Tuesday, June 22, 2010


A lot of good things going on today. From Jerry's new gym record of 53.5" standing box jump, to Ains completing her 14 round at 95# to Danimal finishing the workout at 15 rounds to OZ just beating out the murder with a 1000m row at 3:12 and change. Well done to all. We will be working a lot on those speed box jumps with everyone in the near future. Its a skill set I would like all athletes in the den to feel comfortable with, no matter what height it is for right now. 

5 Rounds for time:
400m run
15 OH Squats 95/65
5 rounds
20 sec plank
40 sec anchored situps
3x20 back extensions, rest as needed between

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Ains 14 @95#
2. Annie 13 @95#
3. Hattie 12 @95#
4. Tanya 11
5. Roe Roe 11
1. Danimal 14 
2. Scott 13....also put down a 51" box jump
3. Solo 12 with a 3:18 1k row
3. Jerry 12 with a 3:18 1k row and 53" box jump....great day for the young buck
3. Nick 12 with a 3:28 row

1 comment:

  1. Anyone else low back feel like it's on fire from yesterday?
    Nancy should be good today.

    Annie :)
