Wednesday, March 31, 2010


If you've been in to the den Mon, Tues, and Wed then stay away today... get some rest, enjoy the (hopefully) good weather or do what I usually do and enjoy some ben&jerry's (kidding... but not really).  If you missed one or more of the days come on in from 7-10am or 4-7pm just like the past couple of weeks and whoever is coaching will get you to make-up the day you missed.

Since I get such a nice easy day to break in my programming skills I figure I'll play around with the cool tools this thing has to offer and deliver you guys a wicked vid that's posted on .com tonight... hopefully it works.
This is Becky Conzelman, she finished 3rd in her sectionals over in Virginia.  Enjoy!
Schaalo, out...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Coach Chris is off on his honeymoon!!

Chelan and I leave Wednesday morning for 12 nights to Cabo San Lucas. There will be 5 coaches taking up the class duties while I am away. Roe, BB Guns (Bianca), Monkey (Christoph), GOAT (Chris Schaalo) and Ainsley (5th fittest lady in BC). I hope you will all enjoy working with them and I'm sure they will do a great job. Garth Prouse will be overseeing the gym also and making sure everyone is doing what they should be. Chris is going to be programming for the gym while I am away and he will do so on this blog. The only thing that changes is there will be no daily leaderboard posted so please post your results to the comments section.

If anyone needs to get a hold of me I will be checking emails daily, so don't hesitate. I would be really happy if people leave comments on the blog about how classes were and how everyone did so I can read them.

Please be nice and kind to the coaches and enjoy the next couple of weeks. Reminder also that we will be closed on Good Friday, open on Saturday and open on Monday.

This is my first time leaving the gym for more than 2 days....I am nervous, sad and excited all at once. I love you all.  Train hard, eat well and stretch.

Would like to give props also to Alex M.(even though he never checks this) for dropping down a gym record 3:18 1000m row tonight. He has a low 3min in him for sure. Great work. 

Wednesday WOD:
Dead Deadlift 5x4, no tap and go - Sectional athletes, your backs might not be ready for this yet so sub if you need to.
AMRAP in 20min:
20m Overhead Lunge w/t 45/25 #
20 achored situps
15 Wallballs

Tuesday Leaderboard
1. Ant 7:59 RX
2. Pie 8:14 RX
3. Monkey 9:50 RX
4. Goat 10:14 RX
5. Connie 12:08 RX

Monday, March 29, 2010

Todays .com WOD

Here is a new workout again from .com that looks like fun. Fits perfectly after yesterday lifts and conditioning. Because this wod is so strength based we will do an additional 1000m row at the end of the workout....just for fun.

Want to put a shout out to Dan who put 275 overhead today in the split jerk and to Connie Chung who split 235.....and he's 170lbs soaking wet.  Great work gents. Dan's total is a gym record for the split. I guarantee he'll be 300 + within the next couple months. 

WOD 1: 
Seven rounds for time of:
3 Front Squats 185/135
7 L-pull-ups
*note the front squat is heavy at RX so please scale down accordingly if you can't pretty easily manage that for 3 reps fresh. If you don't have L pullups you do strict pullups and if you don't have strict you kip. If you don't have kipping pullups than use the band and do strict chest to bar band pullups. 

WOD 2: 
1000m row for time

Pride, Lust and Envy Leaderboard
1. Roe 4 + 3 burpees
2. Dimples 4 + box jumps
3. Karen 3+ burpees
4. Tanya 3 + 3 burpees
1. Kioks 6 + 3 burpees
2. Connie 6 + box jumps
3. Oz 5 + burpees
4. Rick 5 + 4 box jumps
5. Ant 5 rounds

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Big Weekend For CrossFit Lions -- 5 Athletes moving on

First off I would like to thank all the people who came up to support the CrossFit Lions Team this weekend in Squamish. Thank you Roe, Tanya, Katie, Annie, Geoff, Olivia, Knight Rider, Connie Chung, Kioks, Murder, Sophie, The Duke, OZ, Nick and Jenny.
Also thank you to my beautiful wife who now has no voice left because she was cheering so loud. I know she helped me through some dark times in those workouts. If I forgot your name its only because I care.

Now onto our athletes....Ains, Hattie and Annie qualified for the ladies and Garth and Monkey qualified for the men. Solo was 16th place, one spot away from qualifying. Everyone who didn't qualify had great moments and I couldn't be prouder of our gym. We have one of the smallest memberships of any of the gyms their and we qualified 5 people to go to regionals two months from now.

