Monday, August 31, 2009

CrossFit Langley WOD

I saw this the other day from our friends at CrossFit Langley...looks like fun and fits perfectly into our programming this week.
400m Run
2 Rounds:
15 Squats
15 DB Presses
15 Situps
10 Pullups
Tech: Power Clean Max Single
5 rounds for time:
3 Power Cleans 155/95
7 CTB Pullups
9 Medball situp to wallball
for the medball situp to wallball you will start on your back with the medball in your hands, launch yourself into the bottom of the squat position and then throw the ball to the target and repeat.

Please take note to the picture above. We cannot park past the third loading bay door at anytime. If the parking lot is full to that point please park against the wall near our door or across the street. It is very important to keep great relations with our neighbors for obvious reasons. They have all been great at letting us play around with every square inch of our area. Thanks in advance.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sprint Time

3 rounds
100 skips
10 pushups to plank/6 for ladies
10 ring rows
10 snatch balances with dowel
Tech: Deadlift, Heavy Single
WOD: 6x150m sprint.....start at bottom of hill sprint up to the end of the top parking lot. 2 min break between runs. Total time wins.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Saturday WOD

400m Run
3 Rounds:
10 KBS
10 Ring Dips/Pushups
30’ Broad Jumps
10 Pass Throughs
Tech: Bench Press 3x3
3 rounds for time:
20m barbell lunge
20 pullups
5 squat cleans @ 155/100

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Overhead Squats Plus 20 and 10

Fridays WOD:
400m Run
5 Rounds:
1 Handstand
5 Pullups
7 Pushups
9 Squats

Tech: Overhead Squats 5x3
"20, 10"
20 Push Jerk @ 95#/65#
20 Burpee Pullups
10 Push Jerk
10 Burpee Pullups
This WOD is a fast quick hit so please treat it as such. Go after it and try for sub 5min. You must push jerk the bar and not quick jerk it. I'll show you the difference.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back Squat

Back Squat
You should use this opportunity to work your way up to a max single and then do some additional sets of 2 of less weight. No metcon or cardio today as I want everything we have to go into these back squats. Time to get heavy. This time of training is just as important as any of the hard cardio style workouts we do. Treat it with respect and get it done.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Nice work today everyone. That was a beast of a workout to say the least.
Wednesday Tech: Muscle ups
Wednesday WOD: "Nate"
rounds in 20 min
2 muscle ups
8 Heavy KB Swings

If you don't have a muscle up than you do 3 pullups followed by three dips. If you don't have a HSPU than you do a strict press.

Monday, August 24, 2009

.com workout number 2

Great work on Cindy today. Don't worry for those that found the new pullup system a little tight today as we are in the works of getting a new bar that will give us a minimum of 4 more pullup stations.
Tuesday Tech: Overhead Squat 5x3
Tuesday WOD:
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

Really rare to see back to back rounds in 20min workouts on .com, so I am very interested to see how this one is taken by everyone. RX for ladies is 65#, scale weight as needed.

3 days of .com programming

Sorry for the lateness on the post but I was in no condition yesterday to touch a keyboard, let alone use my brain. Thanks again to all who came up to Whistler for my stag. Awesome time. I will post some pictures soon.
We are going to do programming this week. They run a 3 on 1 off schedule so I will supplement Thursday with a workout of my choosing. If you haven't put some time into than get your ass over to it and look around. This whole community feeds off of it and its a awesome resource.
Monday Tech: Deadlift 5x5. This is a larger rep range than we normally do with the deadlift but it important to work all strength ranges. I would actually argue that your 3 rep deadlift is going to be pretty close to your 5 rep especially if you tap and go which you are allowed to do today.
Monday WOD: "Cindy"
rounds in 20min
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
By the way .com gives you an option of Cindy or Mary but for our leaderboard purposes I want you doing Cindy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Going away for my stag

Couple notes about scheduling. There will only be a 9am class on Saturday. Sorry again about that. I know it seems like this is turning into a habit but I promise once summer and wedding is done, I will do the best I can to keep classes on schedule as much as possible.

Garth will be teaching the evening classes and in honor of that here is a workout he came up with and did on Tuesday I believe. Its related to fight gone bad but using a different modality. Looks like fun.

