I saw this the other day from our friends at CrossFit Langley...looks like fun and fits perfectly into our programming this week.
400m Run
2 Rounds:
15 Squats
15 DB Presses
15 Situps
10 Pullups
Tech: Power Clean Max Single
5 rounds for time:
3 Power Cleans 155/95
7 CTB Pullups
9 Medball situp to wallball
for the medball situp to wallball you will start on your back with the medball in your hands, launch yourself into the bottom of the squat position and then throw the ball to the target and repeat.
Please take note to the picture above. We cannot park past the third loading bay door at anytime. If the parking lot is full to that point please park against the wall near our door or across the street. It is very important to keep great relations with our neighbors for obvious reasons. They have all been great at letting us play around with every square inch of our area. Thanks in advance.
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