Monday, September 27, 2010

Reminder about Olympic Lifting Session on Wednesday at 6pm

If you want to pay for the Olympic Lifting Sessions by using your direct deposit, I will have a sign in sheet on my desk to do so. Please make sure you sign in before every class. If you don't want to pay by that then please bring cheque or cash to each session. I also want to remind or assure people that the Lions standard programming is going to continue to involve a lot of Olympic lifting, just as it does now. The work with Chris will be on top of what we do in the gym and I won't be taking into consideration this work when I make up the program each day. However I believe you can never do too much Oly lifting and as I think you will see, these session will be skill based work as apposed to big and heavy every time.

Overhead Squat
Three rounds for total rounds completed
With a 5 minute clock complete:
400m run - followed by
As many rounds as possible of:
7 box jumps
25 double unders
Rest 3 min between rounds
Your score is how many rounds of the box jumps and double unders you complete in the workout.

JT Leaderboard
1. Ains 28:12 RX
2. Robyn 16:04 abmat
3. Annie 18:17 abmat
1. Scott 9:56
2. Arash 11:52
3. Knight 11:59
4. Dave 23:10


  1. I love this WOD, damn it!!

    Im doing this Thursday Anns, your OUT !ha

    Mayb's do yours Sunday with Schaalo ?

    To many good wods, how do we do them all!!

  2. Don't worry on the AMRAP wod. I love the look of that one and it will be coming up in our programming for sure. I also think I might have done that one already as well.

    I agree with Chris it will likely be on that day or the following week for sure on .com.

  3. Anyone else having trouble sipping coffee and lifting arms today after JT?

    Thanks for the warm welcome to the Den everybody, i'm off to Montreal for the rest of the week but will be back in the den full time next week.

    Looking forward to getting to know more of you and the rest of the den family.

  4. Okay-I will hang tight and wait for my triplet! :)

    I am looking for gym buddies on Sunday, Scott and I have 3 hours to kill while Olivia is in gymnastics 4:30-7:30.


  5. And welcome to the den Jeff! It's nice to have new faces.
