Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Canada Day

Reminder that there will be only a 8 and 9am class.

Its Tanya's birthday today. Happy birthday Tanya. For those of you who haven't met Tanya she is the one behind the Paleo diet challenge and has been a wealth of knowledge with it. Hope you enjoy the workout today Tanya.  Have a great day on your birthday.

"Canada turns 143"
In groups of two athletes complete 143 reps of each exercise:
SDHP 75/55 -- one partner can work at a time.
Medball situps -- Both partners are anchored in the weight trays and passing the wallball back and forth while performing situps.
Medball throws -- Stand five meters apart and throw the ball to your partner. You must pass through the front squat just like you do on the wallball. The ball does not have to be caught, its up to you.
Weighted lunges -- 25/15

Canada Day Class Schedule

Canada Day is tomorrow and the gym will be open for a 8am and 9am class. Love to see everyone coming out and hitting it. Class schedule will be as per usual on Friday and Saturday. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Holy Sh*t that is a lot of Cardio

Okay we have done two very similar but working completely different body group workouts the last couple of days. Both were extremely challenging Gymnastics dominated motions, that was essentially strength training in a mild conditioning environment. We also hit some good strength work both days. Now its time to get a bit of a sweat on. 
WOD 1: 
"Tabata Double Unders"
Lowerst number of completed double unders in any of the 8 rounds is your score. Tabata is 20 sec on 10 sec off for 8 rounds.
WOD 2: 
20 box jumps 24/20
* Manmakers reps go down each round, box jumps stay the same. Pick a box jump height that you can do the speed box jumps on. If RX is too high, than take the height down.
WOD 3:
1 Mile Run for time

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pull, Pull and more Pull.

A. Hang Squat Snatch
B. Clean Pulls 5x5 -- straps are aloud
Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45 pounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-up
For weighted pull-ups place a 45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after third rep and continue with strict pull-ups and then the kipping pull-ups. Coming off the bar or going to ground constitutes termination of a set.
Post time and number of sets to completion.

This came up on the mainsite a few days ago and it is really a challenging workout. For some of you new athletes I might change things up substantially for you. 

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thank You So Much

To everyone who came out and supported the CrossFit For a Cure boyz on Saturday morning. As a gym we raised $960.00 which so far is the most out of any gym they have visited in Canada. That is pretty f*cking cool. I would like to single out Steve Pipkey who's single donation made up a large portion of that sum. Thank you very much Steve. It was really great to hear everyone's personal stories of how this disease has effected their family. It really brings things into perspective.

Thank you again.

The Cure Leaderboard
1. Scott 15:09
2. Solo 16:17
3. Ains 16:47
4. Nick 17:08
5. Matt 17:38
6. Alex 17:40
7. Roe 17:50
8. Annie 17:57
9. Baker 18:04
10. Robyn 18:36
11. Geoff 18:53
12. Pip 19:18
13. Darren 18:10 (75#)
14. Lauren 19:37
15. Boomer 20:37

Monday Workouts
Front Squat 10x2 -- no more than 85% of 1RM
3 rounds of:
You have 1 minute to complete a max set of ring dips, in the remaining time you will hold your self up on the rings.
Rest 1 minute
You have 1 minute to complete a max set of ring pushups/regular pushups, in the remaining time you will holf your self in the plank position
Rest 1 minute

Friday, June 25, 2010

CrossFit For a Cure at 9am

CrossFit for a cure is coming in at 9am to join us for a little workout. They are accepting donations for Alzheimer Society. Please see below posts for more details. Love to see as many of you as possible for tomorrow morning. Should be lots of fun. This workout fits pretty good into what Alex and Matt have done in the last couple of days or at least as well as it could without making them do a pure Olympic lifting session. Can't have them come visit us and not play around with our hill. I was close to throwing down the stair climbs on them but thought that might be a bit cruel on all of us. This WOD also plays nicely into what we have done this week. I'm pretty sure Matt and Alex are also going to go throw down the "Nutts" WOD at CFV later on in the day so hopefully this will leave them in good stead to attack that hero WOD.

"The Cure"
4 rounds:
10 Thrusters 95/65
1 Building Lap
3min rest
4 rounds:
15 burpees
200m medball carry 20/12

Thursday, June 24, 2010

2007 CrossFit Games Hopper WOD

I am going to change the wod a little bit to fit what I want to do for today but the essence remains. Amazing how much the workouts we use to test capacity have changed.

