Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gymnastic Day at the Den

If I rowed as hard as this, I too would be competing individually in Calgary. If you want to improve your CrossFit times and weights start getting this look of agony on your face in each workout. Classic.

Great work on Fran today. Those who pulled a Robyn and didn't do the workout will have no choice but to tackle it this week. Big ups to anyone who put down a PB and for those who did this RX for the first time. Romayne set a gym record for the ladies and as you can see there were personal best all over the place. Congrats to all.

Deadlift 6x3

Rounds in 20min:
8 Inverted burpees
10 Ring Inverts
12 jumping squats w/t 45/35 barbell 

If anyone has an old TV that they don't want, my dad is looking for one. Email me at chris@crossfitlions.com....Thanks

Fran Leaderboard:
1. Romayne 4:54 RX (Gym Record!!) Personal Best
2. Ains 5:02 RX Personal Best
3. BB Guns 6:01 RX Personal Best
4. Hattie 8:39 RX Personal Best
5. Mel 9:49 RX Personal Best
1. Scott 3:30 RX Personal Best
2. Pie 3:49 RX Personal Best
3. Dan 4:53 RX Personal Best
4. Jaybay 6:58 RX
5. Knight Rider 7:57 RX Personal Best


  1. OMG Roe! Great works! I want to try Paleo now, one week later and you are crushing pr's!! Amazing times everyone. :)

  2. Haha, that time happened thanks to chris and garth. They get in your head and it was either I don't stop or I don't come back to the gym...lol! Just kidding!

    I feel Robyn taking the title back as soon as she lays fran down! At least I had 1 day on the leader board! Lol!

    Aaaand back to paperwork, yay for me!

    Love and rockets!

  3. GOooooooooooooooooood job little Roes !!! :)

    see you 430 !!
