Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fridays WOD -- Squat, Pull and Sit

Welcome EMU to the DEN. We aren't sure yet if Brian her fiance is going to be joining the team but lets hope so.
Wish we say more of you guys for the strength recovery day today but holla to Knight Rider, GC and the Duke for setting Personal Bests in both the Deadlift and the Bench Press. The Duke led the deadlift at 300lbs with Knight coming in at 295 and GC at 285 (thought he had 300 up but lost grip). GC and Knight both got 185 on bench press with the Duke coming in at 175. Great work.
Fridays WOD:
25 jumping squats with 45#
21 Pullups
21 situps
25 jumping squats
18 pullups
18 situps
25 jumping squats
15 pullups
15 situps
25 jumping squats
12 pullups
12 situps
25 jumping squats
9 pullups
9 situps
25 jumping squats
6 pullups
6 situps

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thursday WOD -- Max Deadlift + Max Bench Press

Great Work on Fight Gone Bad. Probably the best vibe we have had yet at the "Den". Fucking great to see everyone take it to near puke level.
Thursday WOD is strength recovery day. We are going to work up to a Max single on the Deadlift and do the same on the Bench Press. Should be fun, get in here and get to work.
The Pie

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

Say hello to the Morris Clan. They came in for their intro session on Monday. Hopefully we can lock them in full time. After the good stretch that we all got yesterday, todays workout is Fight Gone Bad. Orginally designed for BJ Penn to simulate a MMA 3 round fight.

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for 3 rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. The stations are: Wall-ball, 8 ft target (Reps) Deadlift high-pull (Reps) Box jump (Reps) Push-press (Reps) Row (Calories).

Stretching Is Dead

Wicked work yesterday in the 4pm class. We had 7 swinging dicks kicking ass on the Dumbell Snatch and Pullup Wod. Reminder to write down your score on the daily leaderboard near the front door and include any subs you had to use for the workout (ie. less than rx'd weight or power movements instead of squat one etc. ).
Tuesday Workout:
Clean and Jerk Technique
PNR Stretching routine. The is a whole new way at looking at stretching and CrossFit Lions are going to put it to the test and see what results we get from it. I guarantee it 100% better than what each of us are currently doing which is likely sweet fuck all.
See ya at the "Den"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dumbell Snatch and L Pull-ups

Liks creating our wallball targets.
Mondays Workout is going to include Dumbell Snatches and Pull ups. It will look something like this:
21 DB Snatch one arm
21 DB Snatch other arm
21 Pull-ups
15 DB Snatch
15 DB Snatch
15 Pullups
9 DB Snatch
9 DB Snatch
9 Pull ups

See ya in the barn. I can't say it enough. Make sure you are stretching as much as you can post workout (ie. any other time besides right before workout).

Friday, February 20, 2009

Missed Workouts and Captain Canada

Great to have Mike "Captain Canada" Webb in the Den yesterday. Guy ripped the fuck out of "Little Phoebe". We wish him luck on med school in New Zealand and look forward to his return to the gym during his 3 months off a year.

Today you get to chose one of the workouts you have missed this past week. Everyone has at least one. Get in here and earn your weekend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thursday Feb 19 -- Lynn, Squatting and running and tomorrows WOD

First off I would like to welcome "Dimitri" to the Den. Guy steps into his second workout which was Lynn today and does it rx'd with strick pullups and still gets over 80. Great work brother. Everyone finished up with Lynn today which was awesome. Its a great WOD.
GC and I hit up the daily Wod which was a leg killer.
Thursday's workout:
Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 15 reps
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wednesday Feb 18 --- Start leaving some comments bitches!!

Well done GC, Knight and Slats for hitting up Lynn. She is a forearm crusher. Really great work. Today was a serious "boat bod" workout as Slats would put it. By the way don't talk to him about oil today as the playa took a bit of a bad beat on it.

Wednesday Workout is leg burner

5 rounds for time:
400m run
50 squats
30 back extension

Enjoy. Look forward to seeing everyone at the "Den".

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Feb 16th Results and Tuesday WOD

Great work on the Deadlift Burpee ladder. Really stocked to see people working through that beast.

Tuesdays Workout is "Lynn"
5 rounds with 5 min rest inbetween rounds:
Max bodyweight bench press
Max pullups
Scale as needed. This one a real good strength hit. We will do a good warmup and then get right into this beast.

The Pie

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our First Workout Of the Day

Monday WOD:
10 Burpees
1 Deadlift
9 Burpees
2 Deadlift
8 Burpees
3 Deadlift
7 Burpees
4 Deadlift
6 Burpees
5 Deadlift
5 Burpees
6 Deadlift
4 Burpees
7 Deadlift
3 Burpees
8 Deadlift
2 Burpees
9 Deadlift
1 Burpee
10 Deadlift

Mens weight for Deadlift is 225, Womens weight is 155. Scale as needed.
Welcome "Monkey" who is hopefully training for the world championship of 7's rugby. Great to have him in the gym.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pukie The Clown and Pull ups Bars Painted

Congrats to Romo who on day 1 became the second person to meet Pukie the Clown (Crossfit's offical mascot), Well Done.
Put the last quote of paint of 6 of the pull-up bars and will be installing them in latter today. Pretty stocked about that (and yes by stocked I mean I have a lot of excitement stocked in the back....Fuck you Austin and Slats).

