Thursday, May 13, 2010

Snatch Complex

A. Squat Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat x5x4, rest 2min between sets
B1. 20 pullups x3
B2. KB Clean and Push Press 10 reps (5 per arm, complete one arm before you move onto the next) x3, rest 2min
C. Two Full Building sprints - Start at the bottom of the hill go around the building and end at the top of the hill. 1 to 1 rest and work ratio. If your time is 1:10, than you rest 1:10 before you do the second sprint.

1 comment:

  1. Hello ladies,
    my work is volunteering all weekend at the Firefit competition on our rooftop parking lot. We are manning one of the station, I think the one where the firefighters break down a door. Saturday is individual competition and Sunday is team. I am volunteering on Sunday after-noon 2-8 and I need one or 2 more volunteer if anyone is interested? There's a beer tent...and plenty of firefighters!?
    Let me know if interested, I will be out of town, back tomorrow evening.
    Annie :)
