2. Hattie 55#
4. Mellisa 45#
5. Jenny 35#
1. Scott 85#
1. Solo 85#
1. Nick 85#
4. Dave 75#
5. Pip 55#

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Snatching Bear

"Snatching Bear"
On the minute every minute for 20min complete:
5 snatch width deadlifts
5 hang power snatch
5 overhead squats
Choose your weight and go after it. Highest completed weight wins. If you are someone with a tendency to get a tight back, this is not a great workout for you. You can try and go after it but don't feel bad if you have to cut it down to just 10min and then I'll add in a little something for you. This workout catches up with you quick so chose your weight wisely. This is as hard a mental struggle was we can test.
Mobility WOD:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Eating Well Starts Now

a 60 day challenge has began. I will be posting a weekly blog entry on where you can leave your food diary and questions in the comments section. What I would like people to do is make a decision on what diet is going to be right for you and then stick with it with 60 days. Obviously the whole 30 is the most elite level and the diet I would recommend. The basic premise is eat meats, fish, nuts, seeds and fruits and vegtables. No grain, no rice and no calorie drinks. It is also very important to not be putting back diet drinks. Thought they might have zero calories, they do not have zero effect on our body and fat storage. Diet drinks are only about half better for you than the real ones. I personally find I still retain a lot of water when I am drinking diet pop and it also leads to a huge sugar craving when you are drinking it.

For me personally I am going to go Paleo w/t small amounts of cheese, no milk, small amounts of sauces for meats, soup with vegtables and meats, peanut butter, some salted nuts, elevate me bars + lara bars and protein powder (not often but if I don't have food at work I will have one) w/t one cheat meal on Sunday if wanted. I am also going to make more of an effort to have leaner meats than I have before.

Personally I doing this challenge to jump start my CrossFit again and get myself in shape for CrossFit Taranis's Winter Challenge in November. I want to compete individually and on a team.

Monday WOD: 
A1. Back Squat 5x8
A2. Split Jerk from behind the neck
* You will use the racks. The weight on the bar will be the same for both lifts. As soon as you finish the back squat you will set up and try for the Jerk. Make sure the Jerk is properly warmed up before you attempt a set. This will be a new motion for most of you.
C. For Time:
10 burpee pullups
20 Wallballs
30 GHD Situps
20 KB Swings 2 pood / 1.5 pood
10 Ring Dips / 3 Muscle Ups
600m row 

Friday, September 3, 2010

New Gym Rules Effective Immediately

I have noticed a steady increase in injuries in the last 3 months in the Den. Especially in the back. I have thought long  and hard and reviewed our programming in that time period to see if I can pull some trends. This has led to a few new rules in the gym.

  1. No more heavy deadlifts in a conditioning environment. I was not really big on this anyways as it would always light up my back, however seeing how many gyms incorporate this I thought I needed to. We had at least 5 athletes who were sore after the last heavy deadlift running workout and that is far too high a percentage. Now this is not to say we aren't going to be doing heavy deadlifts, because you can bet your ass we will continue to do a ton of them, we just won't be doing them in a times environment. Now if you are a competitive CrossFitter who enjoys the unique hit that the dead can provide in metcons you are welcome to sprinkle them into some workouts that we do. I am happy to help you with that. 
  2. If your form breaks down on the deadlift / heavy clean and you haven't PROVEN to me that it will not hurt you (aka Robyn) than I am immediately shutting you down. If its in the strength portion of the workout than you can lower weight and do another set. If its in the conditioning environment than again you can either lower weight or I will give you a different exercise to finish off that workout. This is for your own good. For too long when athletes are at the end of their workouts and are ripping hard to finish I have let poor form go for the sake of speed. No longer. 
  3. If you have had a prolonged break from your normal CrossFit routine than you are to scale back at least your first workout, if not your first couple. Scale back means no more than 75% of what your usual weight would be for that exercise. Lets say we are doing 135# power cleans and you usually do RX but you have been away for a week, I want you to do the workout at 115#. Even if that feels light, it doesn't matter. Lets take that same example except this time you are an athlete who wouldn't normally do 135# cleans, you would do 95#, than I want you to use 75#. This point I believe is the biggest reason why I have noticed an increase in injuries in the gym this summer. People are generally training less but still coming in and trying to put down RX workouts. RX is for the active elite and the RX weights should be respected as such. I think I have done a pretty good job and making sure people aren't going too heavy with their loads but were I have failed is scaling that back even further if you have been inactive. At the end of the day this responsibility will fall on the athletes shoulders and they can't be afraid to have an "easy" workout once in a while if they haven't been after it in a little bit. Also if you are someone who comes 2 days a week or less this rule will always been applicable to you. 
  4. Every athlete is expected to follow "The Mobility WOD" which is put up daily right now by Kelly Starrett, CrossFit's guru on mobility and flexibility. Go to for the mobility wod. I suggest everyone goes back to the beggining and does a few of them per day until we all catch up. In a few months I'm sure we will have covered all the exercises and we can add them based on our programming. As of right now he is loosely based them on .com programming. This will help all of us. I will do my best to try and include some time after each class to do this but as you know we are already pretty presses in our hour. 
Now this being said, injuries are a reality in CrossFit because of the intensity we train in and the sport environment we create. Train long and hard enough and it will eventually happen. I don't see any gaps in our programming and on the flip side I think we have done a lot to try and limit injuries in the gym. Full dynamic stretch before each class, thursday and sunday as rest days and a lot of midline strength training. I will continue to try and provide us with the tools to try and stay injury free. Nothing I hate more than to hear someone has hurt themselves while training.

