Overhead Squat 5x3
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
This is the tale of two workouts. The pullups and pushups are muscular draining and then the situps and squats you've got to hit hard.
A few of us have started a "Paleo Challenge" a week ago and I wanted to put it out to all members to see if they would like to join us. Try this diet out for four weeks and you will see a great improvement in not only your performance but also how you sleep, work etc. Paleo essentially means you eat like a caveman. Meat, nuts, seeds, oils, fruits and vegetables. Basically the outside of a grocery store. Now for our challenge you are allowed a few other things. However if you want the absolute best results keep it to meat, nuts, seeds, oils, fruits and vegetables.
You Can Eat
Meats: try to keep it to lean meats and stay away from bacon, peperoni, sausage etc.
Vegetables: Eat as much green as you possibly can
Fruits: Keep these within reason. You can have as much fruit as you want but if its between fruit and green vegetables than you should have the vegetables
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, Cashews etc. Peanuts are fine but not the best source of fat
Drinks: No sugar drinks allowed. No Diet drinks are allowed. You can have 100% fresh squeeze juice but factor that into your meal (ie. for breakfast have 3 eggs, some turkey and a glass of juice).
Dairy: Milk and Cheese are allowed in this challenge....but again they are not the best solution.
Sauces: Sauce for your meat is also allowed but not the best solution
Protein Powder: Is allowed but if you have actual meat than always go for that. Whey protein is a synthetic that is cooked to produce and therefore will spike your insulin when absorbed. No chocolate bars with protein powder. If you want a meal replacement bar go for an elevate me bar or any one that has fruit or nuts as their main ingredients.
Sunday: Sunday is cheat day. Eat what you want...however watch out as sugar is a drug and when you put it back into your blood stream you will wake up Monday morning craving the sugar. Again the best case scenario would be to not cheat but you are allowed anything you want on Sunday for this challenge.