Connie Chung and I picked up a used Fridge yesterday so we will always have water here for everyone. It will be done by donation, so when you take one put a loonie in the bucket. I'll also have a IOU clickboard on fridge that people can keep track.

This is perfect time to thank Connie Chung for all he's done in helping me get the "Den" up and open. What a fucking all-star that kid has been. Thanks again Chunger. You are also my xbox hero.

Great work everyone yesterday. Knight Rider and Austin have almost graduated to the daily WOD which again will be posted here each evening before the next days workout. Once you have graduated, each day you come in you will do the daily wod....or a version of it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The 4 o'clock class last week. That is from left to right; Romo, Ty Mac, GC and J-Balls. 4 of the hardest motherfuckers in the lower mainland. You can tell by their gang signs (especially GC's peace sign).
Would like to congradulate everyone for their hard work these last few workouts. Really digging the vibe in the "Den" of late. Can't wait till we get even more people rolling in and we are all going after the daily WOD.
A shoot out to Austin for putting down the first rx'd Fran at the gym. He gave it his all and is was awesome to see. Banana Man and Knight Rider also put down Fran this week and both pushed throught till the end. Keep going you two and we'll get you from the kids weight up to the ladies weight in no time....LOL.
The Pie's workout for the last few days:
rounds in 20 min:
250m row
21 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls at 95#
15 Pullups
6 rounds + row + 3 hight pulls
W/U: 60m sprints with weight vest x 5 with over 2min break inbetween
WOD: Cindy
Rounds in 20 min:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
I got 21 rounds which is a PB for me (previous best was 20 rounds). Really stocked on that as it has been a while since I've got a personal best on a classic wod like Cindy.
Squash in the morning
w/u 60m sprints with weighted vest x 4 followed by a building lap for time with vest. My time was 48 seconds for the lap.
WOD: Max Deadlift. 275,315,325,325,325,275,275
20 GHD situps and 30 back extensions.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

T-Shirts are in and our first 4 person class!!

Crossfit Lions T-shirts are now available at the gym. The come in all the standard sizes and are $30.00. Hats and hoodies to come. Let me know what you think of the shirts.

Very pumped to have 4 people doing the 4pm class yesterday. Great energy in the gym and congrats to Connie, Slats, GC and OZ (formerly known as Texas).

Once the first person graduates to classes I will start to post the workout of the day on the blog as well as the leaderboard from the day.

Keep up the good work.

Pies workout log Feb 5th

45 min of actual squash game play

5,5,3,3 back squat with triples @ 245

Shoulder Press 5x5 with last three sets @ 125

3 rounds for time:

25 2 poud kb swings

25 ghd situps

25 back extension

25 knees to elbows


The rx'd for this workout is five rounds but because I played squash this morning I thought I should tone it down to a shorter hit. Proper Knees to Elbows are fucking brutal.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Opening Week

Crossfit Lions is officially open and starting to put its first round of firebreathers through the works. Congrats to Knight Rider, Ty Mac, Romo, Texas (Austin), The Banana Brothers ( Jeff and Cam Anderson), John Green, Slatz, Connie Chung, GC and Shan for a great first few days of training.

We've had two athletes so far that have met Pukie the Clown and God bless Ty Mac and Romo for that. Great work.

The medicine balls arrived today which I'm super stocked about and I'm sure you all will be to because it means you get to re-do the Kettlebell run with a 20# medicine ball instead of the 12K Kettle. Much more fun.

Anyhow I won't be posting Workouts Of The Day yet but will start as soon as the first client completes the 10 pre-set workouts but check back here daily as I'm going to post people scores and who holds which gym records so far.

Ty Mac put in a strong bid on the 1/2 Helen this morning with a 11:02 but Texas still has the record of 10:02 for the half Helen which he dropped down last night.

Knight Rider holds most of the best times right now....He dropped 6 rounds as rx'd on 3/4 cindy yesterday.

I'm also going to post my workouts on here so that I'm accountable.


W/U jump rope and rowing

Tech: Backsquat, 5x2 @ 235 (that means 5 reps times 2 sets)

WOD: 30 Muscle Ups for Time: 11:02

Feb 3rd
Badger ( a hero wod)
3 rounds
30 squat cleans @ 95#
30 pull ups
800m run

Squat cleans felt good, pullups felt like shit. Was very dissapointed in my pulls, however that is a tough hit no matter what.