Saturday WOD: 
A. Muscle Snatch 5x2
B. Hang Squat Snatch + Snatch Balance + Squat Snatch -- light weight, work on technique
C. Snatch width deadflift - 5x5
D. Team WOD TBA (10min workout)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Rounds in 20min:
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pullups

*I challenge anyone in the gym to do this workout with the pullups being done on the fat bar pullup bar. Really adds a new dimension.

Happy September -- Closed Monday -- Taranis Winter Challenge

A few notes here before I post the leaderboard.

CrossFit Lions Bye Bye Summer Bash
When: Sept 18th
Time: TBD - not sure if we are going to do a day or night party
Where: Party will start at the gym and potentially continue up at the Knight Riders joint or perhaps a local watering hole. More details to come.
Cost: $500.00 -- I thought I would continue with the alarming CrossFit trend of overcharging for every event. I figure getting to crush vodka sodas with me is worth at least 5 bills.

60 day Paleo Challenge 
When: Sept 9th ( Next Tuesday)
What: It is recommended you look into the whole 30 challenge for your guideline. Basically what I want is for people to make a decision on what fuel source they are going to go with and stick with that plan for 60 days. The athletes that have gone past our last 30 day challenge into the 60 plus days really saw big gains in their fitness and body composition. Knight Rider, Eddie, Jenny to name a few. More details on this to come. 

Labour Day
We are open as usual on Saturday but are closed Monday. If you are a someone with keys who plans to come in the gym to workout on Monday please post on the blog. There is no formal classes but if you want to workout check the blog and see if anyone is planning on coming in.

CrossFit Taranis Winter Challenge
CrossFit Taranis, our sister gym in Victoria (or at least I think of them that way), is hosting their second annual CrossFit competition on November 6 and 7th. A large group of us went last year and had an amazing time. There is the individual workouts on Saturday and the team workouts on Sunday. As long as you meet the minimum standards they have on the link above you are free to enter either individual or team. If you aren't sure if you can do everything there, ask me and I will help you decide or give you the workout so you can try. On the team side of things, there is no limit on how many teams each gym fields. Though as of right now only 20 can register, that may increase if the demand is there. As of right now Ainsley, Nick, Annie and Scott have registered a team and I have registered to undermined teams. The team events should be lots of fun and like I said we can get as many teams as we want so hopefully we don't need to do any tryouts. If you are interested in being on a team leave a comment on this post and we'll see if we need to get another team or not. You can do both the individual and the team comp and I strongly urge everyone who is even thinking about it to buck up and sign up for it.

