Monday, November 1, 2010

4:16 Squat Clean Elizabeth -- WOW

Garth Prouse dropped by the Den at 7pm to slackly throw down the best Elizabeth score we can find out in the community. 4:16 w/t squat cleans. Very impressive. He is definitely fitter than he was at the games which is scary for the rest of the competitors this weekend in Victoria. Also like to put out a shout out to Nick and Arash who both put down a sub 8min Elizabeth today. Love it.

As many of you know there is a competition in Victoria this weekend where the gym has three teams and 5 men and 5 women competing. Because of this there will not be any classes held this Saturday.

Tuesday Workout

A. Thruster - 6x3
B. KB Snatch - Work on technique
C. amrap in 1 min of 10m shuttle runs x10. Your score is the lowest number of shuttle runs completed in the 10 rounds.

1 comment:

  1. 4:16...Doesn't that match your time for a 3 muscle

    Good luck in Victoria, money's on you.

