Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Canada Day y'all

Congrats to all who tackled Elizabeth today. Great work all around today on that WOD. I am really proud of how everyone's squat cleans are coming. Serious props to Bunches who put down a crazy time on the WOD. That is as fast as I've heard anyone doing Elizabeth in Vancouver.
We are only doing one class on Canada Day and that is at 9am. Please come join me for a workout if you are up to it.
Wednesday Tech: Strict Press 5x3
5 rounds for time:
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups
20 Box Jumps
30 Squats

Monday, June 29, 2009

Canada Day Schedule -- Elizabeth

Canada Day is Wednesday and there will only be one class on Wednesday at 9am. Come one come all.
Tech: Squat Cleans
Squat Cleans
Ring Dips
RX = m:135, w:95
Scale weight as needed.
Hope everyone enjoyed todays workout as it was a little different take with those two single arm barbell exercises. Let me know in comments if you enjoyed it or not. Hope to see everyone for Elizabeth tomorrow. Its the first time we've done it in the gym and its a killer.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mondays WOD

This was a mainsite WOD a few days ago. I think this is a great way to start off the week. A couple new exercises we haven't tried yet. Weight will be determined in the Tech portion of the day.
Two rounds of:
Right arm barbell push-press 12 reps
Left arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meters
Left arm barbell push-press 12 reps
Right arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meters

Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Birthday OZ and Banana Man

If you were wondering, yes that neck scarf that banana is rocking is endorsed by CrossFit HQ. A thing of beauty. Also since Banana didn't bother to write his time on the front leaderboard than I guess OZ is the big winner today. On that note. Couple of Happy Birthdays to throw out. First is OZ who big day is Saturday and then its Banana's birthday on Sunday. Happy birthday boyz, hopefully I see both of you this weekend. Curious to hear what the birthday meal will be for Banana on his b day.
Saturday WOD:
obstacle course themed as usual and I'm not sure what that will be yet. I was playing around with some different stuff today and will give it a think tonight. 9 and 10 classes tomorrow. See you then.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Friday WOD -- Sat class schedule change

First off I have added the 10am class for this Saturday. I have the day off the boat rentals on Saturday so figured I might as well try and work at the Den for as long as possible. I just love you guys so much.
Fridays Tech:
Tech: Handstands, Cartwheels and any other fun gymnastics stuff we can think of to mess around with.
Fridays WOD:
50 wallballs
50 pull ups
35 wallballs
35 pull ups
20 wallballs
20 pull ups
This was on the main site about a week ago and I thought it looked like far too much fun to not attempt. If pull ups are a struggle for you then we will scale down the number of pull ups in each round. If wallballs are a problem for you then welcome to the club. YOU ARE GOING TO DO EVERY SINGLE REP OF THEM.
Watch out for a video of Steven Bunches doing "Steven Bunches" in 4:45. Also I would like to throw props out to a new client "Hatty" who took down Marrisa's 500m row gym record today with a 1:48. Watch out ladies this ones going to be a monster.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Steven Bunches"

"Steven Bunches"
5 rounds:
10 d ball slams
10 box jumps
10 burpees
This workout is named after our close friend Steven Bunches who if you didn't know was the overall winner of the CrossFit Lions and CrossFit Vancouver Affiliate team tryout workouts. These are the three exercises I would say he does the most in his workouts and we should honor him with this today. To truly be a Steven Bunches workout this would be a longer grinder than 5 rounds but for our programming this week I want a sprint style workout tomorrow which this will certainly be. As all our sprint workouts are if you dog this WOD it will not be challenging. You have to attack this right from the starting gun.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Deadlift -- Bench Press

On both these exercises you are going to gradually work up to a really heavy single. Once you get there you are going to do 6 sets and 4 sets of that respectively and try and stay at that weight. Each of these 10 sets should be very challenging.
Monday was a hard mid length metcon and Tuesday's was a longer variety. So for today we are going to do strength and power work only.
Wednesday WOD:
Deadlift 6x1
Bench Press 4x1
Enjoy this classic video or Ronnie Coleman. Holy shit this guy is awesome.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hansen...and no not the Hansen brothers

