I will hosting a CrossFit Lite class at Lululemon Park Royal Village at 7:30pm on Sunday night. All are welcome to attend. We will do doing gymnastic style movements but as usual I will make sure its a kick ass hit.
9am and 10am tomorrow morning. If you can make the 9am then do it as the class will be bigger and this workout will be more fun with a bunch of people. Also like to welcome Sarah B....aka Marrisa's sister to the Den. She owns a CrossFit gym in Florida and is here visiting for a few weeks. She seems like a great coach and I'm even going to try and convince her to teach a class for us while she is here. Its always a good idea to get a different perspective on our movements.
Saturdays WOD:
2 rounds for time:
150 double unders or 300 single skips
med ball throw back and forth outside
30 wallballs with that same medicine ball
3 rope climbs
20 KB Clean and Jerk (this is in total not per arm....this should be a heavy weight)
20 KB SDHP (with the same KB as the Clean and Jerk)
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar if you got em)
20 GHD Situps (Both hands touch the ground)