Tech: Deadlift may tap and go if you wish
WOD: "Fight and Die"
3 rounds with a 2 min break inbetween rounds
30 sec wallballs
30 sec break
30 sec wallballs
30 sec break
30 sec d ball slams
30 sec break
30 sec d ball slams
30 sec break
30 sec KB Swing (yellow/white)
30 sec break
30 sec KB Swing
30 sec break
30 sec burpees
30 sec break
30 sec burpees
30 sec break
30 sec row for calories
30 sec break
30 sec row for calories

Wish me luck this weekend as I'm truly afraid of what's in store. We are meeting up at 8am tomorrow morning for a workout to kick things off. Come join if you like.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Max Snatch -- Quick Hit

Thursday Tech: Snatch....if technique is doing well we will work up to a max single but for most this will be a technique session. Don't be surprised if I get you only working with a dowel. Its for your own good.
Thursday WOD:
Power Snatch

Note: For you morning people I will be doing a 9:30 class tomorrow morning. Feel free to join us.
For those interested or who didn't hit todays workout, here were the details. It was called "Earn your right to cross the street"
Approx at 2.5 mile run. Each time you have to cross a street you had to drop down and do five burpees. At the middle of the run there was a 2min ish hill climb where you also had to finish it with 5 burpees at the top.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Running with a twist

Couple points I want to bring up. First off, please make sure you write down any non RX movement or weight on the leaderboard each day. Its important to the whole gym that you do that so people know where their effort for the day ranks. If you need help with that let me know. Secondly please try and put your empty water bottles in the recycling bin at the front of the gym once you finish it.
Wednesday WOD:
"Earn the right to cross the street"
Details will come before the workout. I'll give you a little hint. Running is the major movement. Note there is no 8am class tomorrow.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Clean up your handstand

Great work today on the max pullups and the btb Tabata. Big props to Robyn and Eric who won their respective divisions with 36 and 49 straight pullups respectively. Everyone's legs are going to be sore from the squats today so for tomorrow we are going to stay off of those in a more strength centric workout.
"Clean up your handstand"
Power Cleans 135/95
GHD Situps

Sunday, August 16, 2009

BTB Tabata Squats -- Max Pullups

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. We are going to start this week off with a bang. Two very short outputs to set us up for the week.
Tech: Max Pullups. You are going for one set of max rep pullups. Chin over bar on every rep, feet touch the ground and you are out.
WOD: Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squat. In the 10 sec rest period you must rest in the "hole" of the squat. Lowest score on any round is your score.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Time to get back on the ropes

Saturdays WOD:
3 rounds for time:
5 rope climbs
30 sec freestanding handstand
20 tire flips
20 toes to bar
20 KB circles

9 and 10am classes tomorrow kids. This should be a fun one after a long hard week in the gym. Great work by all this week by the way. Really proud of all of you who got in here more than once.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gymnastics workout

Time for a longer gymnastics style workout today. We have gone medium and heavy this week and now its time to go light and move. We also haven't done any rowing so here we go.
Tech: 5x5 Front Squat followed immediated by 20 as fast as possible air squats. Each set you do 5 Front Squat and then 20 air squats.
WOD:15, 30, 45, 30, 15 reps for time of:
Push Ups
Row (cal)
Double Unders

Steven Bunches getting into an ice bath on his rest day. It hurts a lot but there is a huge benefit to doing it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Death By Clean and Jerk

I hear a rumour that Kioks made his way back into the barn today....offcourse he would on the running WOD. Good to have you back kid. I will post todays scores tomorrow.
Thursday WOD:
"Death by Clean & Jerk"
With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound C&J the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound C&J the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed. Scale weight as needed.
Tech: Muscle ups/rope climbs.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beep Test -- Happy BIrthday to Shadi

We had a surprise sighting today. It was great to have Karen back in the Den for a workout today. Please send out the good CrossFit vibes so she might consider coming back to us.
Its Shadi's birthday tomorrow (Wednesday) so if you see her make sure you remember to tell her to drop and do 5 burpees. On your birthday that is the rule....if you are intructed to drop down for five you must do that. I only joke.
Wednesday WOD: "Beep Test"
This is a classic conditioning tool used by many a national team programs to test endurance.

