Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend. Time for a classic benchmark workout to start our week off right.

Squat Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips

3x15 Full Back Ext.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Birthday To Chelan

It is my wifes birthday today. Happy Birthday Bombshell!!

Friday WOD: 
A1. Deadlift 5x5
A2. Ring Pushups Tempo 5xmax set -- 2sec down, 1 sec at the bottom, explode up and right back down
Rest 3min between efforts *

B. Single Arm KB Swing Challenge. This is a one handed KB swing, however the KB only needs to get higher than the waist for the rep to count ( the entire bell has to clear your waist level). Your goal is to see if you can swing this bell in your hands for 5min. Highest weight completed wins. You can switch your hands as often as you like. Once the KB hits the floor, you are done. Please don't drop the KB on the ground.Please note this is a lower back killer. If you are someone who struggles with lower back tightness than please pick a light KB.
* You can increase the deadlift weight as you go along. If ring pushups are too hard than you can do regular pushups. If you don't have 20 pushups in a row than don't worry about the tempo, just do the pushups.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Birthday To Ainslie -- Wear Neon

Ainslie has requested that everyone in the 4:30 class please wear your best neon inspired outfit. Its her birthday and I can't argue with that. So if you got some neon than rock it out.

Reminder that Chris's Olympic lifting class is at 6pm, cost is $10 for members, $20 for non.

Wednesday Workout 
4 rounds for time w/t 3min break between rounds
500m row
400m run

Your score is your time minus your rest periods

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Ains 11 + 5
2. Roe 11
3. Robyn 10 + 1
4. Jenny  7 + 15
1. Scott 13 + 14
2. Solo 12 + 9
3. Arash 10
4. Patrick 9 +5
5. Geoff 9

Monday, October 25, 2010


Tuesday Workout
Overhead Squat 5x3
Round in 15min
5 Overhead Squats 75/55
5 Barbell Lunges 75/55 -- per leg
5 Thrusters 75/55 

Weight is light for this workout but the reps are also low which means you should be able to get through a few rounds unbroken before things go south. Enjoy.

Leaderboard to follow

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Monday Boyz and Girls

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and are looking forward to a big week of training. We are going to do a .com workout from a day or two ago. This is a short sprint workout to end our day.

Tall Squat Clean -- spend about ten minutes on working with this skill.
Squat Clean -- Work up to heavy single
7 rounds:
10 wallballs
10 pullups

Friday, October 22, 2010

Team WOD tomorrow

To be announced at class. Need to see how many peeps we got. Should be a fun one, come on down.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rest Day / Make Up Day

Three good workouts this week to chose from for tomorrow. If you have done all three than come stretch or enjoy the last day of sun for a while.

Chris Schaalo will teaching the evening sessions tomorrow night. Be kind to the little fella...hahaha.

Michael Leaderboard
1. Ains 21:38 full GHD
2. Annie 21:39
3. BB Guns 22:27
4. Hattie 23:03
5. Bombshell 23:59
5. Robyn 24 ( I screwed up her time) Full GHD 
1. Marko aka "the Mayor" 19:45 (first leadeboard and a victory to boot. Nice work buddy)
2. Twisto 21:42
3. Dave 22:35
4. Banana 22:43
5. Solo 24:05 Full GHD 
5. Nick 24 ish Full GHD

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Michael -- Olympic Lifting Class tonight at 6pm

Reminder that Chris Schaalo is teaching his Oly lifting class tonight at 6pm. Cost is $10 to Lions members, $20 to non members. 
Handstands -- Play around with them
3 rounds for time
50 situps (Full GHD if you want to add to the challenge)
50 back extensions
800m run
Big Stretch

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Annie 3:16
2. Ains -- forgot to put time
1. Solo 3:13
2. Nick 3:42
3. Dave 4:14
4. Arash 4:14

Monday, October 18, 2010

Classic Lions WOD but with new weight

Most of you have tried this workout. Either in your elements sessions or in the gym. However I am upping the weight.

