Crossfit Lions is officially open and starting to put its first round of firebreathers through the works. Congrats to Knight Rider, Ty Mac, Romo, Texas (Austin), The Banana Brothers ( Jeff and Cam Anderson), John Green, Slatz, Connie Chung, GC and Shan for a great first few days of training.
We've had two athletes so far that have met Pukie the Clown and God bless Ty Mac and Romo for that. Great work.
The medicine balls arrived today which I'm super stocked about and I'm sure you all will be to because it means you get to re-do the Kettlebell run with a 20# medicine ball instead of the 12K Kettle. Much more fun.
Anyhow I won't be posting Workouts Of The Day yet but will start as soon as the first client completes the 10 pre-set workouts but check back here daily as I'm going to post people scores and who holds which gym records so far.
Ty Mac put in a strong bid on the 1/2 Helen this morning with a 11:02 but Texas still has the record of 10:02 for the half Helen which he dropped down last night.
Knight Rider holds most of the best times right now....He dropped 6 rounds as rx'd on 3/4 cindy yesterday.
I'm also going to post my workouts on here so that I'm accountable.
W/U jump rope and rowing
Tech: Backsquat, 5x2 @ 235 (that means 5 reps times 2 sets)
WOD: 30 Muscle Ups for Time: 11:02
Feb 3rd
Badger ( a hero wod)
3 rounds
30 squat cleans @ 95#
30 pull ups
800m run
Squat cleans felt good, pullups felt like shit. Was very dissapointed in my pulls, however that is a tough hit no matter what.
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