Dead Deadlift 5x4
Push Jerk - Heavy Single
1000m row
4 rounds:
20 pullups
10 Push Jerks 135/85

Reminder about this Saturday

Reminder about this Saturday's 9am class. We are going to be hosting and raising money for CrossFit For a Cure. A non for profit group who fund raise for Alzheimer’s Society. Again here is their mission statement below.
CrossFitters For A Cure is a charitable event, the purpose of this event is to raise funds and bring awareness to the Alzheimer’s Society . CrossFitters For A Cure’s participants will travel across Canada, from Quebec to British Columbia, visiting over 30 affiliates. The following challenge has been issued to the participating affiliates and their athletes:
“We will come to your gym and complete the proposed WOD. We are asking the participants of this event to raise/donate money for the Alzheimer’s Society; donations can be made through the link on our blog. ‘CrossFitters For A Cure’ t-shirt will be given to the athelte that acheives the greatest result during the workout as well as the athlete that raises the most money for the cause, if donating online please print out the confirmation sheet and bring it to the workout. “
 In the spirit of competition, perseverance, and community our hope is to raise a total of $10,000 for the Alzheimer Society. We are confident that with the support of the CrossFit(c) community this event will be a success. All proceeds will be donated to the Alzheimer Society.

If you would like to donate please bring in your cheque or cash to me today or tomorrow or to them at 9am for the session. It is a really great thing they are doing and it would be great for us to support. Even if its just a couple of dollars. Thanks.

Rest Day/makeup day

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Affiliate Team Update

Affiliate Cup Competition Update

Additional details on the 2010 team competition.

Here is what we can tell you about the Affiliate Cup competition at the 2010 Games:
  • The first event will be Friday morning
  • There will be multiple events throughout the weekend
  • There will be at least one event each of the three days
  • Teams must be comprised of three men and three women
  • Some events will be two men and two women competing
  • Some events may assign different numbers and/or combinations of athletes
  • There will be some cuts throughout the weekend
  • The final event will be Sunday around mid-day
  • All necessary equipment will be provided
  • If jump roping is involved, you will be allowed to use your own ropes
  • Specialized footware is not needed but not prohibited
  • Team-oriented clothing is encouraged and highly recommended for easy identification of team and team members during events
Teams can also have a non-competing "coach" from their same gym. This coach and the athletes not competing in a particular event will not be allowed into the competition area with the athletes.
The Home Depot Center does not have locker and shower facilities for 500 athletes, there will be no standard access to locker rooms, showers, etc. Please plan on taking advantage of tent city. There will be plenty of bathroom access and concessions for sale (we'll have lots of healthy options, but pack coolers for full control).
This is going to be the best team fitness competition in history. Bring your A game, and be prepared to throw down hard across broad time and modal domains!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


A lot of good things going on today. From Jerry's new gym record of 53.5" standing box jump, to Ains completing her 14 round at 95# to Danimal finishing the workout at 15 rounds to OZ just beating out the murder with a 1000m row at 3:12 and change. Well done to all. We will be working a lot on those speed box jumps with everyone in the near future. Its a skill set I would like all athletes in the den to feel comfortable with, no matter what height it is for right now. 

5 Rounds for time:
400m run
15 OH Squats 95/65
5 rounds
20 sec plank
40 sec anchored situps
3x20 back extensions, rest as needed between

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Ains 14 @95#
2. Annie 13 @95#
3. Hattie 12 @95#
4. Tanya 11
5. Roe Roe 11
1. Danimal 14 
2. Scott 13....also put down a 51" box jump
3. Solo 12 with a 3:18 1k row
3. Jerry 12 with a 3:18 1k row and 53" box jump....great day for the young buck
3. Nick 12 with a 3:28 row

Max Height Box Jump -- Hang Power Clean Ladder

A. Hang Power Clean Ladder 135/85
* If you can't do 8 reps in a row with rx than scale the weight down
B. Max Height Box Jump / work on the speed box jump
C. 1000m row for time

Tabata Something Else Leaderboard
1. BB Guns 426
2. Annie 394
3. Robyn 356
4. Mel 335
5. Roe Roe 317
1. Scott 393 (chest to bar)
2. Solo 378
3. Ant 351
4. Geoff 339
5. Darren 319
** Jerry your score said 900 and something. Not sure what that meant.

