Friday, April 2, 2010


Technique:  7 singles of weighted strict pullups

use a DB / weighted vest / whatever you can find that works and spend 15-20 minutes pulling some weight over the bar.

WOD: 10-8-6-4-2 for time of:

  • Box Jumps (30"/ 24")
  • Clapping Pushups
  • Deadlifts (250lbs / 175lbs)
If you are someone who usually scales pushups to knee pushups then try as best you can to complete these pushups from your toes.  Clapping pushups are chest to deck - clap in air.  These box jumps are meant to be higher than normal so if you are someone who usually scales down to 16", use 20".

Oh yeah and the best weighted pullup I've seen in person is 140lbs for guys and 60lbs for ladies...  Have fun!


  1. Great class this morning, thanks to everyone who came out!

  2. I did the wod on my own this morning. 5:30 with 225lbs deads.


  3. Great class Ainslie, but the warm up running with that ball was like deja vue from last Sunday all over again!lol

    Great programming Shaalo so far, liked it a lot, did 5:30RX, after a week off, 175 felt pretty heavy! :)


  4. The Fit Female Credo
    By Rachael Cosgrove

    1. Act as if you are a fit female.
    2. Get out of your comfort zone.
    3. Fuel your body to be fabulous.
    4. Train hard or go home.
    5. Get hooked on feeling fit, not a number on a scale.
    6. Be an early riser.
    7. Make rest and relaxation a priority.
    8. Obstacles will arise, anticipate them!
    9. Keep a journal or blog.
    10. Eliminate the negative people and surround yourself with positive people.
    11. Think about your thoughts.
    12. Attitude is everything.
    13. Manage your stress.
    14. Put an end to body bashing and instead celebrate your strengths.
    15. Don't rely on will power. Have strategies.
    16. Stop rationalizing and making excuses.

  5. Cabo workout update.

    Yesterday WOD 1:
    Death by 15m or so.
    14 minutes completed, did it on the tennis court. Followed immediately by doing it again with Chelan. She and I did 11 min.
    WOD 2:
    5 rounds for time:
    5 HSPU
    1 stair climb
    20 squats

    The Pie

    Miss you all. Hope everything is going well. That Saturday WOD looked awful. Might go do that mile burpee workout right now.
