Fridays Workout"Pullup Ladder"With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute and so on until you fail at a number.
We will also be Front Squatting and Deadlifting during the tech. See you in the Den.
More videos to be uploaded here tomorrow. Look out for them. You might be in it...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Snatch Time
A little video of Garth hitting up a WOD today. Stay tune for more videos being posted on this blog.
Great work today on the "field trip"...we are going to be doing that hill quite a bit. Connie Chung took this one down but great work all around.
Thursday Workout:
- Max Snatch
We are going to do a quick hitter at the end of the workout.
rounds in 10 min:
5 squat snatches at 65% of your max
10 ring dips
Start Following CrossFit Lions on Twitter this the place for all the constant updates on the gym. I post multiple tweets daily including pictures of all our athletes working out and how their times were throughout the day. Those of you with iphones there is a great twitter app called tweetie that allows you to view your accounts. This is also a great way to see the next days workout as I'll post it on Twitter each night.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Our first field trip
Great work today on Barbara everyone. By the way I also feel completely sick right now after doing a lil barbara after work. I think its the 40 situps because you are getting very little oxygen in that time period.
Wednesday workout is a surprise. We are going to be working out offsite. Come to the gym and either I will be there or there will be a sign on the door with instructions to were you are going. This one is not one you want to miss.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Nice work today Kids. Especially my 7pm class who really learned what it means to push hard on those overhead presses. Great work Boomer, Dimples and Divine. Tuesdays workout is another classic CrossFit WOD.
5 rounds for time:
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 situps
50 squats
Rest exactly 3 min between rounds. Once you are done you will then minus 12min from your time for your total score.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday -- Shoulder Day
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Add up your total score for the heaviest completed weight of each exercise.
This is a classic and I promise you is a great hit. Remember strength days such as these are just as important to your overall fitness level as the 'metcon' that we are known for. Lift heavy, big breaks inbetween sets and get after this.
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Add up your total score for the heaviest completed weight of each exercise.
This is a classic and I promise you is a great hit. Remember strength days such as these are just as important to your overall fitness level as the 'metcon' that we are known for. Lift heavy, big breaks inbetween sets and get after this.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Great work on "Surprise"
Congrats to all who participated in "surprise" today. Banana will be putting together the video for us shortly. Looking forward to seeing it. Congrats To Eric and Karen for taking down the "surprise" title. I would also like to welcome back Bombshell who just got back from rehearsals in Victoria for a movie she is filming there.
Saturday Workout as usual is a make up day.
Saturday is also the NFL Draft which is my favorite sports day of the year. Its start at 1pm.
Saturday Workout as usual is a make up day.
Saturday is also the NFL Draft which is my favorite sports day of the year. Its start at 1pm.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Workout For Video -- 5pm & 6pm Class
Great work on Cindy today. Congrats to Ty Mac who broke the 20 round berrier and now holds the gym record at 20 rounds and 3 squats.
We are going to do Friday's workout for video in the 5 and 6pm class, so if its possible for you to make it during those times than please do. This will be posted on our website as well as submitted to and hopefully posted on the affiliate blog their. Tomorrows workout is a surprise. As usual its time for you to earn your weekend.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cindy Time -- Friday we are lifting for Video
Good work for those that tackled the inverted burpees. I think they are a fun new exercise in the CrossFit tool box which will make its way into varies workouts as we go along.
Thursday Workout:
AMRAP in 20 min:
5 pull-ups
10 push ups
15 squats
You must complete each station before moving onto the next. This is a leaderboard workout so get in here and compete. Most of you did a 3/4 Cindy in your intro portion so now we will see how a full one goes.
You must complete each station before moving onto the next. This is a leaderboard workout so get in here and compete. Most of you did a 3/4 Cindy in your intro portion so now we will see how a full one goes.
Friday's workout is going to be for video. Banana Man is going to be filming the 5pm and 6pm classes. This video will be submitted to and be shown on our website.
The Pie Diet Challenge
Check out I am starting an 8 week diet experiment. Go to the link for more information. If you would like to join me let me know and we can talk about the diet rules and set you up a blog to post your daily intake and results.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Inverted Burpees
Congrats to all who hit up Nancy today. She is not easy...also a note to all do not eat fast food chinesse before you workout. It felt as if I was running and overhead squatting with a 20lb child in my stomach.
We are going to have some fun with a new CrossFit exercise called the inverted burpee.
Wed WOD:
100 Inverted Burpees for time
I did this one on Saturday and its a fun one. Get in here and work off that post Canucks hangover. If you can't do a handstand than I'll give you a different bodyweight workout.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Nice work today on the games qualifying WOD. We will be testing ourselves against a few of those workouts as they come up. OZ took down the title today on the mens side and Karen... again took down the ladies. As a side note The Pie took down Garth aka bunges with a time of 13:33 compared to 14:23... By the way I will only post my results again bunches when I win. When I lose we will be on communication lockdown.