Squat Clean Thruster and CTB Pullups Leaderboard
1. Ains 8:31
2. Annie 8:44
3. Roe Roe 9:17
1. Solo 6:12
2. Scott 6:18
3. Pie 7:31
4. Arash 7:46
5. Ant 7:56

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Squat Clean Thrusters and CTB Pullups

This was a .com wod last week and I couldn't quite fit it into our programming till now. We have gone light on both metcons Monday and Tuesday (one long, one short). Now we are going to go heavy and short to medium distance for todays wod.

5 rounds for time:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters 135/95
10 Chest To Bar Pullups

Muscle Up / Ring Dip work
Full Back Extensions / Reverse Hyper 3x15

"Annie" Leaderboard
1. Annie 13:45 RX ( It's her birthday, so she is first no matter what)
2. BB Guns 3:42 ( sick time)
3. Ains 5:28
4. Robyn 6:39
5. Annie 10:36
1. Scott 5:04
2. The Pie 5:29
3. Knight 6:17
4. Solo 6:32
5. Nick 6:38

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Birthday "The Other Annie"

First off we really need a good knickname for the other Annie. Its her birthday today and she has assured me she will be in the gym. Because its her birthday we will do the workout that shares her name.

Power Clean 5x5
Front Squat 5x5
Double Unders

Filthy Fifty Leaderboard
ladies: guns 18:58
2.ains 20:45 pb
3.roe roe 22:23 pb
4.Robyn 22:54 pb
1. Scott 16:51 pb
2. Solo 22:45 pb
3. Nick 22:52 pb
4. Ant 23:58
5. Knight 24:30 pb

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Filthy Fifty

"Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box jump, 24/20 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20/12
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Friday, August 27, 2010

Saturday WOD -- 5K Row Leaderboard

A1. Squat Clean and Split Jerk x1 x5
A2. Max set of strict or L pullups x5, Rest 2min
B. max set of pushups x2 rest 3 min between efforts - 2010 crossfit games standards: cannot rest on the ground for more than 1 sec or the set is over. You may rest as long as you like in the plank.
C. 1 mile run @ 80% effort

5K Row Leaderboard
1. Jenny aka "The Crier" 22:08
2. Lauren 22:20
3. Robyn 23:00 (beat her old PB by 2min)
4. Annie 23:17
5. Other Annie 23:38
1. OZ 18:17
2. Solo 18:18 (ouch!!! all that work to lose by 1sec)
3. Scott 18:58 (at a bodyweight of sub 160lbs....awesome)
4. Chris 19:37 (its only his third class, great work)
5. Twisto 19:55

Thursday, August 26, 2010

5K Row -- More Classes For Today

Because we have only 4 rowers, I am going to run more classes today and in 30min intervals. Classes will be 7:00am,7:30,8:00,8:30,9:00,9:30am and 3:30,4:00,4:30,5:00,5:30,6:00,6:30. There will be no 7pm class as I am attending Shadi's wedding that evening. Please be prepared to work on some strength or skill work if more than 4 athletes are at each class. We will try and get people running through the 5k row as fast as possible. By the way if you don't do this today than I will make you pick it up sometime next week so you might as well get in here and get'er done.

5K Row

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Squat Snatch + Thruster WOD

Back Squat / Box Squat 8x2
HSPU 2 x max sets or work on HSPU if you have less than 5 HSPU in a row
Rounds in 10 min
10 Hang Squat Snatches 75/55
10 Thrusters 75/55 

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Ains 8:12 @ 185
2. Annie 8:49 @ 175
3. Robyn 9:36 RX
1. Solo 6:13 @245
2. Nick 6:50 @245
3. Arash 8:20 RX
4. Ant 8:23 RX

Monday, August 23, 2010

Deadlifts and running -- Bye Bye Danimal

We are sadly losing one of our top athletes in the gym  Dan "Danimal" Lamaga aka Dancing Dan aka Danceable. Dan is heading back to Saskatchewan to build a house with his sis before he heads back out on the cruise ships for another tour of duty in early October. We are offcourse hoping to get the big man back in the Den in the very near future and I hope he will post his workouts scores on our blog. I told him I would honor any times or weights he throws down wherever he is in the world for our leaderboard.