The test involves running continuously between two points that are 20 m apart. These runs are synchronized with a pre-recorded audio tape or CD, which plays beeps at set intervals. As the test proceeds, the interval between each successive beep reduces, forcing the athlete to increase velocity over the course of the test, until it is impossible to keep in sync with the recording.

The recording is typically structured into 23 'levels', each of which lasts around 63 seconds (the shortest level is level 16, lasting 60.45 seconds, the longest is level 2, lasting 67.8 seconds). Usually, the interval of beeps is calculated as requiring a speed at the start of 8.0 km/h, increasing by 0.5 km/h with each level. The progression from one level to the next is signaled by 3 rapid beeps. The highest level attained before failing to keep up is recorded as the score for that test.

Post beep test strength: Split Jerk Heavy Single

Monday, August 10, 2009

Three Times the fun

Welcome Eddie and Dan to classes. Great work today boyz. Tough first workout for sure. Congrats to all who tried this beast.

We are going to take a different approach to a CrossFit workout sequence.
Tuesday Tech: Hang Power Clean 5x3
Tuesday WOD:
Hang Power Cleans

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kalsu -- Hardest WOD to date

Monday's WOD: "Kalsu"
100 thrusters for time and every minute on the minute you must complete 5 burpees.
This is a CrossFit Football hero WOD and the rx weight for them is 135...which is crazy. Our rx is going to be 95# but if you don't have at least 20 thrusters at 95# I want you to scale the weight down to 75# or lower. Racks are allowed. From all indications from other affiliates who have tried this WOD, this is as hard a test on the human body as you can give. Enought said!!!

Check out this video on the Thruster. Classic.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday Workout Changed

Thought I would post this after the fact for those looking at our programming.
I changed Saturdays WOD to original one it was based on from
Tech: Straight legged deadlift 5x5
WOD: clock begins you do 1 max set of ring dips and follow it by holding in the up position for the remainder of the 60sec. Rest 1 min. Max ring pushups followed by holding in the up position for the remainder of the 60sec. Rest 1 min. Repeat 3 times. Do 25 1/2 depth GHD situps followed by 30sec hold in the bottom position. rest 1 min and repeat three times.

This was a great workout. Really will surprise you how quickly your chest gives out.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Gymnastics Holds....

Saturday WOD:
3 rounds for time
10 ring dips
20 second hold at top of ring dip
20 pushups
40 second hold at top of pushup
40 situps
80 sec hold

On the holds you are responsible to keep your own count of the seconds and if you have to drop from the hold you pick back up from where you were. In terms of the situps, we will use the GHD if there is 3 or less people and the mats if we are more. The hold will depend on which exercise we do.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kettlebell Breathing Ladder

Big props to The Pej who increased her Fight Gone Bad total by almost 100 reps. Great work Leila. Real proud of you. Also it was great to welcome Ainsley, our new trainer, to a class who smoked this workout even though she also put in a 2 hour run today.
Friday Tech: Front Squat 6x2
Friday WOD:
Kettlebell Breathing Ladder
With a 53 pound kettlebell, complete one kettlebell swing followed by one full breath, two kettlebell swings followed by two full breaths, three kettlebell swings followed by three full breaths, and so on, for as long as you are able. During the work set (swings), you may take as many breaths as possible.
Post the highest set achieved to comments.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The stations are:
Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. We are doing 3 rounds.

Compare this to May 5th score. Please leave improvements or decreases in comments section.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back Squat

Wednesday WOD:
Back Squat: 10x1 at 80% of your max. If you don't know what your max back squat is then do 10 sets of 1 rep of pretty darn heavy back squat but not the absolute most you can do.
This workout should set us up for a big thursday. No cardio after this WOD is allowed. I want this to be a pure strength day. None of these ten sets should be easy.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tuesday WOD:
AMRAP in 20min
Max Pullups
400m run
You are going for total pullups. Each time your feet hit the ground you have to run 400m before you can get back on the bar. You may rest in the hang position. Most pullups wins.
This is a video of Nicole going for a 15 bodyweight overhead squats.