Thursday, August 5, 2010

Izzie -- Steven Bunches Sighting

Izzie is a CrossFit Football WOD that Andy gave to CrossFit Vancouver a couple of days ago. Looks like a real beauty. The RX weight is legit so please choose carefully, it should be heavy for each rep but not completely out of the question.

Great to get Garth back in the Den throwing down a double metcon today. He lost to Scott by 1 sec in the burpee pullup, db hang power clean wod and then destroyed the 2 for 1 wallball workout. I think deep down he really misses the non air conditioned, hot as fuck warehouse we call home.

Power Cleans 185/115
Ring Dips

* Warm up the power clean to a weight above what you are going to use for the WOD.

2 for 1 leaderboard
1. Ains 7:26
2. BB Guns 8:38
3. Roe Roe 14:27
4. Annie 14:49
5. Lauren 16:29
1. Steven Bunches 7:20
2. Scott 8:26
3. GC 8:30
4. Pie 8:40
5. Solo 9:44
** Big props to Arash who pretty much caught the wallball on each rep. Way harder workout that way. His time was 13:24

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