Monday, November 8, 2010

Sumo Deadlifts -- No Oly Class This Wednesday

FYI that Chris will not be coaching his Oly class this Wednesday night. He said he was so impressed with our squat cleans on the weekend that there is nothing left for him to teach you guys.... just joking, he said we sucked and we have a mile to go....also joking, he is away back to hick town for the long weekend.

Sumo Deadlift 5,5,4,4,3,2,1
Press 4x3
Strict pulling strength -- You can work on weighted pullups/L pullups/Strict Pullups/band assisted strict pullups/pull negatives
4 rounds:
1 min turkish situps
1 min front plank
1 min rest

Monday Leaderboard (there were two data points so I will post everyone's scores):
Lauren 4:48/5 1/2 rounds
Mellisa 5:45/5 3/4 rounds
BB Guns 5:52
Jenny 7:02 / 6 + 12 backwards skips
Misch 6:29/ 6 1/2 rounds
Darren 6:22 / 9 rounds
Patrick 3:25 / 7.5 rounds
Jaybay 3:30 / 6 3/4 rounds
Pip 4:06 / 6 rounds
Mark 5:50 / 7 3/4 rounds
Twisto 3:14 / 9.5 rounds
Evil Kyp 3:58 / 6.5 rounds
Banana 4:23 / 7 1/4 rounds
Arash 3:24/ 7 1/4 rounds

1 comment:

  1. Just want to give everyone a heads up that I will not be running an O-Lifting class this Wednesday night. Long weekend = long weekend home for me!
