Friday, January 22, 2010

Big Dawg Challenge - Normal Saturday Schedule

First off there is still the 9 and 10am classes going on for those not participating in the Big Dawg. Okay here it is. You have 5 hours to complete these three workouts. Gym will be open from 7:30am to 1pm for you to complete the three workouts. I have two video cameras we can use but please bring others if you are wanting to tape it.  Its up to you on how much rest you want to give yourself.

3 sets of 15 OHS

2K row and AMRAP Double Unders in 10 minutes

50 CTB chin ups
50 push up burpees

- workouts have to be done in this order
- you have a 5 hour time limit from start of OHS workout to finish of chin up/burpee workout
- OHS - when taken from rack, bar has to stay overhead until reps are complete; rest as needed b/t sets and in set, video taken from side; ass to grass (I will be very picky on depth for this one), there must be ONLY 3 sets for max effort for 15 reps, please be honest on this; for weight lifted
- Row/DU - row has to go first to completion of 2K; for time and reps
- chin up/burpee - chest to bar, chest to deck, clap overhead with body at upright full extension at top (no bending over at top with clap), chin ups first all 50, then burpees; for time

- wod 1; points/placings awarded for highest load lifted in # for 15 reps in one set (i.e. 185# x 15 beats 115# x 15)
- wod 2; points/placings awarded for highest double under reps and low time for row (i.e. 2 workouts to score, 1 for lowest row time, 1 for highest double under reps)
- wod 3; points/placings awarded for lowest time (i.e. 3:30 beats 4:30)

- if you can in one set perform 15 OHS with your bodyweight, score a sub 7 min row, and perform wod 3 under 4:15; you will move onto Sunday; all of these criteria have to be met in order for you to move on.
- if you can in one set perform 15 OHS with 65% of your bodyweight; score a SUB 8:00 row, and perform wod 3 under 8 minutes, you will move onto Sunday; all of these criteria have to be met in order for you to move on.

This page is for Q and A ONLY!; I'll post another page for scoring later.
I'll be around all day to answer the best I can.
Remember "full effort is full victory"

If you can, PLEASE make ONE post like this only on scoring page:
Name (full name and blog alias)
BWT in #
WOD 1 highest load in #
WOD 2 row time and DU reps
WOD 3 time

I will post another page for comments and thoughts as well
There will be this page for Q and A
Another page for scoring as above
Another page for comments/reflections


  1. Cannot wait for this! Should be a lot of fun!

  2. This is serious...Edward Petrossi style!

    Chris, I thought you'd get a kick out of this..being persian and all! Enjoy!

  3. Hollllllllllllllly shit Im pumped ..
    Chris can we all sleep in the gym the night before !!!!

    WTF?? not even one snatch in the WOD..

    See you in the morning guys.. :)
