Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Birthday To Chelan

It is my wifes birthday today. Happy Birthday Bombshell!!

Friday WOD: 
A1. Deadlift 5x5
A2. Ring Pushups Tempo 5xmax set -- 2sec down, 1 sec at the bottom, explode up and right back down
Rest 3min between efforts *

B. Single Arm KB Swing Challenge. This is a one handed KB swing, however the KB only needs to get higher than the waist for the rep to count ( the entire bell has to clear your waist level). Your goal is to see if you can swing this bell in your hands for 5min. Highest weight completed wins. You can switch your hands as often as you like. Once the KB hits the floor, you are done. Please don't drop the KB on the ground.Please note this is a lower back killer. If you are someone who struggles with lower back tightness than please pick a light KB.
* You can increase the deadlift weight as you go along. If ring pushups are too hard than you can do regular pushups. If you don't have 20 pushups in a row than don't worry about the tempo, just do the pushups.