A. Above the knee squat clean + full squat clean 80% of your 1RM x5
B. Ring Dip Ladder
5 rounds for time:
5 SDHP 135/95
10 squats
15 lunges

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Forrest Hero WOD -- Modified

We are going to do a modified hero wod from the mainsite a couple of days ago. This is a long grinder wod. I changed the L pullups because I have wanted to try this in a wod for a while and this gives us a great opportunity. I also changed the toes to bar because the hands are going to be pretty lit from the pullups and I'm not interested in torching your hands for the week. This will be a similar hit and time domain as the original.

The pic is of Solo's City of North Vancouver Fire crew. We had the whole team throwing down at the Den on Friday. Great job boyz. Hopefully we will see more of them soon.

"Forrest Modified" 
3 rounds for time:
20 Alternating Pullups (alternate between a strict pullup and a kipping pullup ie. one stict, one kipping, one stict, one kipping)
30 Turkish Getup Situps 35/20 
40 Burpees
800m run

45m time cap on this workout.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Like the look of the current OPT blog wod. I wanted to do multiple workouts tomorrow and this fits nicely into what we have done this week.

Saturday WOD:
2 Heavy Power Cleans
50 m Shuttle Run
rest 3 min x 5
Rest 10 min
Power Clean x 1
Front Squat x 1
Hang Power Clean x 1
(every 90 sec on the timer for 5 sets - 90% effort)
Rest 10 min
10 burpees AFAP
Static Ring hold to fatigue
rest 2 min x 3

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Classic Lions Workout

Good grinder wod today. This isn't something we have done before but its the type of challenge I like to give you kids once a week. 

Split Jerk - Work on Speed and getting your butt under the bar -- no more than 80% of your 1RM.
5 rounds for time:
10 Overhead Squats 115/85
15 Pullups
20 Wallballs

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rest Day / Make Up Day

Even though we are a short week this week we are going to do a makeup day today. If you missed Tuesday or Wednesday you will do either of those workouts. If you hit both then I will design a wod for ya.

Hope everyone enjoyed the running today.

1. Ains 46
2. BB Guns 40
2. Misch 40
2. Roe Roe 40
5. Hattie 36
1. Scott 51
2. Darren 48
2. Solo 48
4. Pie 40

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Voting For Peak Performance Artist -- Happy Birthday Amanda

Hi guys,

We have two very talented musicians training in the Den and they are both finalist for the Peak Performance Project. Reese is part of a band called Parlour Steps and Bayday is Kyprios.  Online voting has started. Please check out their music and put in your vote. Also please pass this onto your friends and family as the money that is up for grabs is substantial and could really change one or both of these guys lives. 100k to the winner, 75k to second and 50k to third.
. click on the right hand side to vote.

Happy Birthday goes out to Amanda. This workout is just for her. hahaha. 

Sorry about this but I want to try it and the weather looks good tomorrow.....

Wednesday WOD: 
As many reps as possible in 20min:
Hillrun  (the ramp you drive up)
* wod starts at the top of the hill, every time up is a rep.

3x20 full GHD
3x20 Back Ext
3x10 Strict knees to Elbows

There is no strength portion for today but you are expected to go through a big stretch period after post work

Tuesday Leaderboard:
1. Annie 6:31
2. Misch 8:09
3. Robs 8:38
4. Hattie 16:16
1. Scott 4:28
2. Solo 4:56
2. Arash 4:56
4. Nick 5:41
5. Dave 6:17

This is the first time since I opened this gym, where I have done a workout and not made the top 5 leaderboard. This is sad and yet fulfilling day......mostly sad.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Turkey Hangover

Back Squat 5x5 @ 70% 1RM 
Front Squat 5x3 @ 70% 1RM 
10 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts 135/95
10 Pushups

Friday, October 8, 2010

I Hope Our New Friends Enjoyed Today -- Gym Closed on Monday

What a great success today was having friends come in and workout. Great to put so many people through their first CrossFit workout. As we know they are going to be a little sore after that bad boy. I will try and do that once every two months or so in the future. 
Pretty tough to program the day after our "Death By Everything" workout as I expect our push, situp and squat muscles to be pretty much wrecked. However our pulling and posterior chain should still be in tact so that is what we are going to work on today. 

