Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tribute Workout For All Team Canada Athletes

First off, wear your Team Canada/cheer gear/ red and white attire for todays workout.

Time to begin the Post Olympic detox. What better way to start than to give tribute to all the great Canadian athletes who competed in Vancouver and inspired so many of us in the last 17 days. For me this was one of the greatest 17 of my life. To be a part of such an incredible experience in your own backyard is something really special that few people get to experience.
When things get bad in this workout I want all of us to try and push it to the next level as a tribute to all the incredible Canadian Athletes who performed so brilliantly at these Winter Games.

It is also time for so many of us to get our asses back in the gym, out of restaurants and bars and into the healthy lifestyle we are striving achieve. There is no time like the present. See you tomorrow.

"Own The Podium" 
Ground to Overhead 75/55 
KB Swings black/red
Ring Dips
Burpee body length broad jumps

Team Canada won 26 total medals, 14 gold, 7 silver and 5 bronze. The 14 gold were the most ever by any country at any winter games.
Ground to Overhead means you can clean and jerk it, snatch it, reverse curl and strict press. Whatever you like. Burpee body length broad jump mean both feet have to at least touch the body length line on each jump, they don't have to clear it. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Class Schedule for Semi Final Friday

7,8,9am + 1:30pm + 4:30pm

The 5:30 and 6:30pm class are canceled. If anyone would like to come in at any other times tomorrow let me know. GO CANADA GO!! This will be the end of schedule changes because of the Olympics. Sorry to anyone that this has effected.

Overhead Squat 10,6,5,4,3,2,1
5K Row

Dependent on the class size some people might do the row first and the overhead squat second. I know most of you won't be excited to see this but strict oxidative training is an important part of our program and the 5000m row is a perfect example of that.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Canada Advances to Semi Finals

Canadian mens hockey teams moves onto the semifinals on Friday evening!!!! CrossFit Lions member Tymac is hosting a party at District 319 in Gastown for the semi final game. I watched the  Canada USA game their on Sunday and it is an awesome venue to watch this hockey game. Tickets are $30. If you would like to join us their let me know and I will get a ticket for you. Obviously numbers are limited so don't hesitate. email me at
The gym will again be closed Friday evening for the game. As previously mentioned if you wanted to do a afternoon session on Friday I am happy to offer that. Email me if you are wanting to do it. Regular schedule for Thursday and Saturday.

Thursday is a make up day as usual. Hope to see you in "The Den" tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Congrats to Twiggy our Romanian Olympian

Big shout out to Andra aka Twiggy who competed in skier cross this morning up at Cypress. Andra worked so hard to be able to get herself ready to compete today and we are all so proud of her. For those of you who missed it this morning she was well on her way to qualifying for the quarterfinals when she got unlucky off the last jump and took a nasty spill. She has broken a bone in her leg but the injury apparently is less severe than it easily could have been. Congrats Twiggy on all your success and the whole CrossFit Lions crew is pulling for you.

Reminder that the afternoon/evening classes tomorrow are canceled due to the Canada Russian Hockey game that starts at 4:30pm. Hope to see many of you in the morning. If not you can redo this workout on Thursday. 

A. AMRAP sets of 5 unbroken bench press - 150#/90# in 3:00
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes
B. AMRAP sets of 5 hang power cleans 115/75 in 3:00
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes
C. AMRAP Sets of 15 unbroken back extensions in 3:00
rest EXACTLY 2 minutes
D. AMRAP Sets of 10 unbroken wallballs 3:00

Monday, February 22, 2010

Helen -- Reminder to post your scores

Benchmark workout today. I seriously toyed with bringing the weight up heavier on the KB swing and the pullups to chest to bar for some of you but since we rarely do this one I will leave it at RX. Reminder to everyone to post their daily scores on the blog.
Normal hours tomorrow. If Canada wins then the afternoon/evening classes on Wednesday will be cancelled. If anyone is looking to workout early afternoon I will be happy to do so. email me if you would like to.

Back Squat 5x2
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KB Swings
12 Pullups

Class schedule this week

Classes will be as per usual on Tuesday, however when we hand Germany a sturdy thumping, Wednesday afternoon/evening classes will be canceled.  The potential Canada vs Russia quarterfinal is going down at 4:30pm. However if anyone would like me to offer some additional early afternoon classes on Wednesday please email me and I would be happy to do so.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Air Force WOD

For time:
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats
Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees. There is a 20min cap.
The athlete is allowed to rest the entire minute once he/she has completed his/her burpees. If an athlete decides to scale down his/her WOD or does not finish in the allowed time the athlete will be given a DNF. Judges are looking for full range of motion (ROM) on all skills, which will be explained at the event.
Work on your weakness. If your not sure which one to work on, I will choose for ya.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Georgia Sectional WOD

Those of you planning on competing in the sectional in March can tackle both of these workouts. If you are not doing the sectionals than I just want you doing the first WOD, which trust me will be good enough. The only reason I have an exra workout here is so that the people that are going to have to tackle multiple workouts in one session are ready for that kinda strain. More is not better in terms of general fitness preparation but leading up to the sectionals, you will see this from time to time.