Its also a perfect opportunity to start talking about fielding a team for the affiliate cup which is held at the CrossFit games. You compete as a team of 4 men and 4 women in group events. Leave a comment on this blog if its something you are interested in. All the workouts can be scaled down at the games and the affiliate cup is really more about the good time than anything else. The game are in Aromas California in and around July 12th. That is 1 hour outside of San Fransisco. It was an awesome time last year even if you are just spectating. More info to come. If we get enough people interested we will hold a competition to deciede who will be representing the "Den".
Tuesday WOD:
5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 overhead squats
400m run
15 overhead squats
If you are still struggling with the overhead squat I am going to get you to do a Back squat instead. Though we will work on the technique in the Tech portion.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
CrossFit Games Qualifying WOD
Howdy y'all. The CrossFit Games are in the middle of their qualifying for the mens and womens individual competition right now. There are varius regions around the world and each of them are holding tournaments within this next month. I thought it would be fun to try some of their workouts or close to them. check out
Southern California WOD #1
6 Rounds for time of:
30 Squats
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Power Clean / Anyway Overhead
Also scale down to regular kipping pullups if you need to. Happy Monday!!
Southern California WOD #1
6 Rounds for time of:
30 Squats
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Power Clean / Anyway Overhead
Also scale down to regular kipping pullups if you need to. Happy Monday!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Saturday, Make up Day
If you didn't hit Fran this week, then you are going to do that. If you did Fran then you have your choice of workouts that you have missed this week.
Go Canucks Go!!
Reminder to everyone to post their godamn scores on the daily leaderboard at the front of the gym. If you don't post them their they won't show up at night.
See you in the "Den"
Go Canucks Go!!
Reminder to everyone to post their godamn scores on the daily leaderboard at the front of the gym. If you don't post them their they won't show up at night.
See you in the "Den"
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Fridays Workout
First off sorry about the no scoreboard for yesterdays workout. Was trying to catch as much of the hockey game as I could. Please forgive.
Fridays Workout
"CFT Kelly Style"
This workout is courtesy of Machine from CrossFit Vancouver. She is fantastic coach and competitive weightlifter. She also is a nutrition specialist who will be giving some nutrition seminar in the near future which I'll keep you posted on.
Thursday is going to be a strength day in a format similar to the total, but with a twist:
1 rep max front squat
1 rep max push press
1 rep max thruster
total=max front squat+max push press+max thruster
Do the exercises in that order. Only one failure allowed at each weight. (ie if you do a 230 front squat and then fail at a 235, you can attempt it again, but if you fail a second time you need to move on to push press).
Fridays Workout
"CFT Kelly Style"
This workout is courtesy of Machine from CrossFit Vancouver. She is fantastic coach and competitive weightlifter. She also is a nutrition specialist who will be giving some nutrition seminar in the near future which I'll keep you posted on.
Thursday is going to be a strength day in a format similar to the total, but with a twist:
1 rep max front squat
1 rep max push press
1 rep max thruster
total=max front squat+max push press+max thruster
Do the exercises in that order. Only one failure allowed at each weight. (ie if you do a 230 front squat and then fail at a 235, you can attempt it again, but if you fail a second time you need to move on to push press).
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Rest Day -- Kidding
Yesterdays was muscular fatigue, spending most of the workout in the 1st sprint drive. Todays workout is the opposite. We will be working that oxidative drive. Get in here and get after this one.
"Rest Day"
5 rounds for time:
50 Squats
20 ring pushups
1 med ball building lap
Once you are done with the five rounds:
100 1/2 ghd situps (go to parallel instead of hand touching the ground)
"Rest Day"
5 rounds for time:
50 Squats
20 ring pushups
1 med ball building lap
Once you are done with the five rounds:
100 1/2 ghd situps (go to parallel instead of hand touching the ground)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
AMRAP in 20 min
Nice work by all who tackled Fran today. Congrats to Monkey for setting the new gym record at 3:38. He was followed closely by OZ who came in at 5min flat.
Complete as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 L Pull-ups
15 Steps, Walking Lunge
If you don't have a handstand pushup than use a large towel under head or do a heavy strict press. If you can't do a L Pull up than do a strict pull-up instead. If you don't have a strict pull-up than do a kipping pull-up.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Fran Time
This is the mother of all CrossFit workouts and certainly its most popular. Below is a video of AFT (Brett Marshall) of CrossFit Calgary ripping Fran 2 years ago or so. At the time this was the record. It has since been broken and now sits at 1:58. AFT also was the originator of the butterfly pull-up which gained fame from this video. Currently OZ has the leaderboard at 5:34. Lets get after his time kids.
Easter Monday WOD
Hello all, sorry for the lateness of this post. Monday WOD is as follows and is courtesy of
3 rounds for time:
500m row
21 burpees
400m run
3 rounds for time:
500m row
21 burpees
400m run
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Holiday Hours Reminder -- classes are at 10am and 11am this Friday and same on Saturday.
Todays workout was a tough one for sure. Let me know what you thought of it. Was really glad to see so many people slug through this beast.
