Monday, March 23, 2009

The Bombshell

Great work on Lynne today kids and just as important is the mile run. Glad most people through down a time on that badboy. Congrats to everyone who did Lynne last time and had large improvements this time around. I know Slats doubled his reps, Knight Rider was similar and I know GC increased his total by around 40 reps. Great work.
Tuesdays WOD:
"The Bombshell"
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 20min:
10 wallballs
20 d-ball slams
30 situps


  1. Pie!
    Great job on the new space, next time I am in Vancouver I'll try and come by. How are you finding life as a gym owner? All the best in the coming year.
    Cheers, Rhino from Ottawa

  2. What is up Rhino...How are things in the capital. Great to hear from you. Please do drop me a line when you are back in town. Love to have you in for a workout. How is your training going out there?