Congrats goes out to Monkey who set a new gym record of 25 + pull ups on Cindy today. Also props to GC who joins myself, tymac and Bunches in the 20 rounds club of Cindy. We saw huge improvements from everyone today that did Cindy that had done it before. Congrats to all. If you missed Cindy today and you have a valid excuse (doctors note needed) I will let you tackle it at some point this week.
Tuesday WOD:
"Hansen MOD"
5 rounds for time:
30 KB Swings
30 Push Jerks
30 1/2 depth GHD Situps
This is a hero WOD and should be taken with a dose of reality. If you think this workout is going to take you an hour, then we will go little Hansen and do 3 rounds. If you want to tackle the big boy then I'm all for it. Get in here and hit this as Wednesday WOD will be a strength recovery day. I have changed the burpees that are rx'd in the workout to push jerks because we did Cindy on Monday.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cindy Time

Monday's Tech:
Turkish Getup
Rounds in 20min
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Lets everyone try and have a big week this week. At least 4 days of training. Its time for some of us to step up our training and see how our bodies adapt to an increase in workload.
I want to appologize again for having to not be there for Friday nights classes. That will hopefully never happen again. See you Monday.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Small Man Complex

Friday's WOD

"Small Man Complex"

10 rounds for time:
Clean and Jerk Complex: Deadlift, Power Clean, Front Squat, Squat Clean, Push Jerk,Split Jerk
GHD Situp Complex: 1/2 depth, 3/4 depth, full depth x5
Pullups Complex: Jumping Pull up, Kipping Pull up, Strict pull up, L pull up x5
Push Complex: Push up, Rind Dip, HSPU x5

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Big props out to all who tackled the Santa Cruz 500 today. We had massive PB's all around. GC dropped 7 min off his last time, Oz dropped 6min, Slats dropped 2 min but also did today's at full rx (except the double unders). I also set a PB today. Reminder to sign up at http://www.beyondthewhiteboard.com/ as we are definetely going to be transitioning to that in the very near future.
This is a main site classic.
Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps.
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
If we have time at the end we will also do some hill sprints.

This one its very important to pick the right weight. If you cannot complete the 15 reps than you get a foul on the first set and you can either try that set again or you move on to the set of 12 and see if you can get the weight on that set.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Santa Cruz 500

Thank you to Allysa for coming by the Den today for a workout. She trains in Idaho and might be moving to Vancouver. She is our first outside of greater Vancouver client to join us for a WOD.(Allysa sorry but I'm not putting the picture up of you and I because I look like a fat retard in a basketball jersey with a stupid hat......seriously)

Wednesday WOD:

Santa Cruz 500 aka the "Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box jumps 24 (inch box),
50 Jumping pull-ups,
50 Kettlebell swings (1 pood),
Walking Lunge 50 steps,
50 Knees to elbows,
50 Push press (45 pounds),
50 Back extensions,
50 Wall ball shots (20 pound ball),
50 Burpees,
50 Double unders.

this video is of CrossFit LA doing filthy fifty for Muscle and Fitness magazine...CrossFit's first press in that magazine.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Tucker

WOW is all I can say about the effort at the Den today. Kioks came within 6 sec of taking down Steven Bunches gym record on Helen. I'm pretty sure everybody smoked their best times on that workout. Please post your previous and todays on the comments. Also really impressed by Leila and Marrissa's effort today. They both lifted their game up to new level on the KB swings.
Tuesday Tech:
Max Thruster
Tuesday WOD:
"The Tucker"
15 Thrusters
25 burpees
100 walking lunges
This workout should be a sub 5 min sprint.
If you haven't seen the hangover yet go see it immediately. Classic.

Helen -- Beyond The Whiteboard

Tech: Deadlift 3,3,2,2,1,1
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull ups

Reminder to check out www.beyondthewhiteboard.com So far the feedback has been really good. The plan would be to have a PC in the gym where post workout everyone can put down their scores and times. This will replace the books and daily leaderboards. Leave comments on the comments section. Cheers.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Schedule Reminder -- 9am class only tomorrow

Saturday WOD
"How many Reps can you do?"
reps in 20min of:
Overhead Squat
Ring Push Ups
GHD Situps
High Box Jumps
Rules: You must complete at least 40 reps of each exercise within the 20min time period. You can then do any of the exercises you want to accomplish the highest score you can. Again we are going for total reps.
Check out this video below. Good lord.

I will post leaderboard of todays WOD tomorrow morning. My camera died and when I was charging it the fricking charger wasn't plugged in. I am stupid. Sorry.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

AMRAP in 15 min

Howdy y'all.

