Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Squat Clean Thrusters and CTB Pullups

This was a .com wod last week and I couldn't quite fit it into our programming till now. We have gone light on both metcons Monday and Tuesday (one long, one short). Now we are going to go heavy and short to medium distance for todays wod.

5 rounds for time:
5 Squat Clean Thrusters 135/95
10 Chest To Bar Pullups

Muscle Up / Ring Dip work
Full Back Extensions / Reverse Hyper 3x15

"Annie" Leaderboard
1. Annie 13:45 RX ( It's her birthday, so she is first no matter what)
2. BB Guns 3:42 ( sick time)
3. Ains 5:28
4. Robyn 6:39
5. Annie 10:36
1. Scott 5:04
2. The Pie 5:29
3. Knight 6:17
4. Solo 6:32
5. Nick 6:38


  1. For those interested in competing in the Taranis Winter comp (Nov 6-7) the registration opened up today. Limited to 100 individuals and 20 teams. Not sure how quickly it will sell out, but if interested in going, sign up so that you have your spot.


  2. This workout scares me !!!

    Robs :)

  3. Chris/Knight!
    Are we having our end of summer partay on Saturday night September 18th? Just wondering...planning my month, don't want to miss a good gathering and a chance to make another batch of Sangria! :)

  4. the 18th sounds good to me. whatever you guys wanna do. like i said, my house is always available so we can host it there, end up there, or just light it on fire at some point in the day if we're bored and wanna burn shit.

    im in.

  5. Sounds good Mr.Knight, I will mark my calendar!
    Annie :)