This is the most frequently done workout on the website and therefore an important one to do.
Friday WOD:
3 rounds for time:
800m run
50 back extension
50 situps
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
More Murph Times
Congrats to everyone that finished Murph today. Great work at 5pm. GC took down the full Murph title at 37:57 and I have a video I'll post of the first 6min or so of the 5 o'clock class post mile run. Also great work by Annabelle who took the title for the 1/2 modified Murph.
Thursday WOD:
For reps complete:
4 minute row for calories
4 minute KB swings
Rest 2:00
4 minute shoulder press
4 minute box
Guys use 24K and gals use 16K for the swings, 65 lbs and 45 lbs for the shoulder press and 24″ and 18″ for the box.
This one is courtesy of CrossFit Calgary. Should be fun.
Holliday Schedule
Easter Weekend Class Schedule:
Friday=10am +11am
Sunday= closed
Monday=regular schedule
Friday=10am +11am
Sunday= closed
Monday=regular schedule
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Go Nucks Go
Good work on Murph today guys and gals. For those of you that did not hit it I want everyone to post a time on this this week. Don't forget you can do a "1/2 murph" as well.
Wednesday WOD:
Rounds in 10min:
5 Clean and Jerk
250m row
If the Clean and Jerk is still a new movement to you then scale down and work on your form. We will be working on the Clean and Jerk in the tech tomorrow.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Murph -- A True Test of Will
Congrats to Bombshell for her first female victory. Nice running.
Okay kids....its time for Murph. One of CrossFit's most grueling workouts, especially in terms of length. We will do a dynamic warmup for it and then just get after it. There is going to be a 1 hour time limit on the workout.
1 mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push ups
300 Squats
1 mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push ups
300 Squats
1 mile run
Break up the pull-ups, push-ups and squats as needed. Most people do 20 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats. Another option is to do 10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 Pushups and 30 squats. For your first attempt at Murph the goal is to just finish. Weather should be great so get in here and go to war.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Heavy Lifting Today

Getting a check in from the first client of CrossFit Lions, Knightrider. Now he didn't bring his construction clothes funny enough but he did come to lend moral support....and have a smoke break from work. Congrats to Knight for dropping down a 275# back squat before he left for sunny Orange County.
We are going to do a Mark Rippetoe starting strength special today. "Rip" is CrossFit's power lifting guru and has authored the Starting Strength book series. According to Rip each workout should include a squat exercising, a pulling exercise and a pushing exercise.
Monday's WOD:
Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3
Deadlift. Work up to a heavy single.
KettleBell Bench Press. Pick a weight. Three sets of max reps at that weight
Friday, April 3, 2009
Saturday is Make-Up Day-- Important Notice
Yeah guys. Can everyone remember to bring me a void cheque for their monthly membership dues. There is no commitment with this. As long as you let me know by the 15th of the month prior that you want to cancel then you can. Thank you.
Not a lot of you earning your weekend this weekend....don't worry we'll make it up with a good hit on Saturday. We will make up a workout you missed this week. 10am,11am classes. See ya then.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thrusters, Pullups and....
Big Dawg aka A Dawg right in the middle of a crazy hard WOD. Great work buddy.
Congrats to all who tackled NATE. Only Banana and Karen posted their times on the board so they are the winners. Nice work to both of them. Remember to post your score and subs on the daily leaderboard each day.
Friday WOD:
7 rounds for time:
7 Thrusters
7 Pullups
1 building lap
RX=95# thursters + chest to bar pull-ups
LV2=95# thrusters
LV1= 65# thrusters
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Congrats to Karen who became the first lady to take down a WOD. Watch out for her boyz as she is here to kick some serious ass. Props to Kioks who took the men belt today. Eric has also donated a few of his running shirts and one bad ass pair of shorts to anyone who wants them.
Thursday WOD:
Rounds in 20min:
2 muscle ups
4 handstand pushups
8 KB Swings
RX = 32KG
LV 2= 24KG
LV1= 16KG
If you dont' have a musle up then you do 3 pull-ups and 3 ring dips
If you don't have a handstand pushup than put a large towel under your head to decrease the distance or do strict overhead press.
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Blog Archive
- "Pullup Ladder"
- Snatch Time
- Start Following CrossFit Lions on Twitter
- Our first field trip
- Barbara
- Monday -- Shoulder Day
- Great work on "Surprise"
- Workout For Video -- 5pm & 6pm Class
- Cindy Time -- Friday we are lifting for Video
- The Pie Diet Challenge
- Inverted Burpees
- "Nancy"
- CrossFit Games Qualifying WOD
- Saturday, Make up Day
- Fridays Workout
- Rest Day -- Kidding
- AMRAP in 20 min
- Fran Time
- Easter Monday WOD
- Michael
- More Murph Times
- Holliday Schedule
- Go Nucks Go
- Murph -- A True Test of Will
- Heavy Lifting Today
- Saturday is Make-Up Day-- Important Notice
- Thrusters, Pullups and....
- Congrats to Karen who became the first lady to tak...