Fridays WOD
AMRAP in 15min:
5 strict pull ups
7 ring dips
9 wallballs
11 full ghd back extensions

Reminder CrossFit Vancouver is hosting an event this Saturday that we are all welcome to join in on. They have posted the workouts (there are two, one at 10am and 1 at 2pm) for you to check out. I unfortunetely won't be able to attend because of the boat rentals but Garth will be going and will captain our team and help anybody out that wants to participate. Please RSVP to me asap so I can give them our numbers. go to http://www.crossfit.ca/ to see the workouts.

Beyond The Whiteboard

I am in the middle of beta testing www.beyondthewhiteboard.com for "the Den". This looks to be a fantastic piece of software for us to start integrating into our training. This will replace the front leaderboard and your books. It also has a mobile app so you can enter it into your phone.
Its completely free right now as they are in the testing phase. Please take a few minute and sign yourself up.
Once you have signed up they will send you an activation email. Then once you log back in you are prompted to choose your gym. Search for Crossfit Lions and hit join. A notification will come to me and then I'll accept you in (assuming you have been working hard and training lots lol!!). Each day I will post our workout of the day and we can start to really track the results.
Some of the other benifits are you can keep track of your weight, what you are eating and can compare the benchmark WOD's against other gyms worldwide.
If we get good feedback from this I will have a computer at the front that will be designated for you to enter in this information after your workout. Leave your thoughts on it in the comments.

Finding Friday, this Friday @ The bourbon

Finding Friday, OZ and the Duke band, are playing this Friday at 9:30 at The Bourbon (50 Cordova Street in Gastown). Should be a sick show, so please come out and support. They will be on for approx an hour. Tickets are $10 and you can buy them from me at the gym today and tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This is Fiora ( I hope I spelled that right), Tony's daughter who by the way dropped two bad ass strict pull ups. This is the future of CrossFit Lions, watch out for her boyz.
Thursday's WOD:
75 Power Snatches for time.
Please RSVP to me if you want to go and compete at CrossFit Vancouver this Saturday. They are doing two workouts but you don't have to do both. the workouts will be posted tomorrow and I'll put them on our site when they are. I am not able to attend because of the boat rentals but Garth is going for sure and is going to Captain our team and make sure everyone knows what is going on. Should be lots of fun.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wednesday WOD

Wednesday WOD
5 rounds for time:
10 Front Squat
20 Pull ups
1 building lap

Here is the trailer for the CrossFit documentary that they made at last year CrossFit games. I have a copy of it and am willing to lend it out on single night rentals. I really liked it and if nothing else it gets you fucking pumped for a workout.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Reminder to all the guys to put their lift on the front leaderboard. Even if you sucked ass that day write it down.

Here is AFT aka Brett Marshall of CrossFit Calgary dropping I believe still the known record for Diane.

21 Deadlift
15 Deadlift
9 Deadlift

Deadlift RX weight is 225. For all of us that did HSPU at Knight Riders on Saturday....woops. If you don't have HSPU you will do strict overhead press. Scale the DL as needed.

CrossFit Lions Affilates Cup Challenge

Congradulations to all the competitors and thank you to everyone that chipped in to make last Saturday such a success. I couldn't be happier with the workout, the effort and the event as a whole. It was so proud of all our athletes and the work level they demonstated in an extremely challenging WOD. I would like to congradulated Garth, Kioks and Monkey for all finishing in the top 8 of the male competition and to Dimples who finished first place out of our lady members. I truly believe that we were able to provide the athletes with the best possible surrounding and atmosphere to completed the "Lions Den 250" in the best time possible and that really was my only goal of the day.

A big thank you goes out to my mom for providing us with the burgers, veggies and dip and a few other nick nacks and to Knight Rider for his BBQ and working the grill all day. Thanks a lot. Also thank you to everyone who helped clean up afterwards and to Garth who came in early to help me setup.

Here is the link to all of the photos for that day.

We are sending a team to Aromas to compete in the affiliate cup. Whoever is interested in competing please email me chris@crossfitlions.com to say you would like to go. If we have more people than slots available than I will go to the score board of Saturdays workout to see who gets in. If you didn't do Saturdays WOD you can schedule a time with me to complete it....if you want on the team.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Monday's Workout

I am going to post the results from Saturdays competition and more info on that, Monday including a link to Banana's photos from that day. I think its safe to say it was a huge success.
Monday's Workout:
Clean and Jerk
You are going to be working your way up to your a max clean and jerk. If it takes you ten sets to do it that is great. If you reach it on your 5 set than you will continue to do singles at that weight or below if you start to fail till you have completed 10 singles of the Clean and Jerk.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Affliate Cup Team Trial -- Heats and Rules

