Thursday, April 15, 2010

Overhead Squats and a fun metcon at the end

Overhead Squat
Three rounds for total rounds completed
With a 5 minute clock complete:
400m run - followed by
As many rounds as possible of:
7 box jumps
25 double unders
Rest 3 min between rounds
Your score is how many rounds of the box jumps and double unders you complete in the workout.

The weather is supposed to be fantastic tomorrow so it will be nice to get outside and do some running. Note that the sub for double unders in todays workout is going to be tuck jumps not single skips. Increased number of single skips does not give the same "hit" that double unders bring but tuck jumps do. However if you have even a few double unders in a row than I want you to try to do them. In the tech portion make sure you are working up to a max and get a true 1rm on the overhead squat today. You will have approx. 20min to complete the tech.


  1. This workout looks awesome !!

    See you guys tomorrow at 430 :)

  2. With the speed of my double unders I am sure to make the board! lol

    Oh well, I get to work on one of my many weaknesses.

    Annie :)