Dan it was a pleasure to have you in the gym and I couldn't be prouder of the overall progress in your GPP that we were able to make in such a short time period. That is what hard work can do. As you all know his strength numbers across the board are pretty much legendary in here now but it was his ability to move around his bodyweight that I thought was most impressive. Dan also never gave anything less than 110% in any workout he ever did. Never once did I see him take a day off when he was in the gym. Always hit the strength big and then left his life on the mat with the metcon.

21 Deadlifts 225/155
400m run
15 Deadlifts 225/155
400m run
9 Deadlifts 225/155
Work on your gymnastic weaknesses ( ie. Muscle Ups / Handstand Pushups / ring dips etc.)

Note that the deadlift weight here will be subject to change. If you don't have a 350 / 225 pound deadlift than I want that weight scaled down. If you have a larger than that number than I want that weight moved up. This workout should be similar to Helen in terms of its focus, meaning that its all about the run. The reps and weight should allow you to run hard in each round with your 400 splits obviously decreasing as you fatigue.  

Leaderboard For Monday
1. Robyn 18:15
2. Roe Roe 18:07 (on the rings)
3. Ains 23:32
4. Annie 24:18
5. BB Guns 13:27 * not rx because she did GHD situps but still a badass time that is worth noting
1. Scott 16:33
2. Solo 21:30
3. Ant 21:43
4. Nick 24:25
5. Eddie 24:34

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Burpee, Box Jumps + Toes to Bar

5x3 Thrusters
Box Jumps
Toes To Bar

This is a .com workout from a couple of days ago. Nice way to start the week off right.

Also I have some 20% off cards on my desk for Forma Athletics Store in West Vancouver. Please help yourself. They have great gear, especially on the compression front, and footwear. The cards are good till August 31st.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Team WOD for tomorrow and Brunch at Milestones

In teams of two you have:
3 min to work up to a 1RM strict press
3min to work up to a 2RM push press
3min to work up to a 3RM push jerk
* no rest between, the clock will be running. This will take 9min in total. 

You will then divide your weight made by your bodyweight at each exercise and add up all three scores to the second decimal. Your partner will do the same and then you combine your two numbers for a team score (eg. 5.94). Then......

As a team run 1 mile for time

Here's were it gets interesting. The team with the winning score on the overhead work goes first on the run. How far behind you finish on the overhead will determine your time penalty. If team 1 scores a 5.94 on the overhead and team 2 scores a 6.10 than team 2 will start the run 16 seconds after team 1. Every team will work off of the winning teams score to determine when they start the run.

Teams will be randomly drawn from a hat. If numbers allow we will try for mixed teams but we'll take that as it comes.  If you are a new athlete than you will do these motions but I will likely not allow you to go into the team environment unless you feel really comfortable with the movements.

Both team members need to cross the finish line. First team to do so wins.

Reminder to everyone who wants to join we are going to grab some brunch at Milestones at around 11:30 tomorrow morning. Hopefully you can join.

Brunch Tomorrow?

I know people were talking about a BBQ for this weekend at the gym, which I obviously didn't get organized so I thought a little brunch after our morning classes on Saturday might be a good time. Danimal is going away early next week so this could be a little kick off for him, though we all hope he'll be back with us soon.

Milestones Park Royal 11:15ish is the plan. Love to see ya.

The Pie.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Unbroken WOD

WOD 1:
3 rounds for time of:
20 Unbroken Wallballs
15 Unbroken Pullups
10 Unbroken Dips
5 Unbroken Hang Squat Cleans 135/95

* This is a guide line rep range and rx weight. I might get athlete specific for this workout. Also if anyone wants to try a larger unbroken number they are welcome to do so. 

WOD 2:
5x60m sprint

Rest Day / Make Up Day - Chief Results

Some really great Chief efforts today. This WOD is going up on our gym record leaderboard for sure. Rest day today for those that have hit mon, tues, wed. If you have missed any of those come on in for open gym anytime between 7-10am and 4:30-7:30pm.

