Sunday, October 17, 2010

Forrest Hero WOD -- Modified

We are going to do a modified hero wod from the mainsite a couple of days ago. This is a long grinder wod. I changed the L pullups because I have wanted to try this in a wod for a while and this gives us a great opportunity. I also changed the toes to bar because the hands are going to be pretty lit from the pullups and I'm not interested in torching your hands for the week. This will be a similar hit and time domain as the original.

The pic is of Solo's City of North Vancouver Fire crew. We had the whole team throwing down at the Den on Friday. Great job boyz. Hopefully we will see more of them soon.

"Forrest Modified" 
3 rounds for time:
20 Alternating Pullups (alternate between a strict pullup and a kipping pullup ie. one stict, one kipping, one stict, one kipping)
30 Turkish Getup Situps 35/20 
40 Burpees
800m run

45m time cap on this workout.


  1. Solo! Next time there's going to be a hign concentration of hunky firefighters around you may want to give the ladies a heads up!!!!

    Annie ;)

    And coach when I saw that wod on .com I thought thanked god we're not following .com! ....serves me rigth, cu @ 4:30. 120 burpees here I come!

  2. yes! a heads up might be nice...i'll cancel pretty much anything to work out with the fire crew!! LOL.
