Sunday, October 3, 2010

CrossFit/USAW CrossFit Open Workout

This past weekend in Colorado Springs CrossFit and the USAW Weightlifting association held its first weightlifting/crossfit competition. Some of CrossFit's top athletes competed in the event and my god has the form of the Snatch and Clean and Jerk in CrossFit sky rocketed in the last 2 years. What has become absolutely clear to me is if you want to be a top level CrossFiter you have to squat snatching and squat cleaning as often as possible. Settling for the power clean or snatch will only take you so far. Its better to go lighter weight and do the full motion than it is to force it up there.

Here was there workout:

CrossFit / USAW Crossfit Open WOD:
You have 30 min to complete: 
1 rep max Squat Snatch
1 rep max Squat Clean and Jerk
Rounds in 10min
6 Squat Cleans 125/85
12 Pullups
24 Double Unders
* Your score is your total weight completed in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk ( in Kilos) + total reps completed in the triplet. A Kilo is 2.2 pounds.
** You must lock out the snatch and the Clean and Jerk. No pressing out aloud in either motion.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks coach! So excited to do this one after watching it on the live feed all weekend. The women actually used 65 for rx, but 85 does sound like a better comparison to the men's weight.
    Can't wait!
    Annie :)