Chief Leaderboard
1. Annie 27 2/3
2. Ains 27
3. BB Guns 23
4. Robyn 20 1/2
5. Misch 16
1. G - WOW ( aka Steven Bunches aka Garth Prouse) 33 2/3
2. Scott 31 1/3
3. Nick 27 2/3
4. Ant 25
5. Arash 21 1/3

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Chief

Wednesday WOD: 
"The Chief"
max rounds in 3min of:
3 Power Cleans 135/95
6 pushups
9 squats
Rest 1min and repeat for 5 cycles. Your score is the total number of rounds completed. Enjoy this video of the Chief that we took last summer. This is a workout that catches up with you real quick. No strength piece before this. We will just hit this wod and then go through a big class stetch. No leaderboard for Tuesday as so many people were at different weights and different pullup numbers and equipment. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Heavy Snatch

Snatch - Heavy Single
4 rounds for time with 2 min  break between rounds
10 Power Snatch 65% Snatch Single
10 Overhead Squat 65% Snatch Single
10 Ring Pullups  or 5 Muscle Ups

I'm pretty sure we had a scoring error in the 4:30 class today. Solo did the WOD in the 6:30 class unbroken with fast running and he finished 11 rounds plus burpees. I know for sure that he was moving quite a bit faster in his runs than I was.

However I will post the leaderboard as it was recorded. Hopefully

1. Ains 13
2. Robyn 12 + burpees
3. BB Guns 10 + burpees
3. Roe Roe 10 + burpees
5. Misch 9
1. Nick 13
2. Solo 11 + burpees
2. Darren 11 + burpees
4 Ant 10 + burpees
5. Arash 10

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Good Lord Its Hot

What a weekend of weather we just had. I am sitting in my room right now cooking and that is with the AC blasting.

For those wondering the Surprise workout I gave on Saturday looked like this. As soon as I witnessed the final three workouts at the CrossFit Games this year, where Dave Castro told the athletes what the wods were 30 seconds before they began each workout, I wanted to try and provide that experience for you guys. So here is what I came up with. Everyone met at the concrete steps where I told them that they would climb up the stairs to an school half a block away were a turned over whiteboard would reveal their first workout. After completion they would go back down the stairs and then back up to the school and the second white board would reveal their 2nd wod. Same thing for number three.

Big props to my mom who came to the gym at 8am with me to load up all the dumbells into her car and she hung out till both classes were done. I thought that was a pretty nice thing for her to do on a sunny Saturday morning. Thanks JJ.

Monday WOD:

A. Dead Deadlift 5x5
B. Back Squat 8,6,4
C. AMRAP in 20 min
10 burpees
1 building lap

The Dead Deadlift means you cannot tap and go the sets. Each rep must come from dead weight. I am also going to be really strict about the burpee standard today. If you don't have both hands straight up while you are off the ground I am going to call you on a no rep. If you get called the entire motion doesn't count. You don't just get to redo the jump. Think of the top of the burpee like the top of the shoulder press. Also look straight ahead and that will get your hips opened up and your torso straight. 

Friday, August 13, 2010


I like all the anticipation building for tomorrows workout. What I can tell you is this will be an offsite workout. If you are somebody that needs music while they workout then bring an ipod or whatever you want. Your shirt and shorts might also get a little dirty. If you are late to the class we will be gone so please show up 10min early to whatever class you are planning on hitting. There will be a 9 and 10am. No we are not doing the Grouse Grind.

Saturday WOD:

AMRAP in 12min Leaderboard
1. Ains 7 + 2 pullups
2. Robyn 6 + pullups
3. Annie 6
1. Scott 7 + pullups (10 chest to bar)
2. Pie 7 + Pullups
2, Arash 7 + pullups
4. Danimal 7 + 3 pullups
5. Solo 7

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Push Press - AMRAP in 12min

Three sets of:
Push Press x 3 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Side Plank Hold x 60-75 seconds each side
Rest 90 seconds;
and then,
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 x Push Press (135/95 lb.)
10 x Pull-Ups
15 x  Box Jump 24/20
Reminder that Saturday morning 9 and 10am classes I have something fun for you guys. Also Amanda is doing a 30K walk Saturday and 30K walk Sunday for womens cancer. Thought it might be nice if on Saturday everyone who works out bring a twoonie in for her. She's raised $2000.00 already. 