Garth, aka Steven Bunches, finished second in the burpee, box jump, Kb swing WOD and destroyed the field in the final workout for a first place finish. He finished in 6th place but established himself as a real contender to come out of the regionals in Calgary. Christoph, who was fighting a bad back and a wicked cold, still went to war and finished each workout in the top 15 to end up 12th I believe. Again at full strength he will be a contender in Calgary. Solo finished off the total with a 475lbs deadlift with lots left in him, had a strong showing in the burpeed box jump wod and then dropped down a bad ass 6:52 2k row to finish 5th in that event. Matt just missed out on the final WOD but overall had a great weekend of workouts and effort. Good work boyz!!

On the ladies end Ainslie finished 5th overall with an incredible row and steady pace in all four workouts. She is a contender in to come out of Canada for sure.  Hattie, who just got ring dips a few days ago and pullups only a few weeks ago, finished the last WOD RX and therefore punched her ticket to Alberta. It was incredible to watch her continue to fight through that last wod. I was so proud. Annie who was in the 20's before the last wod began, stormed through at rx to get herself into 15th place. Stellar PB all weekend. Great work Annie.

Big ups also to BB Guns, Robyn and Mel who all had a fantastic weekend. B fighting through that last round of ring dips, is proof of what the human body can do if you put your mind to it and stick it out. B also finished 5th I believe in the second workout. Big ups. For mainly big girl workouts she did awesome.  If only we could have got ring dips from Mel a few days earlier....Unbelievable weekend for her. A monster PR in the Row and lifts and she was in place to qualify if it weren't for those damn dips. However I think she knows now that she can hang with these girls and compete at the is level. Last but not least is our inspirational captain Robyn. Robyn PR I believe in all four lifts or pretty darn close to it in the CrossFit football total, PR in the 2K row, good hard work in the second box jump wod and then a top ten finish in the ride the lightning final wod, were it was great to see her strengths shine through. The exercises weren't to Robyn's favor and we knew that going in, but her spirit and fight never went away.

Chelan and I have never been more proud in our lives than we were this weekend. Congrats to all of you and this is only the beginning with what you all can accomplish. More to come on the weekend.

If you were wondering about me I finished in 19th place out of 59 men w/t a 4th place finish on the second workout and a 8 place finish on the last one. A 41st in the 2k row cost me a trip to Calgary. Just didn't pull fast enough. Stupid row. I also tied my PR's in the power clean and bench press, broke my pr in the back squat with at least another 15 pounds in me.

A. Spit Jerk 5x1
B. Front Squat, Thruster, Hang Squat Clean x4 - how heavy can you go
"Pride, Lust and Envy"
Rounds in 5min:
7 box jumps 24"/20"
7 burpees
7 KB Swings red/yellow

7 rounds and a couple box jumps was the best done at the Sectionals by John from CrossFit Kelowna. Garth was just behind him. Unlike this weekend I won't require full foot on the box for the jumps and we will use our burpee standard of two hands straight in the air, feet off the ground, hips extended. Have fun.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Yes there is Saturday Classes

I would like to thank in advance Mr. Geoff Clements, aka GC, who will be supervising/coaching the 9 amd 10am Saturday class. Geoff is not a trainer, so please be kind to him. If you don't know an exercise in the workout, then take it upon yourself to change it to something you do know or feel comfortable with.

A lot of our team will be at Quest University in Squamish competing in the BC Sectionals this Saturday and Sunday. Cost to watch is $15 at the door. Check out the crossfit games website for more information.

Saturday WOD: 
1mile run
25 burpees
50 abmat situps
50 back ext.
800m run
20 burpees
40 abmat situps
40 back ext
400m run
15 burpees
30 abmat situps
30 back ext
1 builiding lap
10 burpees
20 abmat situps
20 back ext

Friday Leaderboard
1. Tanya 206 RX
2. M 220 Scaled
3. Lauren 170 Scaled
1. OZ 247
2. Dan 234
3. Ant 224
4. Knight 221

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tabata Lions -- Spectators Tickets Update

"Tabata Lions"
20 sec on 10 sec off for 8 rounds of each exercise. 30 sec rest between exercises. Total reps win. 
Thruster 75/55
Jumping Pullups
Hang Power Snatch 75/55

Post: (on my discretion, if you push the tabata lions like you should than you won't be doing this)
3 rounds
500m @ 2000m pace
20 Knees to Elbows

To watch the BC Sectionals this weekend at Quest University in Squamish, its $15 per day and you can buy at the door. CrossFit Football Total heats begin at 8:30am and the Battery wod starts at 1:30. We don't know yet when our athletes start. Are any of the athletes not using their one person spectator pass? If so leave to comments so someone can use it.

