Friday, March 12, 2010

South Texas "Onto The Next" WOD

This is the sunday workout at the South Texas Sectional which I believe is this weekend. I toyed with the idea of a multi wod today but thought this longer grind would be more appropriate. Please note that our workout is going to take longer than the one done at the sectional as we are going to be doing a 270m run instead of 100ft.  All you sectional athletes are welcome to hit up some additional running or hill climbing post wod if you like, but I think this beast might be enough. Also the weight for both the KB and the barbell for the Snatch is very heavy so if you need to scale please do.

Single arm KB Snatch red/yellow
Barbell Snatch review
15 Thrusters (115/65lbs)
building lap
50 One-Arm Kettlebell Snatches red/yellow
builiding lap
100 Double Unders
building lap
50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
builiding lap
15 Barbell Snatch (115/65lbs)


  1. RU sure it's 65lbs for the men 115lbs?
    Not that I am complaining or anything...

    A :)

  2. I've noticed that most of the sectionals have pussied out when it comes to the women's weights... you are right to scrutinize A!
    You can always go heavier!

  3. actually 65 was just fine thank you! ;)


  4. Everyone just simmer down about the womens weight,
    it's all good !!!!!!!

    If the guys from squamish read this blog, we're screwed.I don't think there going to be so light on us for some reason.

    Robyn :)

  5. p.s not like that damn comp. over at Taranis..
    (what a joke !!)haha ehhh GOAT ???

    Robyn ;)

  6. I will bet you girls won't get so lucky but to be honest I thought it was actually pretty good weight. The top gals and guys finished pretty close together. Mission accomplished. Hope to see everyone tonight.

  7. Hi Gang,

    Know those guys in Squamish see and hear everything. See you in 11 days:)

    Jesse Bifano
    CrossFit Squamish

  8. And you guys thought I was mean to you with the weight at the challenge... wait until the CrossFit Football guy gets a hold of you up in squamish!