Monday, June 21, 2010

CrossFit For a Cure Coming Saturday

CrossFit For a Cure is coming to CrossFit Lions and joining us for the 9am class this Saturday June 26th. Alex and Matt are traveling to 30 affiliates across the country raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society. There goal is to raise over $10,000. If we break that evenly across the 30 affiliates that is $333.00 they have to average. It would be great if we could do more than that. Please take a look at their mission statement below and their website/blog for more details. You can either donate directly on their site or I will have an envelope at the gym were donations will be accepted. Also it would be great if we could get as many people as possible working out in the 9am class. I'll have a good workout ready for ya.

CrossFitters For A Cure is a charitable event, the purpose of this event is to raise funds and bring awareness to the Alzheimer’s Society . CrossFitters For A Cure’s participants will travel across Canada, from Quebec to British Columbia, visiting over 30 affiliates. The following challenge has been issued to the participating affiliates and their athletes:
“We will come to your gym and complete the proposed WOD. We are asking the participants of this event to raise/donate money for the Alzheimer’s Society; donations can be made through the link on our blog. ‘CrossFitters For A Cure’ t-shirt will be given to the athelte that acheives the greatest result during the workout as well as the athlete that raises the most money for the cause, if donating online please print out the confirmation sheet and bring it to the workout. “
 In the spirit of competition, perseverance, and community our hope is to raise a total of $10,000 for the Alzheimer Society. We are confident that with the support of the CrossFit(c) community this event will be a success. All proceeds will be donated to the Alzheimer Society.

Tabata Something Else

Press 10, 5x5
Tabata Something Else
20sec of work, 10 sec of rest. Score is total reps

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Saturday Workout Time Change

Hi guys. I am leaving to Tofino Friday morning. Ainsley is going to teaching the Friday afternoon/evening classes and Garth will be teaching the 9am on Saturday. There is no 10am on Saturday. Sorry for the change.

Friday WOD
Deadlift - 10,8,5,3,3,3
Front Squat - 10,5,4,3,2,1
800m run
rest 3min
400m run
rest 2min
building lap
rest 90sec
60m sprint
rest 60 sec
60m sprint
rest 60 sec
60m sprint
60m sprint start at the back stairs and goes to the tar line 3/4 of the way down the parking lot.

Saturday WOD
"Lions 250"
You might remember this one from the affiliate challenge we did around this time last year. I let Garth explain it Saturday morning. It is a fun one. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rest Day/Make Up Day

Hope everyone is enjoying the Paleo challenge so far if you are doing it. Reminder to click on the nutrition link on the left for the blog to leave comments and what you are eating.

I wanted to point something out that I haven't talked about yet. Our very own Robyn came to me a little under a year ago after spectating at the CrossFit Games last year with the explicit goal of wanting to compete in next years games. We started her off with a strength based program and have moved steadily since then. Her gains, especially for someone who has CrossFitted for a while, have been awesome. Well as you know she achieved her goal, as she is a member of the CrossFit Lions team that will be competing July 15-18th in Carson California. Congrats to you Robyn, you have definitely earned it.

Those who are thinking about going to the games to check it out and support Garth and the team, leave a comment on the blog as we might have extra tickets so you don't have to buy them. We are likely going to be staying in Long Beach and I guarantee you will have an awesome weekend.

Its a rest day or make up day today. As usual gym is open from 7-10 and 4:30-7:30.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OPT Style of training today

A1. Bench Press 5x5
A2. Strict supinated Pullups 6-10 reps, rest 2 min
B. 75 wallballs
C1. 50 double unders x4
C2. Max DB Strict Press 35/20 x4 , rest 60 sec

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Hattie 418
2. Annie 391
3. Mel 377
4. Robyn 353 
5. Tanya 285
1. Oz 401
2. Ant 358
3. GC 356
4. Danimal 353
5. Murda 337

Monday, June 14, 2010

Click on Nutrition link on the left

And that will take you to the paleo challenge blog where you can log in your food intake and ask any questions. The more involved everyone gets the better chance for success we all will have.

Power Clean and Jerk 5x5 -- See how heavy you can go.