I will be getting our new batch of t-shirts tomorrow afternoon. If I don't see you in the gym for the afternoon and you are wanting them for up in Squamish, I will bring them out there. Would love if you guys rocked our swag for the event (both spectators and competitors).

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rest Day/ Make Up Day

3x800m Leaderboard
1. Lil Roe 11:01
2. M 11:26
3. Karen 11:47
4. Boomer 12:10
5. Animal 12:28
1. Spencer 7:36
2. Rick B 8:01
3. Daren 8:31
4. GC 8:49
5. Banana 9:31

Sectional Athletes -- 2000m row strategies

The 2000m row is a very dangerous and challenging workout. If you come out of the gate too fast you will crash and burn and destroy any chance of a good time.

It is imperative that you have a game plan before going into this event. The rest of the workouts at the sectionals are pretty much balls to the wall right off the bat but not the row.

If my goal is a sub 7:10 row, my plan is to row the first 1000m at 1:50 500m average, the next 500m at a 1:45 and then the final 500m as fast as I can humanly go.

I suggest that everyone really works hard today and tomorrow on what their first 1000m pace will be. I did 6x500m today at a 1:50 pace w/t a 1:50 break inbetween. You really want to feel comfortable with the first 1000m and you want to know 100% what damper setting you row best on. For the 2000m I would suggest its the damper setting that feels easiest at the pace you are attempting to hold.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

800m sprints

Press 5,4,3,2,1
4x800m run
rest exactly 5 min between runs
lowest total time wins

Tuesday's AMRAP Leaderboard
1. Kioks 8 rounds
2. Ant 7 1/3 rounds
2. Connie 7 1/3 rounds
4. Jaybay 7 rounds
5. Dan 6 2/3 rounds

Monday, March 22, 2010

New T-Shirts Coming This Friday

Those of you competing this weekend will do a different workout potentially. I'll talk to each of you individually about that when you come in the gym.  Please review the workouts this weekend and understand where you might have some difficulties and we'll see what we can do to help that in the short time we have.

New T-shirts will be arriving this Friday, just in time for the weekend. Black American Apparel 50/50 t-shirts with our logo on the front and a cool saying on the back. Sizes womens small, womens medium, mens medium, mens large and mens x large. We will also have womens white boy beaters in size small and medium. Shirts are $30.00, beaters are $20. Quantities are at a minimum and I will be bringing them up to Squamish to sell, so if you want me to set aside one for you leave what you would like to the comments on this post and I will do so.

Clean Pull
Tall Clean

AMRAP in 20min:
5 Squat Cleans 135/95
10 pullups
15 pushups

BC CrossFit Games Sectional Workouts Released

Event 1 "Football Total" Saturday (8:30am start)
1RM Power Clean
1RM Back Squat
1RM Bench Press
1RM Deadlift
The Lifts will be done in the order above, completing one before moving on to the next.
You will be given a max of 3 attempts for each lift.
Your best 1RM in each will be combined for a total score.
Event 2 "Pride, Lust, and Envy" Saturday (1:30pm start)
As many rounds and reps as possible in 5min of:
7 Box jumps (24/20 inches)
7 Burpees
7 KB Swings (24/16Kg)
Event 3 Saturday (6pm start)
For time: 2000m Row
Event 4 "Ride the Lightning" Sunday (9am start)
5 Rounds for time of:
200m Medball Run (20/14lb)
9/4 Ring Dips
12 Pull-ups
15 Wallball (20/14lb)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Congrats to Scott, He's moving on to Regionals.

Scott finished in 13th place this past weekend at the Ontario Sectionals qualifiers. That means he will competing in Calgary come May for a chance to make it to the CrossFit Games this summer in California. So far CrossFit Lions are 1 for 1 in sectionals.....yes!!! Lets keep it up for next weekend. 

