Thursday, October 22, 2009

Gi Jane

Power Clean 3,3,2,2,1
"GI Jane"
100 burpee pullups for time
Whoever wins this workout on the ladies side has to shave their head after the class. That is just how it goes I am afraid. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dear Crossfit Lions...

    I am afraid i have lost my way. i dont know if you remember me, but i stopped coming there about 3-4 weeks ago. i used to get off work early and go straight to the gym... excited, invigorated, enthusiastic.

    Now, i take the long way home so i dont need to drive right past the gym....the guilt...the shame. My cowlick has gotten larger and my jeans tighter.

    i want to start anew. a fresh start. a new outlook. i need inspiration. encouragement.

    im afraid i wont be able to do a pullup, tie my shoes, or wear the right colored socks.

    will i be rejected by the pride? or will you share the dead antelope carcass with me? we will soon find out.

    stay tuned as i believe my re-birth begins November 1st...

    with love, hate, anger, jealousy and laziness.

    Christopher Knightrider.

  2. Really looking forward to getting client #1 back into the swing of things. Why don't we start on Monday or even tomorrow, instead of Nov 1st. Don't worry I'll give you the kids workout for the first few....oh yeah its on mother fucker.

  3. "I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself.
    I once saw a frozen bird, and to his day I've never felt sorry fot it."