4min at each station w/t 1min rest in between
KB Swings 24kg/16kg
Calorie Row
Dowel Hang Squat Snatch
Anchored situps 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Paleo Challenge Starts Today!!

Go to our paleo challenge blog for all the details. . This is where you will leave what you ate in the day, aswell as a open forum for ideas and thoughts on the diet.

Congrats to all the athletes that tried out for the CrossFit Lions team that will be competing at the CrossFit Games July 16-18. It was a great couple of days. I want to also apologize to all my members for organizing the tryouts during class times. I was not a good coach Friday and Saturday and I won't make that mistake again. Now onto the team....

CrossFit Lions will be represented by (in order of their placement) Ainsley, Annie and Robyn who will be joined by Christoph, Scott and Danimal. Its a great team which will give us a fantastic opportunity to do well in Cali. To be honest with you all the athletes that tried out for the team would have made great members of the team and I would have been happy with all of you. Its a really nice problem we have having so many killers in our little gym. I love it.

Clean Pulls 6x5
15 rounds for time
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Friday, June 11, 2010

Congrats to all the Athletes...

Congrats to all the athlete who went after both the affiliate team workouts today. It was a great day to be in the Den. From Bianca's huge rebound in WOD 2 to Romayne's bloody hands in WOD 1. It was great day all around and I think every one of you did fantastic.

Can't wait to see you finish it off tomorrow morning. Gym opens at 8am and I would like to get as many of you as possible through that first workout before 9 if you can.

Regular class schedule is in effect and you guys will be doing one of the workouts they are doing but I am going to add an extra round for the classes.

Saturday WOD: 
4 rounds for time
400m row
1 builidng lap
20 box jumps 24/20

3x15 knees to elbows, rest as needed
2x15 good morning, chose your own weight.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Team Affiliate Tryouts Tomorrow

For those of you trying out for our affiliate team competing in LA at the CrossFit Games, you will be able to do your workouts between 3-7:30pm. I will do my best to take each of you through your workouts so that I can fairly judge your form and reps. You might have to wait a bit to start your workout if another athlete is going or if I am warming up the class that is going. You will have up to a 1 hour break between workouts so plan your day accordingly.

Check back tomorrow for more info on our paleo challenge. The gym will also do one of the workouts the team is doing. Enjoy!!

Back Squat 7x2 w/t 90sec rest between sets
4 rounds for time:
10 Pullups
10 thrusters 115/75

30 Day Paleo Challenge Start Monday June 14th

CrossFit Lions is starting a 30 day paleo challenge beginning next Monday morning. For all of you looking to take your performance to the next level or shed unwanted body fat, this is the challenge for you. There are many clients that already either eat this way or have done an extended paleo push and have seen remarkable gains. Chris "Murder" Kennedy has lost over 22lbs by combining CrossFit with a Paleo diet and more importantly his fitness has skyrocketed since he started.

Now doing an extended Paleo push isn't easy, especially in the first few days but that is why if we do it as a group we can help support each other and not allow people to fall back on the sugar wagon. I will setup a separate blog were you will be required every day to post what you have eaten and more importantly ask any questions you would like to ask about supplementation and recipe ideas. This will be our forum to also share your feedback on the diet and how it is going for you. Physically having to write down what you are using as fuel is the most effective method in keeping with this diet.

Please check out and click on the whole 30 link for diet specifics. This is a very useful information site and great read. You should also check out He is CrossFit foremost diet expert (even though he is technically no longer affiliate with CrossFit).

Tanya is going to be helping us with this challenge and there are a lot of other members of the Den who have been implementing this diet for a long time and have lots of good information ( Robyn, Scottt, Annie, Solo, Jenny etc.) I hope each and everyone of them will contribute to answering questions and posting on the blog so we can gather as much information as possible. Every person diet needs are a little bit different. The strict Paleo is a great starting point and you might need tweak it a little bit for your body and lifestyle.

Lots of information to come on this in the next few days so stay tuned to this blog. Who's in?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Workout Change For Today

We are no longer doing the trainers WOD as I woke up this morning and my traps from yesterday are absolutely jacked up. Doing 45 squat cleans isn't going to help that out much I don't think. Don't worry we'll pick that one up at a later date.
20 Shoulder to Overhead - Weight to be determined on a per athlete basis
50 lateral burpees
Rounds in 10min
40 double unders
10 ring dips
2x20 Back Ext. 