A1. Front Squat 5x5
A2. 5x 20 KB Swings red/yellow, rest 120 sec
B1. Ring Dips 5x10
B2. D Ball Slams 5x15
B3. Anchored situps 5x20 (focus on speed of movement), Rest 120 sec

Friday, March 19, 2010

Pizza Connection....modified

This workout is from the Southern European Qualifier. It fits nicely into our quasi usual Saturday programming. I have changed a few exercises in this wod. First the heavy deadlift is gone and is replaced with the SDHP; the push press is now with a barbell at heavier weight.
WOD: "Pizza Connection"
For Time:
10 SDHP 95/65
20 Push Press 95/65
30 Double Unders
10 Power Snatch 95/65
20 Wall Ball
30 Pull-ups
10 Thrusters 95/65
20 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Burpees
30 GHD Sit-ups
1 mile run 

Friday leaderboard
1. Robyn 15:07
2. Hattie 15:55
3. Annie 17:28
4. Mel 17:29
5. Karen 17:31
1. Kioks 13:12 ( welcome back my friend....offcourse he comes back in for the running wod)
1. Solo 13:12
3. Connie Chung 16:01
4. Dan 17:21
5. GC 18:21

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Time to get outside kids

Work up to a heavy Squat Clean and Jerk
1000m row
3 rounds for time:
1 200m farmers walk Red/Yellow KB
1 building lap
10 burpees

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rest Day/ Make Up Day

This has been a hard three days. If you have lifted all days, take today off. If you have missed a workout or two than get in the gym. Open gym from 7-10 and 4:00-7pm.

Wednesday Leaderboard:
Everyone please make sure they post their scores from todays workout on the front board. I'll post the totals tomorrow. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

.com workout from a few days ago

Sumo Deadlift 6x3
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 Back extensions
15 Knees to elbows
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
Bodies are likely going to be pretty sore from the last two days workouts. This workout is a midline stability killer I'm sure. Keep those active shoulders high and tight on the overhead squat. Knees to elbows are likely going to get really challenging as this goes along, don't turn them into knees to triceps or knees to armpits. I want each athlete to take it upon themselves to not allow if both elbows don't touch the elbows.

No leaderboard today as everyone's weight were different but great work to all all.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Power Cleans and Pullups -- Crossfit games site

Check out and see our very own Garth Prouse's athlete profile. Very cool to see one of our own up on the games site. Nice work Mr. Bunches.
Great work and energy in the Den today. Thank you to everyone for putting in such a good job. Would like to welcome Dan into classes, who had to go through JT as his first WOD. Ouch!!! Nice work big guy.
All you sectional athletes, check out the comments on Saturdays blog post....pretty funny.

4 rounds for time:
50 walking lunges (yes this has changed from the squats posted last night)
10 power cleans @ 65% 1RM
15 pullups
Do rounds 1 and 2 and then rest 3 min before starting round 3 and 4. Then subtract 3 min from your total time for your total score.

JT Leaderboard
1. Robyn 17:45
2. Annie 19:53
3. Ains 25:25
1. Scott 11:05
2. Pie 16:16
3. Ant 18:21
4. Bunches 19:13
5. Rick 20:03

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Front Squat 5x4
Ring Dips
Push Ups

This is a brutal upper body workout. For leaderboard purposes the RX for ladies is 1 abmat, however if you are training for the sectionals you might want to try going all the way to the deck. Kipping HSPU are allowed. Chest must touch the ground on the pushups. Again you sectional athletes I want you to pay close attention to this.

Hill running on Sunday

Its my birthday and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to......

11am, base of hill of 19th street, two blocks ish east of lonsdale. Go up Lonsdale, turn east on 19th. You can't miss it. Call me if you get lost. 604-839-0296

Friday, March 12, 2010

South Texas "Onto The Next" WOD

This is the sunday workout at the South Texas Sectional which I believe is this weekend. I toyed with the idea of a multi wod today but thought this longer grind would be more appropriate. Please note that our workout is going to take longer than the one done at the sectional as we are going to be doing a 270m run instead of 100ft.  All you sectional athletes are welcome to hit up some additional running or hill climbing post wod if you like, but I think this beast might be enough. Also the weight for both the KB and the barbell for the Snatch is very heavy so if you need to scale please do.

Single arm KB Snatch red/yellow
Barbell Snatch review
15 Thrusters (115/65lbs)
building lap
50 One-Arm Kettlebell Snatches red/yellow
builiding lap
100 Double Unders
building lap
50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
builiding lap
15 Barbell Snatch (115/65lbs)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Overhead Squats with a fun triplet at the end

Overhead Squat - work up to heavy triple
Overhead Squats
Box jumps 24"/20"
Barbell weight is 75#/55#

Rest Day/ Make Up Day

As per usual open gym from 7-10am and 4:30-7:30pm. You will make up any of the three workouts you missed this week or I will give you a workout suited to work on your weaknesses. If you have lifted all three days than I suggest you take a day off. If you are insistent that you workout than come on in and I'll give you a nice easy active recovery workout to plow through.