WOD 1:
For Time:
60 KB Swings (1.5/1 pood)
50 Box Jumps (24"/20")
40 Wall Balls (20/12lb)
30 Pull-ups
20 GHD Sit-ups (2009 Games ROM, details available in video format below)
10 Snatches (115/65lb squat or power, no press out)
100ft Overhead Lunge (45/25lb)

WOD 2:
For Time:
1000m row followed by auto mall run
You will rest approx 10min before beginning WOD 2

Post total time on both workouts to comments 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Building lap plus thrusters and burpees.

push press 5x3
5 rounds for time:
7 thrusters @ 95/65
7 burpees
1 building lap

Womens Halfpipe Tickets

Risto has two tickets for todays womens halfpipe qualifying and finals up at Cypress mountain. He is selling them for $200 each. If you are interested give him a call 604-551-2259.

Rest Day / Make up Day

If you have worked out Mon, Tues, Wed than take today off. No matter how good you feel. If you have missed any one of the three days, get in the gym and do the day you have missed. If you have missed multiple days and one of the workouts you haven't done is "Cindy" than you will do that.
Reminder to everyone to start leaving your scores in the comments section of the blog.
Thank you to Monkey and Ains who will be coaching the evening sessions for me tonight. Its an open gym format again today. Come on in anytime between 7-10 and 4-7pm this evening (note this is a little earlier than normal).

Congrats to team Tasaka for both setting Gym Records and Personal Best in "Cindy" yesterday. Scott threw down 27 2/3 rounds completed and Annie put down 21 1/3 completed. How fit is Olivia, their daughter, going to be? Scary. Well done guys.

Canada Mens Hockey team plays game two today at 4:30pm. Some of us will be at the Hockey House watching the game. If you can get in or have tickets to tonight, look for me. I'm the one in the red tights....holla. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cindy -- open gym in the morning

There will be an open gym in the morning tomorrow. You can come in between 7-10am at anytime to do the workout. Normal class schedule tomorrow evening. Another gold medal today which is exciting in mens snowboard cross.

800m run
5x3 Back Squat
As many rounds as possible:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
Butt ball only allowed for new athletes.

Post max 3 rep back squat and rounds completed to comments.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Death By Ten Meters

Hope everyone enjoyed the tribute WOD to our first home grown Gold medalist of these games. We are now going to do everyones favorite activity....running.

10x2 Strict Press w/t 60 sec rest
5x2 Dead Deadlifts - work up to heavy double
"Death by Ten Meters"
Do one ten meter run on the first minute, two on the second...continue till you fail.

Post Deadlift totals and WOD score to comments....trying something different here for the leaderboard. Please take the time to post your scores throughout the day. If this doesn't work than I will shift back to the current system.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

First Gold Medal -- Go Canada!!

What an unbelievable weekend. Canada has dropped down its first gold medal performance of the games. The first of many I am sure. If you haven't gotten your butt downtown yet you need to immediately. The energy right now in this city is crazy and I can't believe how easy it is to get around. What a fantastic job they have done with the traffic and public transit. There is so much to see and do. 
In honor of our Alexandre Bilodeau who won the mens freestyle moguls, we are going to do a workout in his name. 
Power Clean 6x1
23 sec on 37 off of:
Goblet squats red/yellow
Power Cleans 95/65
Box jumps 24/20
Repeat this sequence 5 times. No rest between rounds. 
I've chosen these movements as they would best represent the type of training Alexandre would have to do to have strong quads and good explosion.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fight gone bad style wod

five rounds, 1 min per station with a 1 min break between rounds of:
overhead squat 45/35
virtual Kyak with dowel
mountain climbers

YesterdAys leaderboard to follow.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anaerobic Training -- Olympic Schedule

This is one of the best CrossFit Lions original workouts we have done. This is an all out sprint. Once the 3,2,1 goes down I want you to hit this like a bat out of hell. Absolutely no pacing. We will go over the standards of each movement before we get started to make sure every athlete does the full range of motions. 
During the Olympics, which start Friday (yes!!) the class schedule will remain the same. When the mens hockey team makes it to the quarterfinals and semi finals, classes will be cancelled on those evenings. If there is a class that is regularly empty for the next couple of weeks, then perhaps that will change. I will make sure to post on the blog any changes so please check back regularly. GO CANADA GO!!!
Kettlebell Strict Press 5x 90% of your max reps. KB in each hand, legs stay straight. 120 sec break between sets.
5 rounds for time:
5 SDHP @95#
10 squats
15 walking lunges
This workout is a sprint. So when 3,2,1 gets called you give it all hell.

Rest Day / Make up Day

If you have trained Mon, Tues, Wed than take the day off. If you have missed one of those days than you will make up which ever workout you missed. If you have missed multiple days than you and I will decide what workout you will do. Reminder we are using an open gym policy for the make up days. You can come in anytime between 7am-10am and 4:30-7:30pm.