Gym will be closed on Sunday and Monday for the holiday. It is likely that Robyn and a few others will be working out Monday morning. I might also coach a class dependent on weather. Check back on this blog. Robyn can you leave a comment as to what time you will be coming in.

Saturday Wokout:
2 min at each station for max reps
Calorie Row
SDHP 95/65
Back Ext
Rest 5min and repeat 3 times, highest number wins

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bring a Friend Day

Our first bring a friend(s) day is upon us. Everyone is welcome to all classes tomorrow. We have one of my favorite workouts for these poor suckers to go after.

"Death By Everything"
This is a ladder. You will go up by the given rep range that is specified for each exercise. You will finish each exercise before you move onto the next. You continue to go up the ladder till you fail or quit. The reps will increase each minute. There is no break between exercises.

Wallballs (increase by 2 per minute)
Pushups (increase by 2 per minute)
Situps ( increase by 3 per minute)
Squats (increase by 4 per minute)

Your score is your total minutes completed.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bring A Friend This Friday

All day this Friday it will be bring a friend or more to any class for free. I will have workouts for all levels and obviously we will keep the motions simple but make the workout badass. All are welcome, so if you have any friends that have saying they were going to come in and haven't brought their lazy ass into the gym, then this Friday is the day.  Any questions, post to comments.
Rope Climbs (bring pants or long socks)
5 Heavy Back Squats ( all sets should be hard and heavy)
10 Max Jumps Pushup Burpee ( knees cannot touch the ground; you jump as high as you can on each burpee)
Rest 3min, repeat 5 times

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 11:14 RX
2. Robyn 13:11 @ 25#
3. Roe Roe 13:37 @ 25#
4. Annie 15:13 @ 25#
5. Misch 16:49 RX
1. Scott 11:37 @ 40#
2. Geoff 13:09 (over 3min better than the last time he did it)
3. Twisto 13:11
4. Dave 13: 27

Monday, October 4, 2010

DB Split Snatch

Ring Dips 4xmax set w/t 90 sec break between
Strict Pullups 2xmax set w/t 90 sec break between
4 rounds for time:
10 DB Split Snatch 35/20 per arm
20 boxjumps 24/20
1 building lap
** compare score to May 25th 

USAW Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 315
2. Robs 303
3. Roe Roe 290.5
4. Annie 286
5. Hattie 193.7
1. The Pie 433
2. Scott 428
3. Arash 373
4. Dave 327
5. Knight 323

Sunday, October 3, 2010

CrossFit/USAW CrossFit Open Workout

This past weekend in Colorado Springs CrossFit and the USAW Weightlifting association held its first weightlifting/crossfit competition. Some of CrossFit's top athletes competed in the event and my god has the form of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk in CrossFit sky rocketed in the last 2 years. What has become absolutely clear to me is if you want to be a top level CrossFiter you have to squat snatching and squat cleaning as often as possible. Settling for the power clean or snatch will only take you so far. Its better to go lighter weight and do the full motion than it is to force it up there.

Here was there workout:

CrossFit / USAW Crossfit Open WOD:
You have 30 min to complete: 
1 rep max Squat Snatch
1 rep max Squat Clean and Jerk
Rounds in 10min
6 Squat Cleans 125/85
12 Pullups
24 Double Unders
* Your score is your total weight completed in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk ( in Kilos) + total reps completed in the triplet. A Kilo is 2.2 pounds.
** You must lock out the snatch and the Clean and Jerk. No pressing out aloud in either motion.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Enjoy the Saturday WOD kids

A1. Push Press 4x4 ( you may go up and down with your weight through your sets)
A2. KB Swing 4x20 1.5/1, rest 2min
B1. 2x 500m row, 30 sec rest 
B2. 2x Max Pullups, 3 min rest
C. 1x max pushup

Weather looks great -- lets get outside

Sorry for the late post. Computer was at work. I think you guys will like this one.

Deadlift 5x3
First you will complete:
20 burpees
30 Jumping Squats
Then 4 rounds of:
1 building lap
5 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105 *
Please note this RX weight is heavy. If you don't have a 185 squat clean for me or a 135 squat clean for ladies than please scale down.