Rest Day / Make Up Day

As per usual rest day/make up day. Its been I think a great three days of WOD's so if you missed any of them get in here.

Also want to take note that you are going to want to be here for Saturday workout, 9 or 10am. I have something different for you guys to enjoy. Don't miss it.

Want to give a big shout out to Misch and Jenny (aka "the work crier") for putting down there first big RX workout. Big step ladies, super proud of ya. Also we had a great battle between Scott and Solo in the 4:30 with solo leading the way for the first half of the wod, only to lose ground for most of the second half and then making a rare CrossFit comeback and taking Scott on the last set of front squats. Loved every minute of it.

Wednesday Leaderboard
1. Roe Roe 8 + 7 squats
2. Misch 8 + 3 squats
3. Jenny 5 + 7 burpees
4. Lauren 5 + 5 right hand lunge
5. M 4.5 rounds
1. Solo 9 + 8 lunges
2. Scott 9 + 5 lunges
3. Ant 8 + front squats
4. Arash 7+ 3 burpees
5. Geoff 6 + 10 right hand lunges

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mix Grip Bench Press -- AMRAP in 20min

Another new .com workout. As you can see I have really been feeling what HQ has been putting out lately and I am trying to incorporate it into our program as much as possible. We have had to change this one a little bit but the principle and energy systems involved are consistent with what Dave Castro and the boyz were going for.
Mix Grip Bench Press 9x3 w/t 90sec break between sets - Each set you are going to switch from a wide, medium and close grip bench press.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
7 Front Squats 135/95 - No racks
35/20 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (right hand)
7 Burpees
35/20 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (left hand)

SQT Leaderboard
1. Annie 4:29
2. Robyn 5:04
3. Roe Roe 5:09
4. BB Guns 5:28
5. Smel 6:22
1. Scott 3:41
2. Solo 3:53
3. Pie 4:08
4. Nick 4:10
5. Danimal 4:12
**Steven Bunches 3:25 offsite

Monday, August 9, 2010


Big ups to Scott today who threw down Lil Barbara unbroken. Also would like to give props to my wife for putting down one of her first RX workouts. She has the torn up hands to prove it. Congrats lady. 
This is a .com workout from a couple of days ago. Short quick hit metcon after some heavy Olympic lifting. Should be a fun one. You may Snatch or Clean and Jerk the weight. Its up to you.
Squat Clean and Jerk - 4x1

Three rounds for time of:
10 Ground to Overhead 95/65
200 yard Shuttle sprint, 50 yards there and back twice

Lil Barbara Leaderboard
1. Annie 9:58
2. BB Guns 11:49
3. Bombshell 18:08
1. Scott 7:13
2. Arash 9:35
3. Ant 10:21
4. Solo 11:09
5. Nightrider 11:42 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lil Barbara

Box Squat - Heavy Single
*Remember You must control the weight on the way down. Ideally the bar is set in the low bar position, you will have a wider than normal stance and really focus on driving all your weight backwards. For most of you you will have to start with a higher than hip level box. Need to pick a height that allows you to minimize your shin angle. This is a heavy single not a 1RM. This will the first time most of you have gone heavy with a box squat so please respect the fact that your form has to be perfect.
"Lil Barbara"
3 rounds for time w/t 3min break between rounds
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 anchored situps
50 squats

Friday, August 6, 2010

Repeat Saturday WOD

1 mile run
30 Knees to Elbows
30 Thrusters 95/65
600m row
30 Pull ups
30 Wall balls
100 Double Unders
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
30 Burpees 
We threw this down July 9th 2009 except the double unders were single skips.  Should be a good one. 

Lizzie Leaderboard
1. Annie 5:20 RX
2. Robyn 6:51 105#
3. BB Guns 14:26 105# 
1. Danimal 4:01
2. Pie 4:29 
3. Nick 5:14 
4. Arash 7:56
5. Scott 8:37

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Izzie -- Steven Bunches Sighting

Izzie is a CrossFit Football WOD that Andy gave to CrossFit Vancouver a couple of days ago. Looks like a real beauty. The RX weight is legit so please choose carefully, it should be heavy for each rep but not completely out of the question.