I think "The Couplet" is a great test of fitness but not a well designed workout. There is enough of a sample size now for me to conclude that this thing will light up even the best backs and therefore yesterday and today will probably be the last time we do that one in the gym.

"The Couplet" Leaderboard
1. Annie 16:46
2. Ains 17:18
1. Scott 16:18
2. Miere 20:02
3. GC 24:22
4. Evil Kyp 29:27

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Couplet from the 2009 CrossFit Games

Reminder to everyone to let me know if they want to order a pair of the weightlifting shoes. We will get a cheaper rate on shipping if we do it all together.
This is a great hit. We have done it once before in the summer time and it creeps up on you quickly. Each wallball must hit the target. If you miss the target at all then the rep doesn't count. Please be honest with yourself and redo the rep if that is the case.
hang squat snatch
3 rounds for time:
30 wallballs 20/12
30 hang squat snatches 75/45

Monday, February 8, 2010

Clean Complex

3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 squat cleans
repeat this 6 times with 120 sec break between sets
Bench Press 6x3
Monday's Leaderboard
1. Annie 295 w/t abmat HSPU
2. Robyn 247 w/t abmat HSPU
3. Mel 248 w/t abmat HSPU
4. Ains 242 w/t abmat HSPU
5. Hattie 275 w/t strict press
1. Scott 321 RX
2. Solo 318 w/t abmat HSPU
3. Bayday 280 w/t abmat HSPU
4. Jaybay 238 w/t abmat HSPU
5. Knight 227 w/t abmat HSPU

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Go Saints Go!!

What a superbowl. Hope everyone enjoyed the big game. It sure lived up to the hype the last couple of weeks.
Looking to put in a group order for Olympic Weightlifting shoes. If you are serious about your training then a good pair of Oly shoes are absolutely necessary. They give you an ability to get into a more upright posture at the bottom of the squat and their wooden or hard rubber heel means no power is getting absorbed in cushioning. Check out . They have a few options to chose from and many different colors.
Deadlift 5x2
10 minutes Handstand push-ups
5 minutes Squats
2 minutes Pull-ups
1 minute Push-ups
Total reps win 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cindy On Steroids

This team workout is courtesy of Annie. It should be a fun one for us tomorrow. Great work today on those who tackled the Bear. It truly does live up to its name. Congrats to "Solo" and "Hattie" for taking the victory today. Solo mark of 105 was 5 pounds higher than anyone at CrossFit Vancouver has done, so great work Matt. I think he has 115 in him for sure. Best female mark was 80....we'll get em next time.

"Cindy on Steroids"
In teams of two complete 6 800m runs ( 3 each)
While one person is running the other person is doing AMRAP of:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 airsquats
3 Deadlifts
Your score is the total rounds completed.

The Bear Leaderboard
1. Hattie 75#
2. Annie 65#
3. Tanya 55#
3. Beana 55#
1. Solo 105
2. Scott 95
3. Dallas 55

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Bear -- CrossFit Van style

Hey guys and gals. So far the feedback has been all good on the Thursday make up/rest day. I will try it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. There are many versions of the bear out there. I think this is a CrossFit Vancouver original but I'm not positive about that. Either way its a fricking killer test. Choose your weight wisely my friends. If you have to tap out before the 15th minute than you take one minute off and get back to work. If it happens after the 15th minute than you are done.
Word of caution. This is a lot of reps to be completed in a 1 min time period. Can anyone complete 95/65? 

"The Bear" CFV style
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang power Cleans
5 Thrusters
Every minute on the minute for 20 min
Highest weight completed wins
100 abmat situps
1 mile run

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thursday = Rest Day/Make up Day

For the next couple of weeks I am going to try out making each Thursday a rest day/make up day in our programming. It has become increasingly difficult to make up a proper 6 day training schedule and I would argue its actually impossible to do so. So adding in a rest day or make up with our already rest day (Sunday) will allow for a greater range of WOD's.
Here is how it will work:
There will be open gym from 7am-10am each morning and from 4:30-7:30 in the evening. Anytime within that time frame you can show up to the gym and attempt any of the workouts from Mon,Tues or Wed. If you are somone who has trained all three of those days and still want to workout on Thursday than that is okay. You can take that time to work on your weaknesses. Feedback on this in the next couple of weeks will be greatly appreciated, so please post to comments. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If you are sore, take today off

3 rounds w/t 60 sec break between rounds 
10 Toes to Bars
15 Wallballs
20 Back Extensions
25 Double Unders
Rest 5 min
7 rounds: 
100m row hard
100m row easy

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Robyn 30:46 RX
1. Monkey 17:37, 155#
2. Scott 18:03, 135# w/t 500m row

Monday, February 1, 2010

Heavy Thruster and Muscle Ups

Muscle Ups
5 rounds for time:
5 Heavy Thrusters RX 155/105
5 Muscle Ups
400m run

Tabata Squat Leaderboard
1. hattie 22
2. BB Guns 21
2. Ains 21
4. Rocket 20
5. Roe Roe 19
1. GOAT 23
2. Monkey 22
3. Kyp 20
3. Rick 20
5. Jaybay 19