Sorry to the 7am crew who did this workout with 10 front squats instead of 15. GC lead that crew with a score of 11:32. 

Farmers Carry Leaderboard
1. Annie 12:05
2. Ainsley 12:16
3. Robyn 13:13
4. Hattie 17:13
1. Scott 10:30 
2. Solo 10:55
3. Nick 12:28
4. Pie 13:03
5. Danimal 13:26

Monday, June 7, 2010

Outside WOD

Press 5x3
1 farmers carry around building before and after
4 rounds of:
10 DB Front Squat 35/20
15 pushups
1 building lap

Randy Leaderboard
1. Roe Roe 4:04
2. Hattie 4:35
3. Annie 4:46
4. Ains 5:01
5. Tanya 6:17
1. Danimal 4:04
1. Pie 4:04
3. Rick 4:58
4. Solo 5:05
5. Ant 5:18

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Randy -- Affiliate Team Tryout

Okay so as you all know we have qualified a team to compete for the affiliate cup at the CrossFit Games in Carson California July 16-18th. This Friday and Saturday we will hold a four workout test to pick our best 3 men and 3 women to represent the den. If you are interested please post to comments. Each workout will be done individually so that you can be judged on your reps and form. The scoring will be done on a placing against your fellow athletes (ie. if you finish in 3rd place on a workout you get 3 points, if you finish in 1st you get one). Lowest total win. You will be able to scale the workouts if you need to but you will finish below anybody who is able to complete each of the movements in the workouts at rx. If you don't complete the workout in the time limit than your reps completed will be your score. If you cannot make the Friday or Saturday workout than you may schedule with me to do them at another time, however they must be back to back days. All are welcome to tryout and if you are even considering it than please give it a shot. If you have any questions about the affiliate workouts than please post to comments so everyone can see the questions and answers. I have posted the workouts early so you can plan your week accordingly.

Affiliate Team Tryout WODS:
You can have up to 60min rest between the workouts on each day. 
Day 1
WOD 1: 
4 rounds for time
10 chest to bar pullups
10 thrusters 115/75
*15 min time cap
WOD 2: 
1 deadlift
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 hang squat clean
* you have 6min to find your max completed weight.
** every HSPU completed in the time period will add one pound to your total. You may complete the HSPU at any time within the 6min. Ladies is to one abmat, men is head to ground. Kipping is allowed. 

Day 2 
WOD 1: 
3 rounds for time:
400m row
1 builidng lap
20 box jumps 24"/20"
WOD 2:
buy in w/t 50 burpees - than complete
3 rounds:
3/1 muscle ups
5 Deadlifts 275/185
7 shoulder to overhead 135/95

Mondays WOD
Squat Snatch
75 Power Snatches 75/55
1 min front plank
1 min side plank
1min side plank
1min front plank

300m row, 1 min rest, 300m row

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thank you to all who came out last night

Appreciate everyone who joined us yesterday and last night. It was great to get a little R and R.

Saturday WOD: 
"Lions 5k"
Run to the concrete steps behind save on food and do 3 accents and then run back.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

CrossFit Regional WOD #3

4 rounds for time
35 wallballs
20 pullups

Garth Prouse 9:43
Ainsley was only a few reps away from completing under the 15min time limit
Hattie also didn't get done in time. Not sure how many she got done before the limit.

Reminder we are going to have a little celebration during and after our afternoon classes on Friday. Very casual. We will likely move onto a restaurant very early on in the evening. Hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow.

Party This Friday at The Gym

We are throwing a little celebration this Friday after (during) the afternoon evening classes. This is to celebrate the success we had last weekend in Calgary as a gym and a community. Party will start at 4:30 ish and go till whenever we want. There won't be any food as we plan on taking it to earls or Cactus Club as the night progresses. Very casual setting. Ideally you throw down the workout and then stay after and throw down your drink of choice, be it water or something a little more spicy.

Check out Yehia aka Egypt fight from last weekend. Awesome work brother.

Rest day or make up day at the gym as per usual. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were three big days so I don't want to see you working out if you have hit all three. If you missed one or more than come on in.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Banana's New CrossFit Lions Video

Back Squat 20,3,15,3,10
Rest as needed between efforts -- make sure you have a spotter
3 rounds 
50 situps - anchored
25 good mornings - weight to be determined per athlete