Great to get Garth back in the Den throwing down a double metcon today. He lost to Scott by 1 sec in the burpee pullup, db hang power clean wod and then destroyed the 2 for 1 wallball workout. I think deep down he really misses the non air conditioned, hot as fuck warehouse we call home.

Power Cleans 185/115
Ring Dips

* Warm up the power clean to a weight above what you are going to use for the WOD.

2 for 1 leaderboard
1. Ains 7:26
2. BB Guns 8:38
3. Roe Roe 14:27
4. Annie 14:49
5. Lauren 16:29
1. Steven Bunches 7:20
2. Scott 8:26
3. GC 8:30
4. Pie 8:40
5. Solo 9:44
** Big props to Arash who pretty much caught the wallball on each rep. Way harder workout that way. His time was 13:24

Rest Day / Make Up Day - Peak Performance Project

Annie and Team Lions at the CrossFit Games Affiliate Cup second workout. Today as usual is rest day/makeup day. However since we had a holiday Monday some of you are only on two days in a row. Please come in and I'll prescribe you a workout. I don't think a lot of people however have done both Tuesday and Wednesday workouts. Below is another Kyprios Peak Performance video. I also want to note that Kyprios is not our only family member who is in this competition. Reese's band Parlour Steps are also in the competition. Check out one of their videos below. Pretty cool to have two of these super talented guys throwing down in our gym each and every day. Congrats.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2 For 1 Wallballs

Solo finding an interesting way to get 475 on the bar.  Obviously its time to get some metal plates up in the den.

Overhead Squats  5x3
3 rounds for time:
50 double unders
25 2 for 1 wallballs - You do 1 squat in between each wallball shots.

Burpee Pullup, DB Hang Clean
1. Annie 8:47
2. Hattie 8:39 w/t no pullups and 35# db
1. Scott 5:37
2. Evil Kyp 6:53
3. Solo 6:57
4. Knight 7:13
5. Nick 7:45

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hope Everyone Enjoyed Their Long Weekend

A. Deadlift Heavy Single
B. Press Heavy Single
50 Burpee Pullups
50 Hang DB Power Cleans 35/20

Friday, July 30, 2010

Enjoy Your Long Weekend

I am off to Whistler. Ains is going to be teaching the 9 and 10am classes on Saturday. Reminder the gym is closed on Monday, however I believe Robyn and Annie are going to be throwing down at 9am on Monday. Perhaps Robyn can again leave a post on the comments of this blog to confirm. Please be aware that even though Robyn is a CrossFit coach, she is not teaching the classes as she is going to be working out herself. However I'm sure she will help you in the setup and what you can do.

Friday Leaderboard
1. Ains 14 2/3
2. Annie 14
3. Michelle 12 1/3
4. Robyn 12
5. Hattie 11 1/3
1. GC 14
2. Nick 13 1/3
3. Pie 13
4. Knight 12
5. Eddie 11

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lets get in the heat

Good lord this weather is amazing. Absolutely love it. Lets get in it. Time to tax the legs and we'll work on the muscle ups before hand. If you are someone with muscle ups try and see how many you can do in a row. Also I want those of you with muscle ups to make sure you are getting to full extension at the bottom.

Muscle Up Work 
Rounds in 20min:
1 hill climb
10 KB Swings 1.5/1 pood
20 Jumping squats

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Steven Bunches Is Off The Top Of The Leaderboard

Danimal has throw down Garth Prouse's Grace time and taken over the top spot on the Grace Leaderboard with a time of 2:10. Well done. Ains has also taken down Hatties top time for a new female gym record.

We are going to be closed this Monday for the BC Long Weekend. Regular class hours on Saturday. It is likely some members might still be working out at the gym. If you are leave a message on the blog so people can join you.

Rest Day / Make up day as usual for Thursday.

Grace Leaderboard
1. Ains 3:09 Gym Record!!
2. Roe 3:13
3. Annie 3:34
4. Hattie 4:15
1. Danimal 2:10 Gym Record!!
2. The Pie 2:26
3. Jerry 2:45
4. Solo 2:57
5. Nick 3:14

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Benchmark WOD -- Grace

Time for a Benchmark / Leaderboard workout today. If you haven't already noticed this is the week of short wods to follow up last week of longer metcons. Grace is a perfect example of that. Really looking forward to seeing Danimal tackle this bad boy. Sub 2min is possible and gym record is likely. No pressure big guy.