Okay everyone I've got the heat sets for tomorrow. First heat will go at 10am. There will be a 35 minute time cap on the workout. The workout is as follows:

"The Lions Den 250"

KB/DB Farmers walk around building (270m) M:35#, F: 20#
5 rounds of 1 hill sprint, then 10 box jumps at top of hill (50 Box Jumps in total) (M:24”,F:20”)
50 pull ups (chin over bar)
50 ring dips
50 hang power cleans (M:95#, F:65#)
50 Wallballs (M:20#, F:12#)
KB/DB Farmers walk around building (270m) M:35#, F:20#

First off a couple notes about the workout. If any of the ladies are doing full pull ups than unless you have done over 15 pull ups in a row, you will only have to complete 25 pull ups. Same thing goes for ring dips. If you are subbing pull ups with jumping pull ups or band pull ups than you have to do the prescribed amount. Same thing goes for dips.
The rest of the particular rules I will go over before your heat begins. You are encouraged to come 30 min prior to your start time to get yourself warmed up. There will be a warm up area out side with a minimal amount of equipment to get loose. There will only be 5 min between when one heat ends and the next begins so please be prompt.

10 am heat
10:40am heat
Steven Bunches
Andy Sac
Pete K
11:20am heat
Connie Chung
12pm heat
Open spot for those who haven't RSVP.

If you are not on this list but would like to compete in the workout, email me at chris@crossfitlions.com or if I have forgotten you.
Reminder to bring some food and booze for the BBQ. I have 40 hamburgers and chicken burgers for everyone but if you want anything else meat wise you will need to bring it. See you at "the Den".

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Friday's WOD -- RSVP for Saturday

First of all if you plan on competing in Saturday's workout you should take a rest day today. Come on in and I'll give you some good stretches if you like, if not enjoy the sunshine. For those of you who aren't working out on Saturday:


150 Wallballs for time.

....if that workout doesn't make all of you take a rest day I don't know what will. Just kidding.


This is a new website launched by Machine at CrossFit Vancouver. She is a competitive weightlifter and one of CrossFit's most knowledgeble nutrition guru's. This new site has a ton of great resources and articles and also gives you the ability to book a consultation and meal plan with Machine. I will be doing this myself and will update you on what I think of it. Below is an article on the importance of protein in your diet.

Article 4-Protein Protein is the primary fuel used to repair cells and enzymes. A meal rich in protein will encourage high adrenaline, norepinephrine levels with consequent high alertness where as a meal rich in simple sugars and low in protein usually increases brain serotonin levels leading to a very replaced or even sleepy state. To maintain your lean muscle mass you should be eating between .7 and 1.5 grams of protein for every lb of lean muscle mass. Meat-While any meat is better than no meat, grass-fed (free range) meat will always be a better choice because it is richer in Omega 3 fatty acids (see article 8), lower in fat (like wild game/bison) and less likely to be tainted with hormones and pesticides. • If you are worried about the saturated fats in Red Meat (which there is a debate as to whether you should be or not-see Article 8) eat: Veal steak, sirloin steak, lean flank steak, skinless turkey and chicken breast, lean tenderloin and lean pork chops and stay away from fattier cuts such as T-bone steak, ground beef, ribs, shoulder roast, wings and thighs. Try to vary it up as often as possible.• Try having red meat first thing in the morning. The androgens in red meat will wake up your receptors and prime your body for both metabolism and muscle growth. You also find that you will stay full for longer than if you were to have some of the more “traditional” breakfast options.• Freezing meets can destroy up to 50% of their content of thianin and riboflavin and 70% of their content of Pantothenic acid.• Warning about lean meats: lean meats pose more of a challenge for your body than fatty meats, although fats have an acidic affect, they leave a neutral ash (see appendix 4-the acid base balance). Lean meats on the other hand not only have an acidifying effect, they leave an acid ash making it harder for your body to digest.• 100g of animal meat=20g proteinFish-Fresh fish has virtually no smell, as soon as it starts to go bad, fish produces a chemical called tri-methylane which gives it the fishy odour. It’s a definite sign of spoilage. The first rule of buying fish is: if it smells, don’t buy it. The next rule is to avoid certain types of fish all together. Avoid sword fish (mercury & PCB Contamination), oysters, mussels & Clams (lad contamination) and yellowfin and big eye tuna (mercury contamination). Also avoid buying fish from polluted areas. Fish from Alaska, Australia and new Zealand tend to be the safest bets.• Best canned fish tends to be wild Alaskan salmon or Albacore (white Tuna). Also try Sardines packed in water as they are higher in calcium and lower in sodium than other canned varieties.Eggs-Many people are concerned about the cholesterol content in eggs but for most healthy people it is not a major concern and actually a necessary component of our diet (see section 2.3). Hard boiled eggs can be an easy to transport protein snack and omelets or poached eggs on fruit are an ideal breakfast. Egg whites can also be easily added to shakes, soups and stews for added protein (although be careful about eating egg whites alone as they can spike insulin levels-see article 11• Modern agriculture has reduced the amount of Omega 3 fatty acids in commercially available eggs. For example, organic eggs from hens allowed to feed on insects and green plants can contain omega 6 and 3 fatty acids in the beneficial ration of approximately 1:1, but commercial supermarket eggs from hens in cages fed mostly grains can contain as much as 19xs more omega 6 than 3. To help counteract this, you can get Omega 3 enriched eggs where the chickens have been fed flax seeds resulting in a much more beneficial ration than commercial eggs. o Be careful about overdoing eggs as they are a common food allergen and food sensitivities can develop overtime (see article 14). Mix it up!o The yolk has nutrients that are denatured when cooked through so eat eggs soft boiled, sunny side up or over easy when you can.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