Pullup Push Press couplet
1. Ains 6:12
2. Roe Roe 6:37
3. Hattie 8:49 w/t purple band
1. Solo 4:48 @115
2. GC 5:25 @ 115
3. Connie 5:58 @115
4. Nick 6:35 @ 115 ( First workout in the Den....Great work Nick!!)
5. Ant 6:58 @ 115

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Turkish Getups and a nasty couplet

Turkish Getup 5x3 - work up to heavy triple
Muscle Up practice (time dependent)
4 rounds for time:
20 pullups
5 Push Press @ 70% of 1RM ( no rack allowed)
"Death By Everything" Leaderboard
1. Annie 35:00
2. Hattie 31:00
3. Roe 30:00
3. Robyn 30:00
5. M 29:00
1. Scott 35:00
2. Twisto 33:00
3. Oz 31:00
4. Ant 30:00
4. GC 30:00

Monday, March 8, 2010

Death By Everything

Death By Everything

Complete as many reps as possible, resting 2 minutes between the completion of each movement set:
2 Push-ups on the first minute, 4 push-ups the second minute, 6 push-ups the third minute, etc., until you can no longer make that rep number in the alloted 60 seconds.

3 Sit-ups on the first minute, 6 sit-ups the second minute, 9 sit-ups the third minute, etc., until you can no longer make that rep number in the alloted 60 seconds.

4 Squats on the first minute, 8 squats the second minute, 12 squats the third minute, etc., until you can no longer make that rep number in the alloted 60 seconds.
500m row Leaderboard
1. Ains 1:46:01
2. Lauren 1:50.8
3. Annie 1:51
4. Tanya 1:51.7 
5. Roe 1:55.7 
1. Alex M. 1:25.6 (Gym Record!!)
2. OZ 1:26.0
3. Solo 1:27
4. Rick 1:32.7
5. Goat 1:33.1

Sunday, March 7, 2010

500m Row


Back Squat 6x5 w/t a 2 second pause at the bottom of the squat and zero pause at the top. 60 sec break between rounds. The weight will need to be relatively light on this one. Less than 50% of your 1RM
Press 5x5, 1 sec pause between each press
Power Snatch, work up to a 1RM
500m row for time

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lots of options for today including the Grouse Grind

Alright guys and gals. There will be one main workout and then 3 options for the second portion. Those of you going out for the sectionals need to do either option 2 or 3.

5 Rounds For Time
7 Deadlifts - 275/185
11 Burpees
Second WOD options
Option 1:
3 rounds for time:
500m row
400m run
Option 2: 
4 save on foods stair loops. You start at the foot of pemberton street, run to the concrete steps, climb the steps and then run along the road and decent down the dirtish steps which are at the foot of pemberton again. Repeat 4 times
Option 3: 
The Grouse Grind. Garth and I are going to be hitting the grind after the 10am class. It is supposed to be a beautiful day tomorrow.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Max Split Jerk w/t a medium length metcon

Work up to a max Split Jerk
3 rounds for time:
1 medball lap
20 Ring Pushups
20 wallballs

Rest Day/ Make Up Day

As usual if you have trained mon, tues, wed, this week than I only want to see you in here if your plan is to do some light running and a lot of stretching. If you haven't trained all three days then I do want to see you and you will make up one of the days you have missed. If you have missed multiple days than I will choose a workout for you to do.

"Mary" Leaderboard
1. Roe 8 rounds RX  (would have been 9 but she tore up her hands), GYM RECORD!!
2. Mel 4 2/3 RX
3. Robyn 9 1/3 w/t box pistols
4. BB Guns 7 2/3 w/t wall assisted pistols
1. Scott 12 rounds RX, GYM RECORD!!
2. Ant 7 1/3 RX
3. Solo 7 to one abmat

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mary Mary quite contrary

2 Deadlift on the minute every minute for 10 min. Weight should be roughly 60-70% of your max
rounds in 20min of:
10 Pistols
15 Pullups

Post scores to leaderboard at gym and thoughts to comments.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Straight lifting today

A. Front Squat 5,4,3,2,1 rest as needed
B. Strict Pullups 4x6-10 reps w/t 90 sec rest
C. Push Press 4x2 rest as needed

Own The Podium Leaderboard
1. Robyn 19:17
2. Ains 25:08
1. Bunches 13:24
2. Scott 15:07
3. Solo 15:38
4. GOAT 16:37