Wednesday Workout
30 Clean and Jerks @135/95
You may power clean, squat clean, press, push press, push jerk, split jerk.
5x60m band runs

2k row leaderboard
1. Hattie 7:57
2. Jenny 8:35
3. Annie 8:39
4. Robyn 8:51
5. Michelle 9:09
1. Danimal 6:48
2. Murder 6:50
3. Solo 6:52 (offsite at the North Van Firehall)
4. Jerry 7:10
5. Geoff 7:18

2K Row

Sorry for the late post. Computer was left at work.

Tuesday  Workout

Box Squats 10x2
2K Row

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Max Pullup Sets -- Kyprios Peak Performance Video

Check out Kyprio aka Bayday aka Evil Kyp as he is issued a CrossFit related challenge in the Peak Performance challenge in which Peak Radio is giving away a 100k price to the winning artist. He did a version of Kalsu which some of you might remember is the nastiest workout we have done yet or right up there with them.

Monday WOD (OPT Blog workout):
A. Max Split Jerk - No press outs aloud. You must catch with straight arms.
B. 4 sets of max pullups w/t a max rest of 5 min between set

Your score is the total weight completed plus the total pullups completed in each round.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ladder Saturday

Saturday WOD:
A. Strict Press Ladder 75/55 - no racks
B. Death By 10m w/t a medball 20/12
* 1 on the 1st minute, 2 on the second, 3 on the third. You go till you fail or quit. 

Friday Leaderboard
1. Robyn 23:38 RX

1. Scott 16:28
2. Solo 20:04
3. The Pie 20:15
4. GC 21:34
5. Geoff 23:53

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fun Little Chipper for Friday

Clean Pulls 5x5
15 ring dips
25 boxjumps
35 double unders
45 lunges
400m run
30 ring dips
50 boxjumps
70 double unders
90 lunges
800m run
15 ring dips
25 boxjumps
35 double unders
45 lunges

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rest Day / Make Up Day

As usual Thursday will be open gym at the Den. You can make up any of the three workouts we have done so far this week. If you have throw down each day than please take a rest day. Feel free to come on in and stretch however.

Stay tuned as we will have a bunch of photos coming back from the Games this past weekend. Thank you to everyone for the support. Yes I am and was very proud of everyone down there.

Wednesday Leaderboard
1. Robyn 13:38
2. Ains 15:01
3. Hattie 26:35
1. Pie 14:15
2. Ant 14:25
3. Solo 15:32
4. Nick 15:54
5. Arash 16:42

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

CrossFit Games 2010 WOD -- Intensity

I wanted to take a second and reflect on some of the athletes I saw this last weekend and what I think really separates those of us who are achieving their athletic goals and those of us who are hitting plateaus. The three major things being diet, amount of training and intensity. Diet we have touched on a lot lately so I will leave that for this post but amount of training and intensity I want to dive in on. If you are wanting to take your game to the next level and you not someone who is already training 5 days a week in the Den, than that is your first step. The top athletes on our team and others, aswell as the individuals all never miss workouts...period.  The volume of their training is consistent and their results follow. If you are training just a couple of days a week and wondering why you aren't getting to your goals, look no further. The other big variable is intensity and this is something I think we can all improve upon. If you want to pull the most out of our workouts you have to hit them with everything you got. You don't do the RX weight on a workout you have to still chose an extremely challenging weight. Its your job to do that. If you pick a weight for the workout, stick with that weight until either you finish or a coach tells you to take it down. I want to see more people fighting to complete WODs as apposed to coasting. What we do absolutely can provide you everything you want out of your workout program but you have to be actually doing it and you have to hit it hard. Lets start with this one today.

This workout was part of the three workouts they did as the final wod on Sunday.  It will be quite different for us since we aren't coming right from another workout but I'm sure it will still do the trick.
Back Squat 5x3 
3 rounds for time:
30 Toes To Bar
21 Ground to Overhead 95/65

Tuesday Leaderboard to come in morning.

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