First off check out the website as I have updated it with some of Banana mans photos and the first cut of his first video. Let me know what you think of his work. Personally I think its awesome. If you yourself or anyone you know is need of a photographer or a videographer contact Jeff.
Nice work on those who hit todays snatch and clean and jerk. Two very tough exersises.
Thursday WOD:
20 burpees
then you are going to do 5 rounds of:
1 building lap
5 hang squat cleans with dumbell
5 front squat with dumbell
5 Push Press with dumbell
once you are done the 5 rounds:
20 burpees to end it.
Rx'd = 35#
Level 2 = 25#
Level 1 = 20#
Website looks awesome! Nice work on the videos and pics Jeff.