NEW VIDEO -- Thursday WOD

"The Chief" from CrossFit Lions on Vimeo.

Enjoy Banana's new CrossFit Lions video. Please leave feedback on comments. Reminder to RSVP for the event this Saturday. First heat will go at 10am and party should begin around noon. Also bring your own meat/food and drinks. I wanted to keep this event free of charge so we all need to pitch together for a potluck lunch.

Thursday WOD:

Max reps of Push Press in 20min. Each time you have to rack the bar you have to do 20 situps before you can begin your next set. The bar can rest on your front rack position but you can not rest it on the shoulders (ie. in the back squat position). Most reps wins.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 6th Workout announced -- Wed WOD

“Lions Den 250”
DB/KB Farmers walk around building (270m) M:35#, F: 20#
-5 rounds of 1 hill sprint, then 10 box jumps at top of hill (50 Box Jumps in total) (M:24”,F:20”)
-50 pull ups (chin over bar)
-50 ring dips
-50 hang power cleans (M:95#, F:65#)
-50 Wallballs (M:20#, F:12#)
DB Farmers walk around building (270m) M:35#, F:20#

Reminder you need to rsvp to chris@crossfitlions.com if you want to participate. There is no cost and all athletes are welcome. First heat will begin at 10am on Saturday morning. Please bring some food and beers/drinks for the BBQ afterwards.

Wednesday WOD:
Back Squat
I want at least 5 sets of these doubles to be challenging. All we are doing is squating today so lets make it count.

Monday, June 1, 2009

DB Split Clean WOD

I wanted to take a moment and congradulate Annabelle aka Boomer for all the hard work and gains she has seen since starting with CrossFit Lions. Boomer, I have never been so proud as a coach. The last three WOD's you have done have been outstanding and you really have turned a corner in your training. I can't wait to see how far you can go with it. Boomer by the way came in second out of the ladies today and dropped her 60m Sprint by 1 full second.

Also I would like to give props to Kioks who finished 7th at the half Knacker this Sunday which is a 25Km trail run that goes from Grouse mountain to Deep Cove. Not only has Eric not run anything close to 10k in the last six months he also showed up on race day with 2 hrs sleep and a good hangover. Well done Kioks. This is also why I gave him a little leniency on the depth of his squat jumps today.

Tuesday WOD:

5 rounds for time of:
1200# DB Split Clean
21 Pull ups

You must choose whatever weight you want in the DB but will do the corresponding amount of reps nessesary to get 1200# worth of lifting. You will divide it by the total weigh of the DB (ie. if you chose the 20# DB you will divide 1200 by 40. If this aint clear don't worry just come on it and do it.

Max Gagne Crossfit 2009 Qualifier WOD2 from Max Gagne on Vimeo.

This is a video of Max who trains at Crossfit Vancouver and who I believe will be coming to our event on Saturday doing one of the last chance qualifier workouts for the CrossFit Games Mens individual competition. Good luck Maximus.

Tabata From Hell

Tech: 3 60m sprints ( we will take the best time)
WOD: Tabata From Hell
20 sec of work followed by 10 sec of rest for 8 rounds per exercise. We will also rest for 1 min between exercises.
-KB Swings
-Jumping Squats